Satania raised her hand: "But what's the use of the number?"

"The numbers represent the order." Rafael blinked with a smile, and explained, "The girl who changed the number came from behind and disrupted Hua Ye's deployment, so she became the final winner."


Sure enough, this black-bellied girl would not be able to tell any horror stories. On the contrary, that idiot Satania used her mobile phone to find a ghost story related to the bathroom, which shocked everyone.

After playing around, before I knew it, it was already ten o'clock.

The rain outside had stopped, but there was still no call.

The two candles were about to burn out, and only a faint flame was still flickering.

"Okay, let's go to bed, shall we?" Wei Nai raised her hand to cover her mouth, and yawned softly.

Kang Na leaned on Hua Ye's shoulder, her little head bit by bit, obviously dozing off.

"Good night then..."

After saying goodnight, the candle was blown out by the housekeeper, and the living room was quickly plunged into darkness.

Hua Ye lay down and suddenly realized that he couldn't sleep.

When I breathed, I could smell the fragrance of shampoo in the air, mixed in the air, it smelled very good, and besides Kang Na who was asleep, everyone else was still talking, but the voice was much quieter.

At this time, a hand suddenly reached out quietly from the darkness.

Slender and slender fingers touched Hua Ye's arm, and then held Hua Ye's hand firmly.

Chapter 430

The hand stretched out from the darkness, the fingers were slender and slender, full of elasticity and smoothness, like warm jade.

It can't be Kang Na in the first place.

Although he had never held the blue-eyed baby dragon's hand, it could be seen from the short fleshy legs that the hand was definitely fleshy, and the size was not right at all.

And it won't be Gabriel and Wei Nai. I have held them so many times, and I feel that I have already remembered them in my heart.

Satania and Liuhua?

The silly laughter full of vitality was a little far away from him.

Machiko would definitely not have such courage...

So after much deliberation, it can only be you!

Hua Ye turned his head to look, just in time to meet a pair of bright and moist clear eyes.

"Student Hua Ye's hands are so big~~"

Hua Ye was speechless: "Why did you sleep next to Kang Na?"

Rafael blinked, smiled happily, and whispered: "But there is no rule that everyone can only sleep on their own bedding? I took advantage of the time to blow out the candles, and sneaked here first."

Hua Ye slept on the outermost side, separated by the blue-eyed young dragon Kangna. The third seat was supposed to be Wei Nai, but was it snatched by you, a vile angel?

This dark-bellied girl turned her body sideways, with her face resting on the pillow, revealing a slender, fair neck and a beautifully curved and delicate collarbone. Her bright and moist eyes looked at Hua Ye, full of joy inside, and the corners of her thin lips were also light. It is slightly upturned, evoking a happy arc, like a hamster who has successfully eaten melon seeds.

Then her long silver hair flowed like mercury, scattered on the pillow, with a touch of laziness on her face... When she was not talking, she was really pretty.

Hua Ye snorted softly, and was about to pull out his hand.

I pulled it out, but it didn't come out.

Another pump, but the black-bellied girl gripped her even tighter.


Rafael stretched out a slender finger, put it on his lips, and made a silent gesture, his long eyelashes trembled slightly, and there was a smile in his eyes, "Student Hua Ye, please be quiet, don't be disturbed by others." People see it."


Seeing your sister, is your identity and object wrong?Why did you grab me and hold on to me!


"Let go quickly." Hua Ye hummed softly.

"No." La Feier puffed up her cheeks, "Obviously I did it first, but classmate Hua Ye actually went to play with Xiaojia, and he didn't want to play with me..."

Your sister, if you continue talking, you will overturn the car!First of all, pinching is not playing, and then don't omit the feet on purpose, it sounds terrible to the extreme!

"Anyway, I won't let it go, and I must make it up before going to bed." The black-bellied girl blinked her eyes and smiled happily, "And the feeling of doing this kind of thing with Hua Ye behind their backs... super exciting! (* ^▽^*)"


You immoral angel, black-bellied girl, tax evader!It's completely hopeless!

After a while, the sound of the lying-down meeting gradually quieted down, and the sound of even breathing began to rise and fall one after another.

"Hey, student Hua Ye, good night~~"

Rafael's eyelashes trembled slightly, she said good night, and finally she was willing to let go of Hua Ye's hand.

Hua Ye snorted softly, looked away, and slowly closed his eyes.


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