Miss Miko looked at it in surprise, but she didn't question whether it was true or not. Hua Ye said he could do it, so it should mean he could really do it.

"I want to eat!" Hinata was the first to raise his hand.

"We want to eat meow too." The cat-eared lady hurriedly raised her hands, saliva dripping from the corners of her mouth.

Hua Ye said blankly: "There is no material."

The aura of this world is getting thinner and thinner, and it will soon degenerate into a world without demons, so it is impossible to cook dishes that can emit light.

"You need ingredients with aura to make glowing dishes," Hua Ye said.

"Same as those spiritual biscuits?" Miss Miko quickly figured out the key.


"No wonder." Miss Miko was a little disappointed.

The amount of food with aura is scarce, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a treasure of heaven and earth. If you want to gather a table of food, you must not only have money, but also have a strong enough influence, otherwise don't even think about it.

Hua Ye said, "I'm going to Italy next weekend, do you want to go?"

These words immediately attracted Miss Miko's attention, and she forgot about the aura ingredients just now.

"To Italy?" Liuli asked curiously, "What are you doing in Italy?"

"Visit Liuhua's sister."

"Six flowers..."

Miss Miko recalled a little, and soon there was a petite middle school girl who wore a white eye patch all day long and had a signature dull hair on her head.

"What, I thought brother Xiaoye suddenly became enlightened." Hinata puffed up his cheeks, "He even asked someone else to go with him, so many people can't take care of him."

You don't need to worry about this at all, because Wei Nai is enough to take care of people!

Hyuga rolled his eyes, and suddenly raised his hand to cover his mouth and laughed: "Brother Xiaoye is a lolicon."

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows: "I'm not."

"You still say no?" Hinata put his hands on top of his head, "Look, although Rokka-chan is a high school student, she is only two centimeters taller than me, two centimeters, rounding up means that it doesn't exist, not even a girl that young Let it go, it really is Lolicon, right?"

Hua Ye slightly twitched the corner of his mouth: "I'm older than you."

"Tch, if you have aspirations, you don't have to be old, and if you don't have ambitions, you can live a hundred years." Hinata pinched her waist with one hand, "It doesn't matter if it's a real loli or a fake loli, as long as it's cute, Brother Xiaoye thinks so, right?"

Being cute doesn't matter at all, okay? If you just chase people by looking at their faces, others will line up from Hokkaido to Tokyo Bay at most, and your own harem can rush out of the Milky Way from the earth!Not to mention beheading thousands of people, at least be beheading millions of people!

Hua Ye didn't bother to explain, and turned to Miss Miko.

Qianye Liuli hesitated, and asked in a low voice, "Are they all going?"



Qianye Liuli bit her lower lip.

Sure enough, I still care about it.

If Hua Ye only invited her to travel alone, he would have no hesitation and agreed directly. Even if things like holding a group to keep warm happened during the trip, it is acceptable, but traveling with others, the eyes must not be on yourself, right?

Although she is reluctant to admit it, Qianye Liuli is very clear that her status in Hua Ye's heart must not be higher than that of other people. After all, other people get along day and night, and she is the maiden who guards the shrine and takes care of her sisters.

Miss Miko raised her head, pursed her lips and smiled lightly: "I'd better not go."

"Sister?" Hinata suddenly looked over with an expression of hatred for iron and steel, actually refusing such a thing?

Miss Miko had already made up her mind, so of course she wouldn't hesitate and tangle right now, her smile quietly bloomed like a begonia in the evening wind.

"There are so many people, Huajun must be very tired to take care of, so I won't make trouble for Huajun, but..." Miss Miko changed the subject, "Huajun will belong to me alone tomorrow."

Hinata: "0v0!!"

Sister actually got the hang of it?

and many more.

What does tomorrow only belong to me mean?

Could it be that my sister is very happy to see the little demon, so she wants to try it too?

But if you do that kind of thing, what if you accidentally get pregnant?

I must prepare more water at night, lest my sister get dehydrated...

"Crack." A chestnut chisel was knocked over, and Miss Miko said with a straight face, "Bring the dishes over, and prepare to eat."

Hinata was aggrieved: "I haven't said anything yet!"

Miss Miko has already seen through everything: "I can tell what you are thinking just by the expression on your face."

Chapter 1363 Gabriel: Fighting Spirit +999

dinner time.

Yaodao Ji sat alone in a cold corner of the bedroom, surrounded by endless sticky darkness, completely isolated from the laughter and laughter of the outside world.

She has decided to run away from home tonight.

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