"Big, big deal, I'll use tape to hold my eyes open!"

Hua Ye said, "You can sleep with your eyes open, let's find out."

There are indeed people in the world who can sleep with their eyes open, but the number is relatively small. The last celebrity who slept with their eyes open was Zhang Yide in Romance of the Three Kingdoms. This skill is harmless to the body, and occasionally it can have positive effects—— Those night raiders with ulterior motives will be scared to death!

Alice showed her small canine teeth: "Ah, I bite you—"

Hua Ye stretched out his hand to hold down the little bean's head, and looked at Lafite, "Go to Wei Nai's room to sleep."

"No." Lafite shook his head, "Vinai and Xiaojia must have fallen asleep, because they knew that Mr. Facial Paralyzed was still asleep, so they came to look for you."

Hua Ye said, "There is only one bed."

"It's okay." Lafite said, "Let's just squeeze a little bit."

You're okay with me!The bed that was comfortably occupied by one person, and now two girls who dove and occupied the magpie's nest suddenly came, it was super troublesome!

"You can sleep on the floor." Alice broke free from Hua Ye's palm, her cheeks puffed up, "I sleep on the bed with Master Bai Yu."

Hua Ye's poker face: "I'll sleep on the bed, you guys will sleep on the floor."

"Eh?" Alice was shocked, "Can you say such shameless words?"

"Where is the shamelessness?"

"Let the two girls sleep on the floor, and sleep on the bed by yourself." Alice couldn't help complaining, "In shoujo manga, you will be lonely like this."

Hua Ye said: "This is not a girl's manga, so I won't allow it."

Alice looked disgusted and said: "Big/pervert, what a gentleman you are!"

They are already perverts, so there is no need for a gentleman's demeanor. Do you have to give a gentleman's salute in front of the other party when you are tailing a girl, and ask, "Miss, can I tail you?"!That's not a gentleman, just a pervert!

Today's gentleman has already changed its nature, just like 'good man' and 'holy water', it has changed from a commendatory term to a derogatory term!

Hua Ye calmly replied: "Not at all."


"I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep." Lafite raised his hand to cover his mouth, and yawned, "How do you sleep at night?"

The room Hua Ye booked was a single room with only one bed. Naturally, it would be no problem for one person to sleep. For two people, it would be barely enough. For three people, it would definitely be crowded.

"Master Baiyu sleeps in the middle?" Alice hesitated, then whispered, "I'll sleep on the left side, and let Damian sleep on the right side."

You agreed to sacrifice yourself to protect Lord Bai Yu's chastity. This sleeping method can't protect your chastity at all, and it can be taken away in front of you!

Lafite blinked: "No problem."

This black-bellied girl doesn't care much about how she sleeps at night. As a tax evader who takes all men and women, Lafite has slept with more girls than Hua Ye. For example, Liuhua and Satania have long been Lafite has slept many times!

"Watch—" Alice bared her teeth, and looked at Hua Ye ferociously, "Don't think that you can bully Lord Bai Yu by sleeping like this, as long as there is any movement, I will jump up and bite you."

"Okay, go to bed quickly." Lafite sat on the edge of the bed, took off his slippers, and went to bed first, "I have to get up early tomorrow morning to go back."

Alice walked to the other side of the bed and sat down beside Lafite.

"Mr. Facial Paralysis, you sleep here." Lafite patted the position beside him.

When Hua Ye sat on the bed, the two girls were already lying down, and Lafite blinked: "Student Hua Ye, turn off the lights."

Hua Ye turned off the lamp.

The room was plunged into darkness, and the night was silent.

The curtains were not drawn, and there was a faint light coming in from the balcony, but it was barely able to see.

"Alice, is the quilt enough?" Lafite asked.

"Lord Bai Yu, don't worry." Alice said, "It's enough to cover."

"That's good... Hey, are we considered to be sleeping with each other now?"

"Big, big quilt?" Shorty Douding's embarrassed and flustered voice sounded, "That's not counted!"

Lafite smiled and said, "Why is it not counted?"

"Because, because the quilt is not big enough!" Alice quickly cleared her mind, "Besides, that kind of thing has to be done voluntarily. We have to come to sleep because the air conditioner is broken, so it's not considered a big quilt. .”

"Mr. Facial Paralysis, what is this kind of behavior called in law?" Lafite turned his head to look, his eyes flickered, and his right hand had already quietly hugged Hua Ye's arm.

Hua Ye said: "Subjective intent can only lead to a lighter and mitigated sentence, which does not affect the conviction."

"That's right, that's it." Lafite said, "We have no choice but to change the fact that we are sleeping together."

"Master Baiyu, it's time to sleep as promised."

Alice's puffy voice sounded, and although she couldn't see her expression, she could still imagine that the little bean's cheeks were puffed up like a frog.

"Well, sleep now."


Crisp and sweet, the sweet laughter that can make flowers and plants sprout in spring suddenly sounded.

"Eh?" Alice asked curiously, "What is Master Baiyu laughing at?"

"Suddenly thought of a joke—" The black-bellied girl coughed lightly, "I'm about to tell you."

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