"Just try..."

Halfway through the conversation, Alice braked forcibly, and finally swallowed 'try it', she really didn't dare to say that, when Lafite was washing in the bathroom that day, when she was bullied by the big facial paralysis, it was because she said If you say 'try it, try it', you will be stripped of your fat times!

With a big facial paralysis, shameless and shameless, as long as you dare to try, you will really slap yourself, right?

Thinking of the terrifying and ferocious boa constrictor she saw in the bathroom that night, Alice froze straight away. If you let that kind of thing mess around, you will die, right?

"Who would do that kind of thing to you!" Alice blushed, clenched her fists and shouted, "Give me a little more!"

Hua Ye remained silent, turned around and prepared to leave.

"Where are you going?" Alice grabbed Hua Ye's sleeve.

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "Go back to class."

The class bell is about to ring. As a student, of course I have to go back to class. Could it be possible that I have been standing at the door of the bathroom chatting with you!

Only then did Alice realize that it was getting late, so she hurriedly got down to business, "You didn't tell anyone about what happened that afternoon, did you?"

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "You mean about treating a cold?"

"Just know it, don't say it!" The short bean clenched his silver teeth and said with a flushed face, "What if someone overhears you?"

Hua Ye said speechlessly: "Doctors are not afraid of being seen when they treat patients. How can they be afraid of being heard?"

"Cure you!" Alice opened her mouth, and couldn't help complaining in her heart, "Are you an idiot! Any doctor who dares to treat patients in this way will definitely be arrested by the police!"

The school bell rings.

Hua Ye turned around and said, "Go back."

"You haven't said whether you have told others."

Hua Ye said, "No."

"That's good." Alice snorted softly, turned her head and said, "Forget about that matter completely, and don't tell anyone who asks."


"We will be strangers from now on!"



Seeing Hua Ye agreeing so straightforwardly, the short bean was a little unhappy.

There is no expression of hesitation at all, and you don't take me to heart at all, right?

Scum, scum, super scum with facial paralysis!

Seeing the teacher coming out of the office, Alice came back to her senses and hurried into the classroom.


After school in the afternoon.

Hua Ye was talking to Wei Nai about whether to go to the rehearsal of Kang Na's play, when the girl with glasses, Kitano Haruka suddenly walked over, blushing, and said cautiously: "That, that, student Hua Ye...can you come over?"

Chapter 1506 The correct way to remove poison

"Yao-chan has something to look for you." Wei Nai stopped, seeing the expression on the glasses girl's face, she pursed her pink lips, and cast a subtle look at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye said decisively, "I haven't."

All must be included, excluding this super weak girl with glasses, seeing me is as good as a mouse seeing a cat!

"Who doubts you?" Wei Nai's pretty face blushed, and she stretched out her hand to gently push Hua Ye, "Hurry up."

Hua Ye walked to Kitano Haruka: "What's the matter?"

"Well, Teacher Jing just sent me a message..." The glasses girl looked up timidly, blushing and whispered, "I want us to go to her apartment."

Hua Ye said, "What are you doing at the apartment?"

"It seems to be related to illness..."

If you are sick, you can go to see a doctor, and you can drive a sports car worth tens of millions, not to mention that you can’t pay for hospitalization!

Hua Ye turned to look at Wei Nai.

"I'm going back. We'll talk about Kang Na-chan's rehearsal tomorrow." Wei Nai waved her hand and said, "Yao-chan, see you tomorrow."

Kitano Haruka nodded quickly: "Vina-chan, see you tomorrow."

Hua Ye withdrew his gaze and said, "Let's go."


Huaye and Kitano Haruka went to Jingai's apartment once, and that time because Jingai's waist was so painful that she couldn't move.


"Did you flash your waist again?"

It's a normal operation for the elderly to hate marrying young women because of their muscles and bones.

"Huh?" The glasses girl was taken aback, and whispered, "I don't know, Teacher Jing didn't tell me..."

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