Alice gritted her silver teeth, turned over and sat up.


"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'" this little bean opened his eyes wide, "Master Baiyu?!"

Lafite, who was sleeping next to her, was propping his chin with one hand, looking over with delicate eyes.

"I'm not, I'm not!"

Alice stammered and spoke incoherently, "Master Baiyu, I don't know how I became like this..."

"Well, if it's Alice, it's fine." Raphael said with a smile.

"I have no idea what you're talking about!"

Alice blushed, threw off the quilt, and ran into the bathroom in a panic.

"Your boyfriend is too much." Lafite puffed up his cheeks and accused the unscrupulous man.

"Where is too much?"

"In front of my girlfriend, sleeping with my girlfriend's best friend, only those evil male protagonists can do such a perverted thing."

Hua Ye said with black lines all over his face, "Come here."

That short bean was not honest at all after falling asleep, not to mention kicking the quilt like a child, and even rolled into his own bed at night, so he is the victim, okay?

Hua Ye just said something casually, but he didn't expect this black-bellied girl to agree with her nod: "Okay."

After Lafite finished speaking, he raised his hand to lift off the quilt, rolled three times on the ground like rolling a carrot, and came to Hua Ye.


"Huh, the temperature is so low..."

The dark-bellied girl lifted Hua Ye's quilt, and rolled directly into Hua Ye's arms with a chill in the late autumn morning.

An elegant fragrance of flowers like orchids and musk deer came to the nostrils, and the warm jade fragrance fell into the bosom.

"It's so warm... I survived. (〃'▽'〃)"

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "You go out."

"No, it was my boyfriend who asked me to come here, so I have to be responsible to the end."

"What about your manners?"

"What's morality?" Lafite blinked and smiled, "Anyway, it's worthless."

The black-bellied girl rubbed her face in Hua Ye's arms, found a comfortable position to lie down, and happily announced: "Cohabitation achievement [-]: Sleeping together, achievement get!"

Hua Ye said with a stern face: "You will be punished for causing trouble."

"Don't make trouble." Lafite rested his chin on Hua Ye's arm, stretched out a finger, and drew circles on Hua Ye's chest, "Boyfriend, go to bed quickly, and I'll wake you up later, by the way Achieving the achievement of Good Morning..."

Good morning kiss, good morning kiss, don't be vague on purpose to make people misunderstand.

"Don't move your hands," Hua Ye instructed.

"Because the posture is not comfortable enough..."

The dark-bellied girl lay on her side beside Hua Ye. While speaking, she raised her right leg and placed it on Hua Ye's lap. Then she said, "Sure enough, this position is the most comfortable."

Hua Ye closed his eyes.

As a result, the black-bellied girl continued to make trouble, leaned close to Hua Ye's ear, and whispered, "Isn't Alice like this just now? When I was playing at her house, she liked to hug me to sleep at night like this."


"For the first time, I have someone I like, and I also got a lifelong best friend. The two joys overlapped. It was supposed to be a dreamlike happy time...but my boyfriend actually slept with my best friend."

"It's enough."

Hua Ye opened his eyes, and stretched out his arms to wrap around the slender waist of the dark-bellied girl.

Even though it was a very ordinary shirt, it felt as smooth as silk when worn on Lafite's body. Hua Ye paused for a while on the waist, and then slid down along the waist.

Lafite blushed pretty, and hurriedly pressed Hua Ye's hand, and said pitifully, "No, don't..."

You have already run into the bed to make trouble, if you are not punished, where will you put your face?

Chapter 1097 Scary High School Student

"It's no use begging for forgiveness."

Hua Ye snorted softly, his left hand continued to slide down, and soon reached the end of the shirt, and then the softer and silkier fabric felt in his hand.

Apparently it was at the place where Fat Times protected.

"Hua Ye, I was wrong."

Lafite pressed Hua Ye's hand, begging for mercy in a pitiful whisper.

It's too late.

You were happy when you were skinny, but now is the price you pay for being happy.

Hua Ye grasped it hard, and a certain part that was soft and plump, but full of elasticity and upright immediately fell into his hand.

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