Chapter 334 Gabriel's Exclusive Feeding Officer

This black-bellied angel harassed Hua Ye for a while, and actually leaned on Hua Ye's shoulder and fell asleep peacefully. He didn't wake up until he was about to get off the tram.


There was a greasy sound of satisfaction in his mouth, and his long eyelashes trembled slightly. Rafael slowly opened his eyes, and said with a smile, "Thank you for your hospitality."

Who entertained you, you guys took the initiative to come up to it, but in the end you couldn't push it away.

"It turns out that the smell of classmate Hua Ye has the effect of promoting sleep..."

In that case, you should still pay me.

Rafael puffed up her pink cheeks slightly:

"It's a pity that Xiaojia and Wei Nai are about to wake up, so I can only find a chance to get close to classmate Hua Ye next time..."

You immoral angel!Hobbies are too bad!

At this time, Wei Nai and the others also woke up one after another. The black-bellied girl didn't go too far, and sat quietly at the terminal.

After playing for two days in a row, everyone was a little tired and planned to go home to rest.

But before leaving, Wei Nai did not forget to say:

"By the way, everyone, don't forget to finish your homework, the teacher will check it tomorrow morning..."

"Hmph." Satania pinched her waist with one hand and said, "Not doing homework is what the real devil does. It's a sin..."

Wei Nai complained expressionlessly: "Then just don't cry when you are punished to stand tomorrow."

"Who, who cried!" Satania blushed, "I never cried!"

Wei Nai looked at Gabriel again, and said seriously:

"And Xiaojia too. I will definitely not lend you my homework tomorrow. Homework is only meaningful if you do it yourself."


Gabriel blinked her eyes, indicating that she heard it.

However, the indifferent look in her eyes proves that she is fearless... because, ah, Wei Nai can't stop herself from being cute!

Wei Nai twitched the corner of her mouth, covering her forehead helplessly:

"Okay, let's leave..."

After saying goodbye to each other, Wei Nai looked at Hua Ye again: "Student Hua Ye, you can send Kang Na home."

In fact, there is no need to send it at all, right?

Even if they are kidnapped, ordinary people can't afford to support them. The owners of those two buffet restaurants are a lesson from the past.


"Master Xiaoye, welcome back!"

The door opened with a "click", and the maid Long Tor jumped out, still wearing that decent maid outfit, with a strand of golden long hair hanging from her ears, leaning forward and grinning in welcome.

"Master Thor." Kang Na raised her face and shouted softly.

Thor giggled: "Welcome Kang Na-chan home too."

"Yeah." Kang Na nodded lightly, and rushed to hug Thor, looking more and more cute and naive.

Xiao Lin was sitting on the sofa watching TV, when he heard the movement, he also turned around and shouted: "Xiao Ye and Kang Na are back, come in and sit down."


Hua Ye responded, changed his slippers at the entrance, and walked into the room.

In fact, he didn't want to come up at first, as long as he sent the blue-eyed young dragon downstairs in the community, there was no need to send it upstairs at all, but Wei Nai and Rafael both had small gifts for him to pass on, so it was not necessary. Don't come up in person.

Hua Ye glanced across the room, and saw two empty beer bottles on the table, and a box of half-eaten fried chicken cutlets, while Xiao Lin's face was flushed slightly drunk, and his wine-red hair was scattered on his shoulders. Compared with the usual Sanwu, she is a bit more feminine... Obviously in the "Drunken Lich King" mode.

So it’s hard to have a weekend holiday. If you don’t go out to exercise and breathe fresh air, why do you stay at home drinking beer and eating fried chicken? Life is too depraved! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

"Xiaoye, here it is."

Thor took a bottle of juice drink from the refrigerator and handed it to Hua Ye.

Hua Ye nodded slightly and reached out to take it.

"Hey, Xiao Ye." Sure enough, Xiao Lin pushed his glasses and asked jokingly, "There is no 'life'?"


Hua Ye's face darkened, and he almost burst the juice drink in his hand.

Your sister, your so-called "human life" is not a serious thing, right?

Let’s not say that I didn’t do anything, even if I did, it’s impossible to kill people in two days, what about your common sense of physiology!

"Xiao Ye, it's too early for you to have children..." Xiao Lin said earnestly.

"This is a gift for going out to play!"

With a dark face, Hua Ye interrupted Xiao Lin's drunken slander, took out a few gifts from his bag, mostly snacks and other local products, and handed them to Xiao Lin and Thor respectively.

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