Hua Ye said: "Buy two scallions and go back and try it. People on Twitter have used it and said it's good."

"Scallions or something..."

Alice hesitated, and the small theater of scallion therapy soon appeared in her mind. When she was in good health, she didn't even think about it. Now that she has a cold, she can't help but start to rush to the doctor.


"Alice, it's time to start."

In the quiet room, the small desk lamp emitted a warm light. Lafite, who was wearing a white nurse's uniform and a nurse's cap, walked in. He did not hold a stethoscope or a syringe in his hand, but two freshly peeled green onions.

"Don't be nervous, lift your butt up, leave the rest to me and classmate Hua Ye." Lafite's smiling voice sounded in his ears, "It's like an injection, the pain will pass after a while."

How could there be such a thick needle, is it for elephants!

Thinking of lying on the bed with her butt pouted, and asking Hua Ye and Lafite to help insert green onions from behind... Alice couldn't help but shudder, so she wouldn't do such a shameful thing!

"No scallions!" Alice pursed her pink lips, clenched Hua Ye's fingers tightly, her small face was serious, "Even if you die, die here, and jump off the stairs, you won't insert scallions!"

"Understood." Hua Ye replied, the effect of the scallion therapy is unclear after all, maybe it won't work for Alice, "There is another way."

Alice sneezed again, only to feel that her breathing became more and more uncomfortable. It seemed that there were cold bacteria growing rapidly in her chest. She raised her hand and rubbed her nose, and hurriedly asked, "What can I do?"

Hua Ye said calmly, "Kiss therapy."

"Huh?" Alice was dumbfounded, "What did you say?"

Hua Ye said: "Kissing can cure a cold."

"Liar, big liar!" Alice looked over shyly and panickedly, "I only heard that kissing can make a cold contagious, but I never heard that kissing can cure a cold!"

(What does this big facial paralysis want to do?)

(Could it be that you want to take the opportunity to kiss me?)

(No, no, if you want to use strength, you have already been bullied. You don't have to wait until today.)

By saying this, Alice has actually believed this statement. Hua Ye never lied in front of everyone. Since he said that kissing can cure a cold, he can definitely do it.

Alice walked behind Hua Ye, and couldn't help but sneezed again, thinking about gain and loss, "Cold or being bullied by this big-faced paralysis, how should I choose?"

Alice really wanted to choose a cold, but when she thought about how she hated colds when she was a child, she couldn't make up her mind.

While speaking, the apartment complex was clearly in sight.

Seeing that she was about to return to the apartment, Alice finally made up her mind.

"Wait, wait a minute!"


Alice stopped walking, put one hand on her chest, her face was flushed, she turned her head to look at the small park next to her, and said falteringly, "Follow me to the park!"

Hua Ye said, "What's the reason?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" The little bean stomped his feet, pulled Hua Ye and walked inside, "You'll know when you get there."

The weather was gloomy, the wind was cold and bleak, it was not a good weather for walking, it was still dark, but there were hardly any pedestrians in the park.

Seeing this scene, Alice breathed a sigh of relief, and dragged Hua Ye to a small forest.

"Just here." Looking around to make sure that there are no pedestrians nearby, Alice pointed to the bench, eyes drifting, and said, "Sit down."

Hua Ye already knew what this little bean wanted to do at this moment, so he didn't refuse, turned around and sat on the bench.

"Close your eyes and never open them."

Hey, hey, it's just a cure for a cold, and I've even lost my fat times, so what's the embarrassment!Others are deceiving others, but you are pretending to be blind with your eyes closed!

"Close it quickly." Alice crossed her arms and urged, "No peeking."

Whoever peeks at you knows exactly how many moles you have on your body!

Hua Ye closed his eyes and said, "Hurry up, there is still something to do."

"Big/pervert! I'm so impatient at this time!" Alice puffed up her cheeks and wanted to jump up and hit Hua Ye's knee. "If you don't hate colds the most, don't even think about me kissing you!"

Seeing that Hua Ye closed his eyes, Alice took a deep breath, put her hands on her chest, and slowly moved forward.

Because of her short legs and short legs, Alice didn't need to bend down, and it happened to be at the same height as Hua Ye was sitting.

As the distance got closer, Alice held her breath, only to feel the rapid heartbeat of 'bang bang' coming to her ears, and when there was only one punch left, Alice gritted her teeth and took out the weapon that gave her life to fight. Courage, closing his eyes, leaned over abruptly.

"If you can cure your cold, it's not that you can't sacrifice it...just treat it as kissing Xiaoqiu. There is no difference between a boy and a dog."



There was a crash.

"Okay, it hurts." Alice groaned, raised her hand to cover her nose, and said with tears in her eyes, "The nose hurts."

Hua Ye opened his eyes and said with black lines all over his face, "If you don't have experience, don't let people close their eyes."

It’s fine if you hit your nose when you fell down, but after preparing face to face for a long time, how did you bump your nose!

Hua Ye pointed to his right leg, "Come here and sit down."

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