Silly Meow puffed up her cheeks: "You are my attendant, and you have never spread any evil with me!"


Having said that, I really haven't noticed how Satania spent the weekend.

Needless to say, Gabriel must be playing games in the room, eating snacks, useless, lazy, and even her sister Jiaairu has given up saving, so she can completely change her name to Qindiligent Xiuxian Gabriel.

In the case of Wei Nai, life on weekends is very regular. I get up in the morning to wash up, tidy up the room, then make breakfast, review homework, feed the stray cats, come to help Gabriel clean up, treat the cat moss, and work in a coffee shop at night... ...The attributes of a wife are beyond the charts. Even if you become a family waste after marriage, Wei Nai will never leave you alone, and take good care of you.

As for Lafite, that black-bellied angel, he prefers to go to the bookstore to read books on weekends, or visit Alice's house, or send messages to harass Hua Ye.

Only idiot Meow, apart from knowing that she likes to watch the Devil's Shopping TV, goes to the supermarket to buy fresh pineapples/bags every day, and comes to challenge Gabriel from time to time, the rest doesn't know.

What does this idiot do on weekends?

Hua Ye thought for a while, but he didn't rush to go back, and let this idiot drag him into a nearby park.

"This is where I spread evil and reap despair." Satania pinched her waist with one hand and waved the other hand in front of her. "It's the land I laid down for you."

With a blank expression on his face, Hua Ye stretched out his hand to pinch the idiot's face.

"It hurts..."

If you can't speak, don't talk. If you want to hit someone after hearing it, you know.

This is just an ordinary park.

It was the weekend, and there were a lot of people in the park. There were old people walking, young people running, and children playing games. A group of women with dangerous haircuts were chatting beside them... It was an ordinary miniature of the park. . "

"That's why we need to spread evil." Satania rubbed her cheeks, showing her small canine teeth. "As long as I mark it, I can turn this place into my territory."

Hua Ye is not in a hurry to go back for the time being, but curious about what this idiot wants to do.

"Look at how I spread evil, don't blink."

Satania took out a pen from her pocket, walked to a sign that said 'no trampling on the lawn', and drew a smiley face with the pen.

"All right."

Silly Meow walked back to Hua Ye's side, raised his chin, and showed an expectant expression of "come and praise me".

Hua Ye slightly twitched the corner of his mouth: "Is this the end?"

"It's over." Satania said, "I've already painted a devil's smile on the signboard, and people who see it will be continuously polluted..."

Is this mental pollution?

It's just graffiti!Painting this kind of Q-version smiling face on the notice board is like some painters painting Doraemon on the stone ball on the street. When others see it, they will just laugh it off. Summon it!No matter how bad it is, there are so many cars parked at the entrance of the park, and drawing a few cars at random is called a crime.

"Aide, can you draw one too?"

Silly Meow handed over the pen.

Hua Ye said with a straight face, "Ugly refusal."

"Forget it, if you don't spread spiritual pollution, you can also hit the self-confidence of the next generation and make them spiritually weak..."

Satania took Hua Ye and came to the small beach in the middle of the park, where several primary school students were playing with sand.

"Hmph, look how I broke their self-confidence and crushed them."

Satania stepped forward, pinched her waist with her hands, and kicked away the castle that the elementary school students had worked so hard to pile up, and laughed loudly at the crying child...

If so, that's great!

This idiot stepped forward, squatted down next to an elementary school student, and then piled up a sandcastle as well.

In addition to poor studies and poor cooking skills, Silly Meow has full marks for athletic talent and hands-on ability. After a while, he built a castle and won the cheers of the nearby elementary school students.

"Wow, that's amazing!"

"My sister is so good at playing!"

Satania walked to Hua Ye's side and put her hand on her forehead: "Hmph, it's really a crime to crush the self-confidence of a few children..."

These primary school students did not feel the pain of being crushed by you at all, they are clearly looking at you with adoring eyes!

"Sister, how can I play this well?"

A primary school student came over, holding a sword ball in his hand, and asked pitifully.

The game of kenball is very simple, that is, a wooden handle has several concave protrusions on the top, and a ball is tied to the handle with a rope. The player manipulates the wooden handle to throw the ball and catch it with the concave protrusions.

"Of course I can play." Satania wiped her nose, "Look at mine."

Kenball is a game unique to Japanese folk. It can often be seen in anime. It originated from a game in France. It was gradually improved and became a modern Japanese Kenball game. There is a special Kenball Association. , as well as competitions and bonuses and more.

Silly Meow is not good at studying, but he is quite good at playing this type of sports game. He quickly played fencing ball, causing several elementary school students to hold their faces and let out exclamations from time to time.

After playing for a while, Satania walked up to Hua Ye, raised her chin, and said triumphantly, "Aide, did you see that someone else has been hit by me with self-confidence, from now on, they can only play with me Shivering in the shadows."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Look at those wives."


Satania turned her head and looked curiously, "What happened to them?"

Hua Ye said: "The way they look at you reveals love."

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