
Hua Ye turned around and went back to the room. Except for Gabriel who needed the wake-up call, the others didn't need it at all. The class monitor and Kang Na were in charge of Wei Nai, Shihua took care of Satania and Liuhua, and Lafite and Alice were not in bed. Great man.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

Hua Ye opened the door, and a well-dressed black long straight girl stood outside the door.

"That..." The squad leader blushed pretty, and said falteringly, "Vina asked me to come over and ask if your salute is packed."

Hua Ye shook his head and said, "Not yet."

When girls go out, they have to bring a variety of things, such as changing clothes, stockings, underwear, etc., Hua Ye has nothing to prepare. It won't be cold, and there is no need to worry about catching a cold. Wearing a windbreaker can survive the winter. You don’t even need long johns!

"Then shall I help?" Machiko blushed and walked in nervously.


Hua Ye didn't have many things, just two or three pieces of clothes, as well as souvenirs to take home as gifts, which can be said to be a model of light and simple.

"It's packed." Machiko zipped up the suitcase, covered her mouth with her hands, and yawned tiredly.

Hua Ye said, "Didn't you sleep well last night?"

Machiko hurriedly shook her head: "Sleep, sleep well."

It's useless to say that you sleep well, but you don't have two big dark circles under your eyes!Anyone who has seen it will know that you must have not slept well!

Hua Ye pointed to the bed: "Sit over."

"Huh?" Machiko opened her eyes wide, "Huh?"

(Why did classmate Hua Ye let me sit on the bed?)

(Could it be that you want to do that kind of thing?)

"That, that." Machiko's pretty face flushed, she didn't dare to look at Hua Ye, and stammered, "I'm going out to gather soon, there is not enough time..."

"It's okay." Hua Ye said, "It will be over soon."

(Very, very soon...how fast?)

Machiko couldn't help but think of a cold joke she saw on Twitter before, the content was quite brief.

Female: "Are you in?"

Man: "...I've already come out."


It's just a simple two-sentence dialogue, but the grievances, bitterness and frustration in it hit the face, making the listener feel sad and the listener cry!

"No." Machiko shook her head, "Student Hua Ye's time... obviously took a long time."

The squad leader took a deep breath, turned around, walked to the bed and sat down, muttering to himself: "Student Hua Ye must be busy, so he didn't think about H..."

The next moment Machiko panicked.

Not only did Hua Ye sit next to her, but he also put his hand on her shoulder, "Lie down."

(Lie, lie, lie, okay?!)

(Is there any real thing that needs to be done in bed?)

(Can't figure it out at all?

"Student Hua Ye." Machiko covered her chest with her right hand, suppressing her beating heart, her pretty face was blushing, and she could feel the amazing heat radiating from her cheeks through the air, and stammered, "Really, really Do that kind of thing?"

Hua Ye nodded and said, "You will feel very comfortable if you do it."

Just give you a massage to get rid of fatigue and dark circles, why is your face getting redder and flustered!

"That, that kind of thing..."

Machiko was indeed even more panicked.

"It's not a child, it won't be comfortable for the first time, but it will be very painful!"

"No, no, Hua Ye's words, it should be super painful..."

"Maybe I won't be able to walk."

"Even if the time is short, if you walk in an awkward posture, you will be noticed at a glance, right?"

Machiko's pretty face flushed, and she begged pitifully in a low voice, "Someone will find out about that kind of thing."

Found what?

It's just a massage for you to relieve fatigue. Even if someone finds out, there's nothing shameful about it!

Hua Ye said: "If you are worried, just don't say it."

(If you don’t say it, others can see it, right?)

Machiko's pretty face was flushed, her eyes flustered, "Student Hua Ye was not like this before, why, how did he become so ugly..."

A flash of light flashed through his mind.

"Could it be that classmate Hua Ye has already done that kind of thing with others?"

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