"What happened just now..." Shihua took a deep breath, closed her eyes, "That's it."

After a pause, Shihua's eyes were piercing, and he glanced over one by one and said, "None of you three are allowed to speak out."

"Don't worry, sister." Liuhua raised her hand to cover her mouth, "I won't say that my sister strips."

It's really not undressing, it's a very classical ballet. If you didn't help me, the bathrobe wouldn't fall off at all, and I wouldn't be able to dance the bunny!

"I won't say it either." Satania hurriedly assured that this incident was caused by her, and it would be fine if Gabriel was the target of teasing. Shihua is obviously the type of person who can't be provoked. .

Hua Ye said calmly: "It's okay, I'll go back."

"Wait a moment."

Shihua bit her lower lip, lifted the quilt, and stretched out her right leg, "I sprained my ankle just now, pinch it for me."

Hey, you are going too far. You were suspicious just now, and now you ask others to help you treat him. Your skin is as thick as that crippled angel!

Hua Ye said, "What about the reward?"

Shihua was stunned for a moment: "What reward?"

"Equivalent exchange is the law of the universe." Hua Ye squinted his eyes, "You need to be paid for your treatment."

Shihua narrowed her eyes: "Isn't Liuhua giving you enough?"

Of course it's not enough, Liuhua is a pet that eats, drinks, plays, lives, and has zero self-care ability. No one takes care of it, let alone study. It is estimated that he will be admitted to the hospital the next day because of eating homemade dark food!

"Okay, okay." Liuhua's eyes lit up, the hair on the top of her head stood up, and she said cheerfully, "My sister agreed, and I will officially be a brave person from now on."

"No." Satania retorted, "The attendant should be my person, we have already signed a spiritual contract."

Liuhua was puzzled: "When did you sign the contract, why don't I know?"

"That's right, just now..." Satania hesitated, "Just now the attendant signed a master-slave contract with me, and did what only the master and the attendant can do."

Any servant who dares to reach out and rub his master's chest will have his limbs broken!

Chapter 1473

"Let your feet stick out."

Hua Ye sat on the edge of the bed and stretched out his right hand.


Shihua responded softly, and stretched out her sprained left foot from under the quilt.

It has to be said that facial paralysis also has the benefits of facial paralysis.

If it were the squad leader who was wearing a bathrobe and doing a striptease, he would have fainted from embarrassment by now!

Looking at Shihua again, apart from the blush spreading to the base of her ears that has not dissipated, both her eyes and her expression have returned to calm, she doesn't look like someone who just finished a striptease at all!


A soft hum sounded.

There was a tingling pain from the wound on her right foot, which made Shihua slightly frown.

"Be patient." Hua Ye said, "It won't hurt soon."

"I tried it." Liuhua nodded, "The brave massage is super comfortable. Once I fell in the bathroom and my butt fell apart, and then..."

In the middle of speaking, Liuhua's face suddenly turned red, and she raised her hand to cover her mouth in a panic.

That time when I was taking a shower in the bathroom, I accidentally stepped on the soap and slipped on my tailbone, and I still vividly remember the scene of lying on the sofa with my butt pouted for Hua Ye's treatment.

At that time, I didn't think much about it because my butt hurt so much. Looking back now, I felt a strong sense of shame.

"Then what happened?" Shihua turned her head to look.

"Then, then..." Liuhua's eyes drifted, her small face had turned into a red apple, "I forgot!"

Shihua looked at Hua Ye: "Say it."

"No, don't!" Liuhua hurriedly threw herself into Hua Ye's arms, hugging Hua Ye's neck with both hands, "Don't say it to the brave."

Why not say it?

Do you know what daring to do is to help you heal your butt? What's the shame!

Just as Hua Ye was about to speak, there was a mournful sound beside him: "It hurts, hurts, it's about to burst!"

Turning around, I saw Satania sitting on the bed next to her, teary-eyed... doing splits?

"Sata meow, what are you doing?" Liuhua asked curiously with her eyes wide open.

Satania sniffled, "I just saw Sister Shihua's kicking action, so I want to try it."

Even if you dare to do the splits without practice, now you know what the pain of torn ligaments is. This pain is more than ten times more terrifying than the leg pain caused by walking a lot.

"It's too impulsive." Shihua slightly pulled the corner of her mouth, "Liuhua, go and help Satania up."

"Understood, sister." Liuhua raised his hand in salute, the hair on the top of his head stood up, "I promise to complete the task."

Liuhua hugged Satania's waist with both hands, "Hi!"


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