Wei Nai was taken aback, took out her phone, turned on the flashlight, and checked the switch on the wall, "There is no problem with the switch, could it be that the chandelier is broken?"

Wei Nai walked into the kitchen, pressed the light switch in the kitchen again, it was still dark, and checked the WiFi indicator light at home, Wei Nai quickly confirmed that there was indeed a problem with the power supply.

The lights in the neighbor’s house next door are bright, and it’s obvious that only my own house is out of power. I don’t know if it’s an aging line or a tripping problem. I can only ask the landlord to deal with it tomorrow. There is no way.

A burst of cold spread up from the feet.

Wei Nai shuddered slightly, the temperature in the room was very low, no electricity meant that the air conditioner could not be used, that is to say... only by shaking to keep warm.

at the same time.

The phone beeped a low battery alarm.

Wei Nai looked down at the reminder on the phone, feeling a little headache. She doesn't use her phone much at ordinary times, she only needs to charge it for a while before going to bed. Now the battery of the phone is too low. If you don't turn off the flashlight function, it will run out of power and turn off after a while. up.

"Things that need light... such as candles."

Wei Nai thought about it, and quickly dismissed the idea of ​​borrowing candles from the neighbor's house, unless she had to, she didn't want to bother others.

Rubbing her fingers that were starting to tingle due to the cold, Wei Nai turned off the flashlight, used the faint light of the phone screen to illuminate the road, and was about to put on her shoes and go out.

"Go to the convenience store and buy some candles..."

Power outages happen only twice a year. Naturally, there are no candles in the house. In fact, Wei Nai can also undo the seal and turn back into a demon body. In that way, the ability of "dark vision" can be activated, and you can see things in the dark , but try to avoid using power in the human world... Besides, it's just a power outage, not that much yet.

Walking to the entrance, Wei Nai was bending over to tie her shoelaces, when there was a sudden knock on the door unhurriedly.

"Huh?" Wei Nai raised her head and frowned slightly, "It's so late, knowing that the room is dark, but I deliberately knocked on the door..."

Thinking of this, Wei Nai's eyes lit up, she stood up and opened the door.

"You haven't gone back yet, what are you doing here?" Wei Nai raised her hand and pinned a strand of hair behind her ear, annoyed slightly.

Hua Ye said: "When I walked halfway, I looked back and saw that the light in your room hadn't been turned on."

Wei Nai bit her pink lips, and said helplessly: "Suddenly the power went out, I don't know why, I was going to the convenience store to buy some candles..."

"Hey, that's right." Wei Nai's eyes lit up, "Can you fix the circuit?"

Hua Ye shook his head and said, "No."

"Forget it." Wei Nai bent down and continued to tie her shoelaces, "Let's go to the convenience store to buy candles."

"No need to buy it."

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand, snapped his fingers, and the room suddenly became bright again.

"Eh?" Wei Nai raised her pretty face and asked in surprise, "What is this?"

Hua Ye said calmly: "I said there must be light, and there will naturally be light."


Looking at the suddenly bright apartment, Wei Nai squinted her eyes and said expressionlessly: "This kind of thing can be solved with a snap of your fingers, and you still say you don't know how to repair circuits?"

In Wei Nai's eyes, Hua Ye is actually almost omnipotent. Such a powerful guy actually said that he can't repair circuits?

I don't believe it at all, okay?

Electrician knowledge is not a state secret, I searched a lot on the Internet, and with Hua Ye's inherent protection of photographic memory and comprehension, he must be a top electrician!

Hua Ye looked away: "Let professional people come for special work."

"Okay, it's none of your business." Wei Nai said disgustedly, "You can go back."

Hua Ye didn't speak, closed the door casually, and began to take off his shoes.

"You, what are you doing?" Wei Nai became vigilant.

Hua Ye said: "The lighting problem is only solved, the power supply has not been restored. It will be very cold at night without air conditioning, right?"

Wei Nai said, "It's not cold."

Hua Ye grabbed Wei Nai's hand, "Your hand tells me that you are cold."


"I won't go back." Hua Ye said directly, "I'll rest at your place at night, and help you keep warm by the way."

"Who used you to help keep warm." Wei Nai's pretty face flushed, and she couldn't help complaining, "The temperature is only zero degrees. If you are in Antarctica, wouldn't you be able to live?"

"To be precise, it's minus one degree now." Hua Ye corrected, "With your body heat, you won't be able to cover the bed for an hour."


Wei Nai is speechless. Even with the air conditioner on, it takes a long time to warm the bed at night. Before coming to the human world, Wei Nai lived in hell near a lava field, and the temperature is hot all year round, so she tolerated the low temperature and cold winter in the human world. worst.

"If you don't go back, Xiaojia will know, right?" Wei Nai put on a pretty face.

"If you know it, you know it." Hua Ye turned his head to look, puzzled, "Is there anything embarrassing about it?"

There is no problem kissing you in front of that useless angel, there is no such thing as shame.

Wei Nai: "..."

How thick-skinned you are to be able to say this with confidence!The human record has been refreshed, and it can be selected for the Guinness Book of World Records!


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