time flies.

On Sunday, Hua Ye bid farewell and left.

"Master, welcome home."

Ilya, who was dressed as a maid, stood behind the door and bowed.

Hua Ye walked into the room, and with a glance, he saw four girls neatly lying on the kotatsu.

The first is Gabriel, who is wearing a red sweatshirt. She has not been at home for the past two days. This useless angel has completely degenerated, to the point where yin and yang are reversed, and day and night are indistinguishable—it doesn’t matter whether it’s morning or evening, sleep when you’re sleepy, and there’s no breakfast or lunch. Concept, eat when you are hungry!

"Brave, you are back."

Liuhua lay on the kotatsu, the stupid hair on the top of her head swayed slightly, a red mark was pressed on her small face, and she muttered, "I've been sealed, the brave come and save me."

You can't save it, keep sealing it, you are not the only one who was sealed by the furnace, it will save you troubles if you seal it!

And then there is Lafite, this black-bellied girl propping up her chin with one hand, looking over pitifully, and signaling with her eyes: "Boyfriend, I'm sick."


Before Hua Ye could ask, the last person jumped up from the kotatsu, "Puyo Puyo" ran over and hugged Hua Ye's arm, causing Hua Ye's arm to fall into a soft, full of tenderness. Looking forward to say: "Xiaoye Xiaoye, I want to eat something delicious!"

The expression full of anticipation is like a dog waiting to be fed.

Hua Ye said blankly: "No."

"No!" Elma said pitifully, if there was a tail behind her, it would have been wagging by now, "It's been a long, long time since I ate the food made by Xiaoye, I'm going to die!"

The last person is the big-breasted dragon girl Elma. This dragon girl wears flat glasses on the bridge of her nose and a small suit, but she has taken it off and put it aside. She only has a fluffy vest on her body now. In the process of running, there was a very obvious "puyo puyo" sound. Fortunately, there was no one else in the room, and the willpower was slightly unstable, and it would be affected by the magic sound!

Hua Ye said, "Only half a month."

"Half, half a month has been super long!" Elma puffed up her cheeks and said, "There are only twelve months in a year, and there are not many times...I want you to go to Italy to play last week. Go after it!"

With Elma's flying speed, it only takes half an hour to cross the Pacific Ocean and fly to the Mediterranean Sea. Of course, Gabriel can move quickly, so this dragon lady can also teleport instantly, but teleportation requires coordinates , it is easy to cause problems without coordinates.

"Xiaoye, shall we go grocery shopping?" Elma looked expectant.

Hua Ye said, "I'll go later."

Elma said, "How long is the wait?"


You have too many questions, just wait honestly!

Hua Ye said with a blank expression: "Spicy tofu and steak at noon, you can choose the same."

"Ehhh?" Elma immediately let go of Hua Ye, stretched out her hands, with a particularly embarrassed look on her face, "I want to eat mapo tofu... I want to eat steak too... What, what should I do? Which one should I choose?" ?”

As a terminal patient with difficulty in choosing, the way to deal with Erma is super simple. Throwing her a choice between the two can keep her quiet for more than ten minutes!

Hua Ye walked over to Lafite and sat down.

"Mr. Facial Paralysis." The dark-bellied girl looked over pitifully, covered her cheeks with one hand, and said with a super wronged expression of being bullied, "It hurts."

Before, she was smiling and talking, but in a blink of an eye, she turned into a pitiful and aggrieved appearance. The rapid change made Liuhua dumbfounded.

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "Your mouth hurts?"

"Hmm." Lafite nodded aggrievedly, like a little pet abandoned by someone, "It hurts."

Hua Ye said, "Did you get scratched by a thorn while eating fish?"

"No, I don't like fish like Xiao Jia."

"Bite your tongue?"

"Satania bit her tongue." The black-bellied girl puffed up her cheeks and said, "It's the teeth, the teeth hurt."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Tooth decay?"

"Mr. Facial Paralysis is too much."

Toothache is naturally associated with tooth decay at the first time, what is too much!

Lafite's cheeks are even more bulging, like a squirrel stuffed with a lot of chestnuts: "I brush my teeth on time every morning and night, okay... You really don't love me, right?"

Hey, hey, he was clearly talking about toothache, but why did he jump to love or not in a blink of an eye, these two questions have nothing to do with each other!

Hua Ye's face was slightly dark, and he grabbed the right leg stretched out by the dark-bellied girl under the quilt, only to feel that the skin was like fat, and the nephrite jade was warm and fragrant, and it felt very good.

"Your face is a little swollen."

"Yeah." Lafite raised his pretty face and blinked his eyes hard, but unfortunately no mist appeared, and said pitifully, "My face is swollen, and it hurts to speak."

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Is it wisdom teeth?"

"Wow, the brave man is so smart." Liuhua swayed the stupid hair on his head, and let go of his hands covering his mouth, "I said the brave man must be able to guess."

Ordinary people generally only have two large dies. Wisdom teeth grow behind the two large dies, at the innermost position of the alveolar bone in the oral cavity. The growth time of wisdom teeth is relatively late, usually around 16 to 25. At this time, people's physical and psychological development They are all close to maturity, so they are also called wisdom teeth, which are regarded as a symbol of wisdom.

Although it is not, it is just ordinary biological inheritance.

Most people have wisdom teeth, which can be touched by touching them. Compared with big die teeth, there are usually only one or half of them. The main reason is that the human alveolar bone is degraded and there is no enough space for wisdom teeth to grow. Not only is it prone to inflammation and pain, but it is also difficult to clean when brushing your teeth.

"Open your mouth." Hua Ye said, "Let me take a look."

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