Wei Nai exhaled, and stretched out her hand to hold Kang Na. It was still dark, but the airport was already brightly lit, and pedestrians and tourists hurried past.

The snowflakes in the sky are still falling, and the ground is quietly covered with a layer of silver.

Wei Nai looked at Xiaoniaoyou Shihua, bowed lightly and said, "Sister Shihua, send it here."

Lafite said, "Sister Shihua, take care of yourself."

A group of melon-eating girls bid farewell to Shihua one after another. After saying goodbye this time, they don't know when they will meet next time.

"Sister." Liuhua raised her small face, and now she had put on her colored contact lenses and eye patch, and said solemnly, "Have you not forgotten our agreement?"

Shihua said calmly, "I haven't forgotten."

"Hee hee." Liuhua's face burst into a bright smile, and the dull hair on the top of her head swayed happily, "I can't go back on what I promised. I'll wait for my sister to come home."

"Eh?" Wei Nai was startled, turned her head to look at Hua Ye, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with Liuhua?"

Hua Ye said: "Ten Flowers said last night that they will return to China to develop after the year."

"I see." Wei Nai breathed a sigh of relief, pursing the corners of her lips, with a slight smile on her face, "I was worried that Liu Hua would cry just now."

Passionate since ancient times hurt parting.

The seven great sufferings in life are birth, old age, sickness, death, meeting with hatred and hatred, parting from love, and not getting what you want.

The pain of parting cannot be understood by people who are not wandering outside and reduced to the end of the world.

Maybe a person with a strong heart can endure the pain of parting, but it's a pity that Liuhua has never been strong, otherwise she wouldn't use the second to protect herself.

To be precise, among so many people, Liuhua is the most vulnerable one.

If Shihua hadn't promised her to return to China last night, she would definitely be crying with red eyes like Wei Nai said right now!

The farewell is over.

Shihua walked in front of Hua Ye. Sister Gao Lengyu was already tall, but she was wearing high heels today, so she didn't need to raise her head, and looked directly at Hua Ye's eye level.

"Liuhua will leave it to you." Ten Flowers said calmly with a cold voice.

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

Ten Flowers paused, and continued: "Don't let her touch strange things."

This strange thing obviously refers to the existence related to Onmyoji.

It's a pity, I'm sorry, Liuhua has already been in contact with it!The hell girl, the ghost girl, and the vampire who attacked that night are far more knowledgeable than your elder sister. As long as you give her enough power, Liuhua can even use the power of fantasy to distort the world!

"The gift I bought is in Liuhua's suitcase." Shihua said, "When you go back, remember to send it to your grandparents. Do you remember the address?"

Hua Ye said, "I remember."

In the Hell Girl incident, Hua Ye went to Grandpa Liuhua's house once, and took a button from Toka at night. Grandpa Liuhua thought Hua Ye was very talented, so he insisted on Hua Ye participating in the shogi competition. Whichever granddaughter wants to marry, it's a pity that Hua Ye has no interest in shogi, otherwise he will be able to participate in the battle for the title of Dragon King when he returns home, and marry Shihua home at the end of the year!

Shihua waved her hand, her waterfall-like silky hair trembled slightly behind her back: "It's over, you go to check the tickets."

"There's still time, let's go later." Anna grabbed Hua Ye's clothes and said pitifully, "Let me smoke for a while, I'm already addicted."

Addicted to your sister!You are not a cat, and I am not catnip, so I am not addicted!Don't get so close and smell it, don't you see that others are looking at Ni with weird and surprised eyes? If you are not good-looking and self-willed, someone must suspect that you have a mental illness!

"Sniff sniff—"

The blond girl sniffed Hua Ye like a little pug, not caring about other people's eyes at all.

"Anna, it's almost enough." A row of black lines fell on the top of Alice's head, "Give me a little more restraint."

Alice still hasn't figured out how her childhood playmate turned into a fool with big breasts and no brains. After thinking about it, it must be because all the nutrition has grown to the chest, so the brain is deficient in nutrition, right?

"How much is reserve worth?" Anna pouted, "Mom told me that the reason why girls are reserved is because they haven't met someone they really like. Only after they meet, can they know how enthusiastic they are."


Alice opened her mouth and found herself speechless.

(It sounds exactly right...)

(No wonder Master Baiyu wants to show affection all the time, wishing to stick to this big facial paralysis every minute and every second, if he likes, he can also be quantified like combat power.)

(Master Baiyu must like it a lot more than me, right?)

"No, that's not right." The short bean ding's face was blushing, and he quickly shook his head, his ponytails flicking behind his back, "I don't like this big facial paralysis!"

"Let go of your reserve and take the initiative to attack..."

"I have already tacitly allowed him to pick up fat once, and if I take the initiative, why should I sit on it and move it myself!"

Alice shook her head vigorously, driving away the images of the Eighteen Prohibition in her mind, and said with a blushing face, "Okay, let's go to check the tickets. I want to smell it until the New Year. When you come to play, smell it slowly."

"Okay then." Anna reluctantly let go of Hua Ye, waved her hand and said, "It's an appointment, I'll go to your place to play during the New Year."

Alice nodded and said, "Got it, got it."

"By the way." Anna blinked, "Alice, is the bed in your room big enough?"

"Hey, why did you suddenly ask this?" Alice was surprised, and then said, "The bed is quite big, enough for you to sleep in."

"Just big enough." Anna showed a bright smile on her face, "When the time comes, the three of us will play three [beep——] together."


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