Chapter 1475 Stop Asking, Death Penalty

"Get up quickly."


Hua Ye looked down: "What a shame?"


Gabriel squinted her eyes, her eyes were lazy: "Bring me the stockings."

Sorry, no, if you answer 'I can't afford it', you will be picked up and dressed in the next moment!

Hua Ye reached out and picked up the stockings that were on the chair.

"Idiot, I wore these stockings yesterday." Gabriel sat on the bed and ordered, "Bring a new pair from the box."

With a blank expression on his face, Hua Ye opened the suitcase and took out a pair of black stockings.

"I got it wrong." Gabriel said, "I want to wear white stockings today."

Hua Ye silently changed into a pair of white stockings.

"Hmm..." the crippled angel stretched out a finger, looked up at the sky and said, "I heard that black can absorb heat, so it would be very cold to wear white stockings in winter, so I'd better replace them with black silk."


Hua Ye put down the stockings in his hand and picked up a pink cartoon bear Pangci.

"What are you doing?" Gabriel picked up the pillow and put it in front of her chest, "Don't mess with girls' fat times, only hentai would do that kind of thing."

Hua Ye said with a blank expression, "Compared to changing stockings, I think you need to change fat times."

Gabriel opened her eyes wide, "How dare you say that!"

Not only dare to say, but also dare to do it, telling you to get out of bed, but causing trouble there, you must be punished!

Hua Ye's poker face: "I'll change it for you."

"Who wants you to help me with this kind of help!" The crippled angel gritted its silver teeth and stretched out a short leg from under the quilt, "Don't come here, I'm calling someone."

"It's useless to shout out your throat."


Just do what you say, anyway, there is no such thing as integrity and shame, Hua Ye doesn't feel ashamed at all for helping to change fat.

It's a pity that Gabriel is not so thick-skinned yet. Although she is only one step away from the realm of "reaching out for clothes and opening mouth for food", there is no possibility of crossing it in a short time.

"Hun, Hundan!" The crippled angel clenched its silver teeth, and could only succumb to the power in the end, "Go away, I'm getting up."

"It's too late." Hua Ye said, "If you want to get up, pay first."


"kiss Me."

Gabriel's eyes were lazy: "Kiss every day, isn't it enough?"

The first kiss was at the tram station in the dusk of the sunset. The useless angel brushed his teeth three times after returning home, and then ignored Hua Ye for a whole week.


I have long been used to it, not only can I speak out in an open and aboveboard manner, but I don't even blush a bit!

Hua Ye sat by the bed and said seriously, "It's not enough at all."

"Tch, if a man says what he thinks, a sow can climb a tree." With a faint blush on the cheeks of this useless angel, it leaned forward and gently pecked Hua Ye's lips with its pink lips. After a while, "Okay, go away quickly, don't get in the way here."

Hua Ye said, "It's not enough."


Hua Ye lowered his head and kissed the useless angel, his cold and soft lips were sweet and fragrant. Although he had kissed many times, it was not enough and he wanted more.

Four eyes facing each other.

The useless sky signaled ferociously with its eyes: "I'm so annoying, don't even think about sticking in."

After a while.

"Hurry up, Taplis is coming out."

At the end, Gabriel's cheeks flushed with red, and her arms involuntarily wrapped around Hua Ye's neck.


After washing up, Taplis came out of the bathroom, "Hey, where's the senior?"

"That guy has already been driven away by me." Gabriel replied slowly while wearing her clothes.

The idiot junior blinked her eyes: "Senior Gabriel, your face is so red."

Gabriel said: "The temperature of the air conditioner is a bit high, it's very hot."

"Hey, is that so?" Taplis turned his head to look at the air conditioner, and asked cutely, "Didn't Senior Gabriel say that the temperature was a bit low last night?"

"you know too much."

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