Just when he was completely disappointed, he suddenly discovered that his daughter had dyed her hair black, and she was no longer full of anger when she walked and talked. One... When I woke up that morning and saw the packed lunch on the living room table, one word was enough to describe it—'old father shedding tears'.

Regarding the relationship between his daughter and high school students, Tanaka Hao has no objection in his heart at all. Many people come here like this. As long as they are not middle-aged uncles, everything is easy to talk about.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling very uncomfortable with the look of "the father-in-law looks at the son-in-law", waved his hand, turned and left.

"Oni-chan, come and play with me tomorrow." Tian Zhongnan shouted from behind.

"Ugly rejection."


On the way back to the apartment, the phone rang again.

Taking out the phone, it was Igarashi calling.


Igarashi's murderous voice sounded in my ears: "The monster who cut my hair finally appeared again, this time I must chop it into pieces! Tell me where you are, I will drive to pick you up." you!"

Hua Ye was speechless: "If you want revenge, go to that monster. What do you want me for?"

"Because that monster is super slippery, if it escapes again, I don't know how long it will take to find out." Igarashi explained, and then said, "Hurry up and tell me the address, and kill that monster." After monsters, there will be many rewards."

Ten minutes later, a sports car whizzed by and parked firmly in front of Hua Ye.

The window of the car rolled down, and the black-haired red-eyed star with small breasts poked his face out: "Get in the car."

Hua Ye opened the back door and got into the car, only to find that there was an acquaintance in the car.

"What? Teacher, can't I come?" Jing Keai put her hands on her chest, and the curve of her chest was quite straight. Since she came into contact with the other world, she has no intention of going on a blind date at all. She only wants to go to the new world, and she will go tonight At Igarashi's place, I learned knowledge and common sense from the maid Mei, but when I heard that Igarashi was coming out to find a duel with monsters, he followed up cheekily without saying a word, preparing to open his eyes and gain insights.

Hua Ye withdrew his gaze: "It's nothing."

The sports car roared out amidst a burst of humming, and the driver was the maid Mei, a flat-chested maid who usually seemed very quiet, but she did not expect to be so irritable when she drove the car.

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "It's too fast."

"It's okay, it's just a ticket anyway." Igarashi waved his hand, "It's not short of money."

Hey, what kind of trouble is this wealthy local tyrant loli talking about!You are also a teacher anyway, don't drive your students over the speed limit!

Hua Ye said with a straight face: "I don't even fasten the seat belt, it's easy to be dangerous."

"Hmph, Mei's driving skills are very good..."

Before he could finish speaking, the vehicle shook its head violently, and the strong centrifugal force caused the star with poor breasts to throw itself into Hua Ye's arms, causing his nose to turn red.

"Mei?" Igarashi shouted angrily.

"I'm sorry, Master Igarashi." The maid Mei in the driver's seat said calmly, "A dog ran on the road just now, if you don't turn the steering wheel, it will hurt the dog."

Igarashi stopped talking, Mei can be her personal maid, flat chest is the first requirement, traitors are absolutely not allowed in the camp of stars with poor breasts, and then they have compatible personalities and strong ability to handle things, many times they don’t need to be ordered, Mei can handle things silently, but the maid Mei loves dogs very much, making Igarashi wonder if she was brainwashed by Wang Xingren.

"Really." The poor-breasted star complained in a low voice, "Going out for a walk with the dog without a leash, and letting the dog run wild on the street, they will know when they get hit by themselves."

You, a guy who drives too fast and doesn't wear a seat belt, has no right to complain about others!


Igarashi stared at him, "It was all your fault just now, Crow's mouth, it must be fine if you don't speak."

"Troubleshooting?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows.

Igarashi is still sitting in Hua Ye's arms at the moment, while standing up, throwing the blame: "Crow's mouth..."

Before he finished speaking, he was pulled back by Hua Ye and sat in his arms. The poor-breasted star felt that his majesty was greatly damaged, and hurriedly shouted: "Let go of me! Or I'll kill you!"


A crisp slap sounded.

Feeling the burning pain on his buttocks, Igarashi became angry, "You, you actually do this kind of thing in front of other people..."


Another slap sounded.

If you blame me in front of others, don't blame me for punishing you in front of others!

The double sense of shame both psychologically and physically made Igarashi into a rolling ball beast. This poor-breasted star opened its mouth, revealing a mouthful of small white teeth: "I'll bite you to death——"

"Hey, you two are enough." Jing Keai's speechless voice sounded from the side, "One teacher, one student, pay attention to your image."

In front of my colleagues, I'm making out with my students. Even an onmyoji should pay attention to my image. If someone reports and stabs me, I will definitely lose my reputation.

The problem is that this star with poor breasts has lost face a long time ago. When he was tied up and hung up by his own tentacle monster in the open-air swimming pool, the scene was so bad that not only lost his face, but also lost his integrity.

"Did you hear me? I'm your teacher. If you bully me again, I'll pay you back double in art class." It was rare for Igarashi to use the teacher's power.

Hua Ye looked disgusted and said, "Do you want to take a vacation?"

"Hey, what fake?"

"Ten months of maternity leave."

"Don't try to lie to me, the maternity leave is only three months in total!"


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