"Actor's self-cultivation, learn about it."

When you say a word or read a line, your eyes will wander and your face will turn red. You should practice your thick skin!If one day I become a seiyuu, I will feel ashamed and faint if I dub those games like "One Breast Seeking Soul" or Little Butter!

All in all, the escape room thing came to an end.

While talking, everyone took the tram back. I didn’t feel it when I was playing games. Only then did I realize that I was mentally tired. Fortunately, at four or five o’clock in the afternoon, there were not many people on the tram, and a group of girls sat in a row. , Most of them began to doze off.

The warm sunlight shone in from the car window and fell on these girls, making people want to stop time.

After arriving at the station, everyone waved goodbye and dispersed.

Wei Nai is going to work in a coffee shop.

Lafite and Alice left together, and this dwarf little bean probably won't be able to sleep alone at night.

Liuhua and Satania went to buy the pineapple/bun that they never forget.

So Hua Ye and Gabriel went back together.

It was almost six o'clock in the afternoon.


The sunset is dim.

The vast twilight gradually enveloped the earth.

On both sides of the street, street lights lit up one after another, lighting up the night.

"I'm so tired, why are you walking so fast." Gabriel yelled weakly, and reached out to grab Hua Ye's clothes, "Lead the way."

Lead your sister!On the night of the summer festival, I just pulled the hem of my clothes and pretended to ride a big horse. Don't try to repeat it today.

Hua Ye turned around and reached out to grab the crippled angel's little hand: "Let's go."

In the evening of late autumn, although the temperature was a little low, the little hand of this crippled angel was even colder. I don't know if it's because girls are born with cold hands and feet. Anyway, I haven't seen her hands get hot in summer.

"What's for dinner?" When passing by a convenience store, Gabriel rubbed her stomach, "I'm hungry."

Hua Ye said, "Go back down?"

Cooking is a very troublesome thing. Buying ingredients, cleaning ingredients, and then cooking. In contrast, buying a few servings of soba noodles and a bottle of sauce is simple and convenient, especially suitable for this kind of night. A useless angel who is hungry and looking for something to eat.

"Don't eat it." Gabriel shook her head, "I'll eat it if you ask me, don't you want to lose face?"

Hua Ye disliked it: "Don't talk about it, but be honest with your body."

It is enough to say that you have eaten noodles too many times, but when you are called to eat noodles, the word "really delicious" is clearly written on your face.

"Then you go back and do it yourself."

"I wash the dishes, okay?"

The two walked into the convenience store, ready to buy some curry and go back to make curry rice.

When passing by the snack area, the useless angel stopped, reached out and gently pulled the corner of Hua Ye's clothes.


Hua Ye stopped and turned to look.

Gabriel pointed to the potato chips on the shelf: "Buy a bag of potato chips."

"That's junk food."

"Hey, since it's junk food, why are there so many people eating it?" Gabriel plausibly said, "Because the food only needs to be delicious."


This sentence seems to be a sentence of panacea, for example, "Why do so many people still smoke when they know that smoking is harmful to health? Smoking smells good."

"Why do so many people still drink alcohol when they know it's bad for their health? It's just because it's fun."

In the final analysis, it is still due to lack of self-control.

Hua Ye said with a straight face, "I only bought one bag."

Gabriel said, "Got it, I'll share it with you when the time comes."

at the same time.

Two boys wearing glasses nearby just happened to see this scene, and immediately murmured in envy and hatred.

"That little blonde girl is so cute."

"I want to eat, but I still gently pull the corner of my brother's clothes with my hand, it's so cute that it explodes."

"Ah, I also want such a cute little sister to act like a baby to me."

"If you have such a cute sister, you won't just buy one bag of potato chips, but at least two bags."


"Huh, sister?"

Gabriel was startled, and soon realized that the two guys were talking about herself, and she was immediately unhappy.

Open your eyes and take a good look, even the hair color is different, how could it be a younger sister, the eyes are not good!

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