The glasses girl plucked up her courage and shouted, "The child is innocent!"

Jing Keai was taken aback, and said in surprise: "What child?"

"It's just you and classmate Hua Ye's child!"


Jing Keai took a sip of tea and sprayed it out, raised her hand to cover her mouth, and coughed uncontrollably.

Hua Ye's face darkened, "I didn't."

Your uncle!What the hell is a child, I have never touched this young woman who hates marrying at an older age, how did she conceive it!

The glasses girl bit her lower lip, "It's time like this, classmate Hua Ye should admit it..."

Admit a ghost!It has nothing to do with me at all, so admit it and be taken advantage of!And Teacher Jing has nothing in her stomach, how did you know she was pregnant!

Hua Ye's face turned even darker: "I haven't done it."

"Cough cough." Jing Keai raised her hand to cover her mouth, and finally breathed out, "Beitano, did you misunderstand something?"

"There is no misunderstanding." The glasses girl shook her head, "I heard it just now..."

As he spoke, he clenched his fists and looked at Hua Ye with an expression of a courtier admonishing the emperor, "Student Hua Ye, you, you must be responsible to Teacher Jing."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Come here."

Did you know that there is a special crime of defamation in the law?

Before talking nonsense, be prepared to be punished!

"You really misunderstood." Jing Keai put one hand on the back of the sofa, and couldn't help complaining, "Teacher, how could I like this little devil?"

Hua Ye turned his head to look: "Who do you say is the little devil?"

"You are the one."

"come here."

"Let me go and I'll go, the teacher doesn't want to lose face."


"Eh?" The lady with glasses didn't care about the bickering between the two, she opened her eyes and said, "But, but just now, Teacher Jing said to go to the hospital for an examination..."

"I was injured, and I went to the hospital to check the wound." Jing Keai said directly, "It has nothing to do with the child at all."

Seeing that Kitano Haruka was still skeptical, Jing Keai gritted her silver teeth and said, "I was scratched by a mouse that night and wounded on my chest. I didn't have the nerve to tell this kid at the time, but the mouse turned out to be poisonous!"

Not to mention guinea pigs, hamsters, and bamboo rats, gray mice are really disgusting. Not only are they disgusting, but they also carry a lot of germs. The terrible Black Death that broke out in the Middle Ages in Europe is one of the catastrophes in history caused by rats.

That night in the amusement park, when Jing Keai signed the contract with the mountain god Shi Changji, she was attacked by the traitor Shu Lao Ba, and her chest was accidentally scratched. Jing Keai didn't care at the time, but after returning home, she found that her body was getting more and more uncomfortable .

I went to the hospital for an examination, and the results of the examination came out very quickly. There are many kinds of bacterial infections similar to tetanus. The doctor has no good way, and can only do conservative treatment...

Seeing this scene, of course Jing Keai left the hospital without saying a word.

I have never eaten pork, but I have always seen pigs run away. Tetanus is a disease that cannot be cured in the hospital. Even if it can be cured, it will take half my life. Go ask the mountain god Shi Changji, as long as you squeeze a drop of mountain god's blood, any negative status can be lifted, right?

The glasses girl blinked her eyes, and said pitifully, "Mr. Jing, is it true?"

"Come and see for yourself."

Jing Keai didn't explain any more, and directly proved herself with actions. She reached out and unbuttoned the pajamas, and then took off the pajamas directly.

Such a "bold and unrestrained" move, and the contrast between the black bra and the white and straight, made the glasses girl's cheeks turn red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Glancing quietly at Hua Ye, seeing that Hua Ye's face was calm, without any blush, Kitano Haruka breathed a sigh of relief, but couldn't help but think wildly.

(Student Hua Ye's face is really thick.)

Jing Keai waved her hand and said, "Your boy also come here."

Hua Ye walked up to Jing Keai.

Snow-white and slender neck, round and lovely collarbone, white skin like jade, and tall and straight under the black bra... If you change the place, it is easy to think of a bad plot.

It's a pity that Jing's cute style of painting obviously doesn't match!

With an upright sitting posture, sharp eyes, thin lips tightly pursed, not only is there no shyness on the face, but it looks like Guan Erye who is waiting to scrape the bone to heal the poison, the big horse golden knife, full of aura!


After getting closer, the glasses girl sniffed her nose and found a strange smell in the air.

It smelled like ointment, mixed with a strange smell, but it didn't smell good anyway.

Jing Keai said, "I didn't lie to you, did I?"

"No." The glasses girl hurriedly shook her head, blushing and said, "I misunderstood..."

Then he turned his head and bowed to Hua Ye, "Yes, I'm sorry, Hua Ye, I misunderstood you."

Hua Ye remained expressionless and did not speak.

If an apology works, what else do the police do?

Just now I made myself responsible for the older young women who hate marrying, don't just give up, if you don't listen to the explanation, you are already doomed to be punished!

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