With Wei Nai's older sister character, you just need to ask me, and you will definitely take the responsibility of taking care of Liuhua.

Shihua shook her head: "Vinai lives too far away, so I don't want to bother her."

Hey, I'll be fine if you bother me then!

Seemingly aware of Hua Ye's complaints, Shi Hua squinted and said, "No problem."


"Help me pinch my shoulder again?" Shihua sat down, leaned on the sofa, turned her head and said, "Recently, my shoulders have started to ache again. This time I went to Italy, and I don't know when I'll be back, so I'll trouble you." gone."

The reason why Shihua's shoulders are sore is that when cooking, she has to stand there and shake the spoon, which puts a lot of pressure on her shoulders. The second reason is that her breasts are big, which can also cause back pain, chest tightness and shortness of breath.

After thinking for a while, Hua Ye stood up, walked behind the sofa, and gave Shihua a relaxing massage.


Having already had two massage experiences, Shihua can be said to have been prepared long ago, and will not make strange seductive noises again.

She leaned on the sofa, relaxed her body, closed her eyes and said:

"I didn't see it, you are obviously facial paralyzed, and you are quite popular with girls."

You have a cold face all day long, but it is actually facial paralysis!

Hua Ye snorted and exerted a little force on his hand.


An uncontrollable moan of distress blurted out, Shihua raised her hand to cover her mouth, a blush flashed across her face: "Take it easy, don't make trouble."

Hua Ye said: "This way the effect is better."

"Hmph." Shihua lightly weighed the spoon in her hand, and then said, "I remember asking you a long time ago, which girl do you really like? Do you have an answer now?"

"Which one do you like?"

Hua Ye fell into deep thought.

The useless angel who can't live without the Internet and games, even though he is lazy and useless, he still likes it very much.

There are also Wei Nai, the housekeeper, the character of the sister, and the demon with the holy light, who also like it.

Then there's that black-bellied girl, either making trouble, or on the way to make trouble... No doubts, no lying to myself, I actually like it very much.

As for the others, there was no heart-pounding liking.

Shihua turned her head to look: "You won't like them all, you want them all, right?"

Hua Ye asked rhetorically, "Why can't you ask for every one?"

The strong naturally possess more resources, no matter which world they are in, it is a common truth, even in this technological world that claims that everyone is equal, there has never been true equality.

There are many stories about rich people and corrupt/officials taking care of mistresses. The news is only the tip of the iceberg. How many are hidden under the water?

Even in some Arab countries, it is perfectly legal for a man to marry multiple wives.

In nature, all group animals, whether it is a group of lions, monkeys, elephants or monkeys, as long as they live in groups, the leaders all have the priority to mate.

Monogamy in human society is only something that has slowly emerged recently. In the long era of feudal society, no matter which continent or dynasty, one could marry multiple wives.

The most important thing is that Hua Ye is not human, so the law of human monogamy cannot control him.

Only children make choices; adults, of course, want them all.

"You can say such things..." Shihua closed her eyes and shook her head, "I didn't expect you to be so thick-skinned."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly:

"Thick-skinned has become a compliment in modern society."

In this world where people's hearts are getting colder and colder, only Naoko can warm people's hearts, and honest people with thin skins can't get along at all.

Shihua looked contemptuously, and said two words through the gap between her teeth: "Shameless."

terribly sorry.

I have never experienced such emotion as shameless.

Shihua crossed her arms and said, "What do you want to do?"

Hua Ye thought for a while, and complained, "If you have money, you can do whatever you want."


"Do whatever you want, right?" Shi Hualiu raised her eyebrows, and turned the silver spoon in her hand, "Come, come, let me see how hard your head is."

What's wrong?

This sentence has become the universal, irrefutable truth!

Now it doesn't matter whether you are right or not. The important thing is that you can travel all over the world if you have money, but you can't move an inch without money.

Shihua sighed, and said straight to the point: "You may think that if you have money, you can do whatever you want, but what about those girls? Do you think they will promise to be together vaguely?"


Hua Ye was silent.

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