When this legal loli saw Hua Ye, she twisted her head like a proud swan, raised her chin, turned and walked into the tea room behind her.

Hua Ye walked to the tea room.

A corner of the expensive curtains was lifted, and the girl in black and white maid outfit stood quietly behind the window, winking quietly at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye thought for a while, stopped, and raised his hand to knock on the door.

"Master Igarashi." The maid Mei turned around and reported, "Master Xiaoye is waiting for your summons."

"Let him stand a little longer." Igarashi snorted softly, "As soon as he knocks you open the door, as if waiting for him deliberately, wouldn't it be embarrassing?"


Mei looked calm and nodded slightly.

The knocking on the door quickly disappeared.

Igarashi opened his mouth, and bit his lips angrily. Could it be that he turned around and left after hearing what he said?

Standing for a few seconds is considered a while, don't keep opening the door, I will be angry if I do.

The maid Mei stretched out her hand to open the door, looked at Hua Ye who was standing outside, and said calmly, "Master Xiao Ye, please come in."


Hua Ye responded and walked into the tea room.

Igarashi used to drink black tea on the rooftop, and after winter, the weather got colder and colder. This star with poor breasts was too cold, so he refused to wear long johns for the sake of face, and finally moved down on Hua Ye's suggestion. I found an unoccupied classroom and transformed it into the current tea room. It is usually not open to others, and only a few people can come in.

For this reason, the tea party room has been covered with a veil of mystery. Hua Ye heard that the tea party room has become one of the new campus legends a few days ago.

It is said that only those who belong to the poor-breasted camp can receive invitation letters for the tea party of the stars with small breasts. This is a secret association of the school, and the goal is to fight against the growing stars with large breasts in the school.

After Hua Ye entered, the maid, Mei, turned and went out calmly, and then gently closed the door.

"What are you doing here?" Igarashi folded her arms across her chest, but unfortunately the barren breasts on her breasts couldn't show any beauty at all, "Could it be like those bastards before, won't I be called 'paramecia' , 'Dregs' feel uncomfortable all over?"

That's right, in this era when appearance is justice, arrogance is really nothing, and even a 'venomous tongue' has become one of the cute spots.

When you look good, you can do whatever you want.

With his super good looks, the popularity of this poor-breasted star in school is second only to the big-breasted monster, especially the swearing demeanor, which makes many Ms have endless aftertaste, so people often form groups to deliberately make mistakes in front of Igarashi, In order to be insulted by Igarashi, so as to gain physical and spiritual pleasure.

It's a pity that Hua Ye is not shaking M, and has no interest in insulting pl/ay.

Hua Ye said, "You're going too far."

"Hmph." Igarashi raised her snowy chin, "What's wrong with me being too much? You are allowed to travel with others, and I am not allowed to curse?"

"You are going to be beaten like this."

"You fight." Igarashi was not afraid at all, "Frown and I will lose."


Facing Igarashi who hadn't rented a house for a few days, Hua Ye simply chose the first solution.

Turning around and sitting down on the sofa, Hua Ye pointed at his thigh.

"Come here, lie down."

What should I do if the bear child is not obedient?

Just a snap.

"Don't even think about it." Igarashi tried to resist.

Well, there was no resistance. Igarashi didn't dodge Hua Ye's hand at all except that his mouth was stubborn.

After being caught by Hua Ye, he lay directly on Hua Ye's lap, turned his head to look, and said with two rows of small silver teeth: "Military force can't solve everything, don't try to convince me."

Who cares if you are dissatisfied or not, just slap you and make yourself comfortable is enough!


A crisp slap sounded.

Igarashi turned his head and looked: "Heh, is this the only strength?"

Nonsense, now is the best power for punishment, it can make you feel pain, but it won’t cause you any harm. If you have more strength, you won’t even want to sit on the chair!

"Hurry up and get out, I'm going to fall asleep."

"It's really hopeless."

"Shut up." Hua Ye said with a slightly dark face, "I'll make you speechless now."

After finishing speaking, Hua Ye suddenly found that this sentence had a subtle sense of déjà vu, as if it appeared in a certain episode...

your sister!Accidentally turned into some bad villain/fan hero, and no matter how you look at it, it's insulting!

That being the case, let's teach/teach it well, so that this hard-tongued Igarashi knows what it means to have trouble coming out of your mouth.

"What do you want to do?" Igarashi raised her snowy chin, her little face was already blushing, and her mouth was still speaking super hard, "If you have any tricks, just use them, I'm going to fall asleep... Hey, hey, Liar, liar, right?"

The little butt suddenly became cold.

The skirt that fell to the knees was lifted to the waist.

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