Rafael stretched out a finger and said, "Ann, they are all from my own family, and I won't favor one over another."



After eating the buffet, everyone walked to the hotel in groups of three and four.

Although most of the people are in high spirits and want to take advantage of their interest to play in this moonlit town, it is a pity that under the caring, iron-fisted, quiet and lovely dictatorship, no one dares to take a step beyond the thunder, so they can only sigh and feel guilty. Aggrieved, I went back to the hotel.

The last of the line.

Wei Nai walked beside Hua Ye, staring straight ahead, then whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Next time, don't say such things in front of Lafite and the others..."


"I'll be teased by Lafite... as a joke."

You mean teasing, right?

But what you don't know is that that dark-bellied angel who likes to be immoral is attacking me where you and Gabriel can't see! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Hua Ye cleared his throat and said:

"Then about the movie you promised last time..."

Wei Nai puffed up her pink cheeks, and stared at her with bright eyes: "It's obviously something I promised when I was drunk, how can it be counted?"

Hua Ye retorted: "But I remember a saying called telling the truth after drinking."

"Okay, okay, I promise it..." Wei Nai rolled his eyes at him, and said in a low voice: "The summer vacation is coming soon, let's go together after the summer vacation..."

Hey, you actually agreed?

The sun is out in the west.

Aren't you afraid that I will hold your hand again in the movie theater, so you have been refusing to agree?

Wei Nai smiled slyly, and blinked at Hua Ye:

"But it's not the two of us, we went with Xiaojia and the others, and Nitro, we made an appointment to play together..."

Just knew it would be like this!


After returning to the hotel, everyone went back to their rooms. After all, the weather was very hot today, and after walking for so long, there was a layer of sweat all over their bodies, which was sticky and uncomfortable. They urgently needed to take a bath.

The furnishings in the room are elegant and simple, in a typical Japanese style. There are no complicated furniture and accessories, just tatami mats on the floor, and a small wooden coffee table with purple clay teapots and teacups on it. There is also a bunk with a neatly stacked duvet cover and pillows, and a wall-mounted TV for lounging.

Hua Ye put down his backpack, took out a change of clothes from it, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After I came out, I played with my mobile phone for a while, and before I knew it, it was nine o'clock.

The sky has completely darkened, only the watery moonlight is quietly falling, coating everything with a hazy silver frost.

The town was very quiet, only the chirping of insects and frogs, but no human voice, not even the hum of cars.

In fact, except for big cities like Kyoto, small towns with a population of less than a thousand people are relatively backward, and the pace of life is slow and leisurely. Will be boring.


Hua Ye, who was about to close the window to rest, suddenly raised his eyebrows, and stared at the darkness outside the window.

A figure quietly passed the corner of the room.

Her black hair was draped over her shoulders, setting off her fair and delicate facial features and petite figure. She was clearly a Gothic girl.

It's not appropriate to describe it as a girl.

Because the other party has passed the shelf life of the girl.

It can be called "fake loli" or "legitimate loli", and they don't have to bear legal responsibility.

It was the art teacher who had a big problem, Ai Igarashi.

"What is this guy doing going out so late?"

Hua Ye thought for a while and followed silently.

This legal loli sneaked into the school as an art teacher, obviously with a plan. As for how to deal with her later, it depends on what she wants to do.

Following along the way, Ai Igarashi naturally didn't notice it, and floated to a gazebo outside the hotel.

Then Hua Ye was speechless.

Because in the gazebo, apart from a woman who was waiting quietly, there was actually a round table and an armchair. On the table was an antique teapot and a cup of teacup with smoky smoke.

And then Igarashi actually sat there, drinking black tea gracefully!

You cheating father, are you sneaking out in the middle of the night just to drink black tea? Are you like Satania, who will die if you don’t drink black tea!

As Ai Igarashi walked into the gazebo, the woman who looked like a subordinate retreated silently, standing at the foot of the steps and waiting quietly.

Hua Ye originally thought that this pseudo-loli had a cold and arrogant temper and would not allow others to get too close, but after she drank the black tea and stood up, she finally understood her intention...Because she was too short, she had to stand on the stairs, To offset the height difference between the two.

Looking condescendingly at the woman under the steps, Ai Igarashi nodded in satisfaction, and asked, "That thing didn't show up, did it?"

"No," replied the woman, "but tomorrow is the last day, and it will surely appear."

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