If you don't come, you might not only catch snakes, but even get fat!

Hua Ye coughed lightly, feeling that he should pull his hand out before explaining. The current posture is really too bad.

With a slight movement of his finger, he shook the little snake unconscious, lest it violently bite the black-bellied girl.

Rafael couldn't help but uttered an incomparably alluring moan again.


After seeing himself appear, Hua Ye not only didn't get up, but his right hand was still touching under Raphael's skirt, Machiko couldn't hold back the tears at last.

The whole person already looked broken.

"M-Ming just touched my breasts and buttocks, and my mother asked me to call you home for dinner. Doing this kind of thing to classmate Bai Yu today, you, how hungry are you!"

"It's fine to keep it from me, I've been standing here, and I still refuse to stop... What do you think of me!"

"What kind of existence am I to you?"

"It's so uncomfortable, it's so uncomfortable, my stomach is so uncomfortable, my eyes are so uncomfortable, and my heart is so uncomfortable..."

Machiko bit her lower lip hard, turned around and ran away quickly, Hua Ye clearly saw the crystal tears overflowing from the corner of her eyes.

"Stop! See clearly before you cry!" Hua Ye couldn't help shouting.

Machiko's blackening is not terrible, but Hua Ye is more worried about her mother, maybe she will come over lightly with a hatchet, and then cut five times a second!

If Machiko is allowed to run away crying, I always feel that tomorrow's news headlines will become headlines like "A Teenager Was Tragedy by His Mother-In-Law"!


After being shouted at by Hua Ye, Machiko subconsciously stopped.

She turned her head to look at Hua Ye, with a look of grievance on her face, you have never spoken to me in this tone before...

After recovering, his eyes were so shocked that he subconsciously forgot to cry.

"Ju, you still want me to see clearly?!"

"Although those light novels that like to play around the edges often have similar plots, such as boys bullying a girl, and then let her girlfriends peek at it..."

"But that's too nasty!"

"Why does classmate Hua Ye have such a bad sexual fetish?"

"It's scary, it's scary, it's scary, it's scary, it's scary, it's scary..."

"Yes, sorry!!"

Machiko's lips trembled, her face showed a frightened expression as if her world view had collapsed, she kept shaking her head, every strand of her hair exuded weakness and grievance, she said in a crying voice, "I, I still can't accept this kind of thing, let me Just be alone..."

I'm so wronged now, I feel as if I'm about to explode, how could I still stay here and watch you guys do that kind of thing!


Why are you crying? If your mother was here, she might have raised the hatchet with a smile and asked in a light tone: "Do you want to cut one piece or two pieces"!

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and turned to look at Rafael.

Hey, don't keep silent, explain quickly!

However, after meeting Hua Ye's eyes, the black-bellied girl hurriedly turned her head away, and even raised a hand to cover her face, as if to cover up the pink lingering charm on her face...

Could it be that he was shy because he was caught by Machiko?

No, no.

If you were so thin-skinned, you wouldn't like tax evasion and immorality.

That is to say... Is it related to the few accidental touches I just had?

"Well, sure enough, the chain is lost at a critical moment, and it is not reliable at all."

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, knowing that he couldn't count on this black-bellied girl.

He took a deep breath, and finally caught the naughty little snake from under Rafael's skirt, then stood up, strode up to Machiko whose tears were streaming down her cheeks, and directly grabbed the other's wrist , Shen Sheng said: "See clearly, it's a snake! It's this snake! I didn't do that kind of thing!"

Hua Ye raised the little snake in front of Machiko, and said:

"The snake crawled under her skirt just now. She was too afraid to catch it, so please help me. I'm just catching the snake. Otherwise, instead of squatting, she would sit on me!"


Machiko opened her eyes wide in astonishment, wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, and carefully looked at the green snake in Hua Ye's hand before finally realizing it.

A blush of shame suddenly appeared on the pale and bloodless pretty face, and the dark, straight girl hurriedly shook her head: "You, you don't need to explain to me..."

Hua Ye squinted and said expressionlessly:

"If you don't explain, you will definitely hide in a corner where no one is around, and cry for a long time by yourself, right?"


Having been punctured, Machiko couldn't help blushing: "No way..."

Not yet, I couldn't stop crying just now!

"Student Baiyu, you, are you alright?" Machiko walked to Raphael and asked in a low voice, "Did you get bitten by that snake just now?"

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