"Hey, the joke is like this—" Lafite stretched out a slender finger, raised his snowy chin, and leaned on Hua Ye's shoulder and said, "Grandma's dog who has been raising for more than ten years died. sad."

"Because I was worried about grandma's health, my head twitched at the time. I didn't know what to think, so I started to bark like a dog, and knocked on the door like a dog while barking. I hope grandma can get out of sadness soon after hearing this."

The dark-bellied girl's eyes were bent into two crescent moons, and a reminder of the pleasure value +1 popped out above her head, with a charming voice: "Mr. Facial Paralysis, guess what is behind it?"

Hua Ye's poker face: "No guessing."

"Guess, there is a reward for guessing right."

Let me guess it's false, let the monitor inside the quilt guess it's true!

"Well, that's how it is." Lafite laughed, "Grandma opened the door a gap, looked at herself who was squatting on the ground like a dog barking, tears welled up in her eyes, and then turned around at a speed that didn't match her age. close the door."

"Now grandma is not sad anymore, she is trembling on the phone in the bedroom, 'It's not good, hurry up and call the exorcist, the grandson is possessed by a dog'!"



Looking at the tax-evading Lafite who was laughing so hard that his eyes were crescents, Hua Ye remained expressionless, and he didn't realize where the joke was at all.

Turning her head to look at the blue-eyed young dragon beside her, Kang Naan quietly ate snacks, looked at the tablet, except for the sparkle in her eyes, there was also no reaction of laughing at all.

"As it turns out, the joke wasn't funny..."

Hua Ye was about to complain when he suddenly pulled the corner of his mouth.

In bed.

Machiko listened to this joke the whole time, and almost couldn't hold it back. Her smile was neither high nor low, and she had never been aloof. After reading it silently in her heart, she suddenly found that she couldn't control herself. , I can only quickly lower my head and close my eyes, divert my attention, and keep myself from making any movement.

There was a little lack of oxygen in the bed, coupled with the shame that was almost overflowing before, it made Machiko's head dizzy. When he was suppressing his smile just now, he subconsciously exerted force on his hand, and soon he was ashamed, startled and scared I found out that the boa constrictor in my hand became hot and entered a fighting posture!

(How, how could this happen?)

(It will actually get bigger...)

(It's terrible, it's terrible, it's terrible, it's terrible.)

Machiko was already a little dizzy due to lack of oxygen, but now her IQ dropped rapidly. In a panic, she instinctively wanted to squeeze her hands tightly, but Hua Ye was not well.

Let go!

The right thing to do at this time is to let go quickly. The more you hold on, the tighter you are, what kind of trouble is it!If you don't hold on to it loosely, it's like fighting a fire with a firewood. Instead of extinguishing the fire, it will make the fire burn more and more, which will cause you to burn yourself! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

"Hey, classmate Hua Ye?" Lafite leaned close to Hua Ye's ear, blew softly, and then said in a voice Machiko could clearly hear, "Why is your expression a little strange?"


Nonsense, of course it is strange!

If it was someone else, it would have been revealed by now!Even if you don't blush, you must wink, let's inhale gently!

You evade taxes on the top, and the squad leader evades taxes under the quilt. You can't draw it in an ordinary notebook!

Chapter 1446 Squeeze / Juice Ji

The situation is bad.

Sitting next to her was a girl with a black belly, and another girl was hiding under the blanket. Although she didn't take off her clothes, her hands were in strange places!Now all the conditions for catching an adulterer in bed are met!

"Hey, classmate Hua Ye, shall I tell another joke?"

Lafite's eyes have already turned into crescent moons. If it is a real OL game, there must be prompts with joy value +1 constantly popping up above his head.

"I promise to make classmate Hua Ye laugh out loud."

It is false to make me laugh out loud, but it is true to make the squad leader in the bed laugh out loud!

"What, what should I do?"

Hearing that Lafite wanted to tell jokes, the grievance in Machiko's heart almost overflowed.

"It was hard to endure the joke just now. What if I say another one and laugh out loud?"

"Cover your ears?"

"If I dared to move, I would have moved a long time ago!" Machiko burst into tears, "If you cover your ears, you will definitely be found out!"

Rafi's second round of tax evasion pl/ay will start soon.

"When I was a child, my dog ​​was sick, and it has always been bad. One day, I don't know where I heard that some blood will make it better, so I took a small knife and prepared to bleed the dog."

"The dog was very scared and hid in a corner with frightened eyes."

"When my brother came back from school, he snatched the knife and said earnestly, 'You can't do this'."

The dog breathed a sigh of relief and lay down on the ground again.

The younger brother retorted: "Others have said it, sincerity will lead to success."

"I mean the knife is not good." My brother silently handed over a new knife, "Use this one, it's sharper."


There was no fluctuation in Hua Ye's heart, but looking at the black-bellied girl who was laughing so hard, and the squad leader who was trembling slightly under the quilt...it seemed really funny?

Lafite frowned: "Hey, what do Hua Ye think of this joke?"

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