"What would Hua Ye want to eat?" Machiko asked.

Hua Ye shook his head: "No."

As for Lily Ling, Machiko didn't ask the other party if he wanted to eat, because during the conversation just now, Machiko was surprised to find that the other party was actually a college student!

Machiko was shocked at the time.

Whether it's height, body shape or attire, it doesn't look like a college student at all, and college students can also suffer from secondary illnesses, so they should have graduated long ago.

Taking advantage of Machiko's time to buy dumplings, the evil girl approached Hua Ye, sniffed her nose, "I smell danger..."

Knowing that the danger is still approaching, forget the dogma of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. If this continues, hell will end sooner or later!

"Lily Bell." The evil sauce turned to look at the gothic female college student, with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile, "This boy has facial paralysis just like you. You are such a good match. Why don't you move out and live together to have children? Let the house let me..."


Lily Bell punched out, and the strong wind howled.

"Haha, I expected it a long time ago, you won't hit me—" The evil girl dodged to hide, but her body suddenly stopped, she froze in place, and was knocked down by another punch.

Hua Ye looked away.

This descendant of the evil god family is quite skinny, and feels like a blue-haired mentally retarded goddess who hasn't hit Fang Jiewa for three days.

"Sorry to trouble you." Bai Heling looked up, "I will deal with her well when I go back."

Although she is a female college student, she is about the same height as a junior high school student, and she has to raise her head when talking to Hua Ye.

Hua Ye said, "It would be nice to have a few more beatings."

"I know."

"You two cold-faced and dark-hearted guys, do you still have human rights? I want to protest..." The little evil god was still in the middle of dying, and suddenly sniffed his nose, and the grievance on his face instantly turned into anticipation, "It's really fragrant. ( ~o~▽~)~”

Machiko handed over two strings of red bean dumplings, "Here you are."


The evil girl reached out to take it, opened her mouth to bite a dumpling, and muttered while eating: "Well, the taste is not bad. When I occupy the earth in the future, I will put the dumpling from this shop on the offering list..."

"Little evil god."

Lily Bell shouted calmly.

The evil girl quickly swallowed the dumpling, looked at Machiko, and reluctantly said, "Thank you."

"It's okay." Machiko pursed his lips and smiled.

The evil girl patted her chest, gave a thumbs up and said, "For Tuanzi's sake, I will cover you after you die and go to hell."


Chapter 1169 Distributing Candy Online


The little evil god opened his mouth wide, and smashed off all three dumplings in one gulp. The exaggerated way of eating made passers-by look sideways.

"It's not enough..." The little evil god's voice was vague, and he looked at Machiko while eating, "I have been detained for so long, and it has caused great damage to my spirit and body, at least ten more... no, twenty more Only a group can be written off."

Machiko hurriedly grabbed Hua Ye's clothes, thinking that this strangely dressed girl was a mentally retarded girl, and her ability to take advantage of the fire was not at all like an idiot.

"No tuanzi." Hua Ye said calmly, "Let's beat you."

"How can a weak human being be my opponent." The evil girl crossed her arms, "I am an existence destined to destroy the world."

"Little evil god."

A low voice sounded.

The gothic girl lifted the umbrella in her hand and poked it directly.


The evil girl who threatened to destroy the world just now fell to the street clutching her stomach.

"I'm sorry to cause you trouble." Garden Lily Bell bowed slightly, with a hint of apology on her delicate face like a porcelain doll, she reached out and grabbed the little evil god's snake tail, and dragged him away, "Farewell."

Watching the other party leave, Machiko murmured, "Wearing such a strange cosplay costume, you can still move easily. It's amazing."

Hua Ye said, "It's not a cosplay change."

"Eh?" Machiko was taken aback, quickly opened his eyes wide, and covered his mouth with his hand, "What did Hua Ye say? Didn't he change clothes? The strange girl's... snake tail is real?"

"Well, really." Hua Ye nodded, "Today is Halloween, and there are many monsters haunting the streets."



A bolt of lightning strikes down.

Machiko turned directly into a black and white sculpture.

No wonder Mingming wears strange cosplay clothes, walks so fast, and goes out on the street without a bra, and the two teeth at the corners of his mouth look very real.

"I actually stayed alone with a monster girl for so long just now?"

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