"Master Hua Ye."

Maid Mei opened the iron gate and bowed to Hua Ye in salute.

This girl is very clear about her duty as a maid, she never asks what Huaye and Igarashi are doing on the rooftop, she just quietly let the wind outside the outer door, and comes up to clean the battlefield after finishing things... Wait, why is it more so? It looks more and more like those close maidservants who were cheated by their masters in ancient times, who guarded the door and listened to the foot of the wall!

The personal maid is not only responsible for warming the bed, but also undressing and undressing, and even pushes the master's back when the master is weak!

Hua Ye walked up to the rooftop, and at a glance, he saw the poor-breasted dog drinking black tea elegantly under the parasol.

Igarashi was still in a long black dress, with black hair and red eyes, and a small hair on the top of her head. She was smiling at the corner of her lips, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

"Come here for tea." Igarashi looked over.

Hua Ye walked over and sat down, picked up the teacup, and started to drink tea.

"Slow down, the taste of black tea can only be tasted slowly." Igarashi kicked, "You gulp and gulp like that, it's like a cow chewing peonies, it's so vulgar."

The poor star complained, but handed over the teapot, "That's all, it's gone after drinking it."

"Here's this steak for you. I just took a bite and it feels a bit old."

Sure enough, being rich means being able to do whatever you want. Others are eating cold bento and rice balls, but they don’t know that Youfu Lolita is drinking black tea and eating steak on the roof, and because the steak is a bit old, she will stop eating after just one bite. what!

Hua Ye didn't dislike it. He took the steak and ate it.

Igarashi still held the teacup, showing his majesty, lightly raised his chin and said, "After eating, come and help me heal."

Hua Ye wiped his hands with a towel: "Did you forget something?"

"Eh?" A bad premonition welled up in my heart, and Igarashi looked over vigilantly, "What are you doing?"

"I said last night that the consequences would be serious." Hua Ye said, "Do you think it's fine to run away?"

"Damn it!" Igarashi gritted her silver teeth, refusing to admit her mistake, clenched her fists and said, "You eat my food and drink my food, and you still want to hit me?"

The other party is responsible for eating and drinking, no matter how you look at it, she is being taken care of by this star with poor breasts in disguise!

Pit father ah!Avoided the bright spear of Elma's foodie dragon lady, but was secretly achieved by this poor star person!


Hua Ye raised his face and said, "Come here."

Those who want to be taken care of by rich loli, don't think that loli are all soft and cute, but more of these fake loli with awkward personality and bad temper. Brush it for a few minutes, and it will be ruined in less than three days!

"Hmph, don't go there!"

Igarashi wrinkled his nose, let me go, I don't want to lose face!

Chapter 1060 Rooftop p/lay

Hua Ye said with a straight face, "Come here and lie down."

"Hmph! Don't even think about it!"

Igarashi gritted her silver teeth tightly, and glared at Hua Ye furiously with wine-red eyes, but unfortunately, no matter whether it was a young girl's figure or a loli face, there was no deterrent force at all.

"The lunch break is almost over." Hua Ye patted his thigh, "If you want a massage, come here and lie down obediently."


"You can choose to refuse."

"Ahhhhhh! How angry! I'll write this guy down in my notebook later. After eating and drinking for free, it's nothing more than being ungrateful to Dade, but he still wants to punish me. The revenge index is five stars!"

But nowadays, the development of Xiaolongbao is the biggest thing.

Other things can be tolerated for the time being, and after Xiaolongbao grows up, he will report back the revenge on the notebook one by one.

Igarashi struggled for a while, and finally came over reluctantly, lying angrily on Hua Ye's lap, still refusing to admit defeat: "Just wait and see..."


A loud slap sounded.

The burning pain on the buttocks made Igarashi tremble slightly, biting his lips quickly, a strange sense of shame welled up in his heart.

Although he didn't want to admit it, his body was very honest, and he clearly longed for Hua Ye to hit him again.

You bastard, I am the Queen of the Night, and wherever I go, others shy away from her. Why do I have such a strange mentality?

That's right, everything is this guy's fault!

This kind of thing would never have happened if it hadn't been fought in the first place!

The poor-breasted star lay on Hua Ye's lap. In order to divert his sense of shame, he continued to speak forcefully: "This is the sixth time you hit me. I remember this account clearly. One day..."


Another loud slap sounded.

Hard-spoken, right?

Hit it a few more times and it will soften naturally.

Anyway, there is a lot of time for lunch break today, Hua Ye is not in a hurry: "Go ahead and say something, and I will hit you."


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