A scarf appeared in Illya's hand.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth: "Where did you come from?"

Illya calmly said: "Serving the master anytime and anywhere is a must for a perfect maid."

I always feel that if I push others here, Illya will not only hand over the small umbrella, but also considerately clear away the idlers.

There are mainly two kinds of polar penguins in the Penguin Pavilion, namely the tallest emperor penguin and the lovely and lively Adélie penguin.

Both kinds of penguins walk waddlingly and take serious duck steps, some stand dumbly, some swim in the water, and some penguins line up to get off the ice slide. Sliding up and down... It can be said that these penguins are cute, and it seems that there is no problem in describing them as stupid and stupid.

Taplis is very interested in penguins because of a penguin doll that Wei Nai gave away. It happened that a little Adélie penguin waddled over. , As a result, the smile quickly turned into a shocked Yan Yi.

Because this little penguin swaggered and left a pile of excrement on the ground in front of her!

"Ju, actually defecating everywhere..."

Tapless was struck by lightning.

if not?

You don't always think that they are like beautiful girls who never need to solve physical problems!

"I remember Igarashi also wrote a composition about penguins..." Gabriel thought for a while and said, "It seems that the penguins in Antarctica are not as beautiful as they look, they are stupid, they always defecate everywhere , it will get on the shoes if you are not careful, and the penguins are always bullying the weak and like to wrestle with the same sex..."

I asked Igarashi to help you write the summer homework, you still have the nerve to say it.

Hua Ye said: "Studies have shown that 3% of Antarctic glaciers are penguin urine, so please don't drink Antarctic water at will."

"Don't, don't say it!"

Taplis was in tears, and he was in a bad mood: "Obviously the penguin doll is so cute, but now the image is completely shattered."


After visiting the Penguin Pavilion, several people took photos, and the next stop was the Seal Pavilion.

Said to be the seal hall, in addition to seals, there are also sea animals such as walruses, sea lions, fur seals, manatees and so on.

"I know the walrus, because it has two sharp teeth." Taplis was dizzy, and looked at Gabriel pitifully, "But seals and sea lions look alike, so what should I do if I can't tell them apart?"

"Well, this..."

Gabriel obviously didn't know, so she could only look up at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye said: "Those who can head the ball are sea lions. They have ears and can stand up and walk. Those who have no ears and wriggle on the ground like caterpillars are seals."

"Senior is so amazing!" The idiot junior girl admired her eyes, "Now I can tell the difference immediately."


There was another pain in my waist.

Hua Ye said with black lines all over his face, "Why pinch me again?"

Gabriel curled her lips and said, "Itchy hands."

Itchy hands, right?

You are clearly itching your ass, so you have decided, I will slap you when you go back!


In the swimming pool below, the trainers are directing the seals to perform.

A fat black seal put its front paws on its chest, and then, under the command of the trainer, it clumsily did push-ups, which soon earned a burst of laughter.

"Even the seals are doing push-ups, what reason do you have to be lazy?"

"Life lies in exercise. If you want abs, you can't have them without exercising."

"You must have the enthusiasm of this seal when exercising. After feeling your enthusiasm, your stomach will automatically lose weight!"


"Strange, why does it do push-ups?" Elma tilted her head and said, "Push-ups are meaningless to it."

Wild seals don't have feathers like penguins, and they mainly rely on the thick fat under the skin to resist the cold, so no seal is willing to lose weight.

Hua Ye activated the voice of all things, and immediately heard the seal doing push-ups shout: "Damn human!"

"Kill! Shred!"

"Kill! Shred!"

Taplis blinked: "Can this seal understand human speech?"

Hua Ye shook his head: "You can be trained even if you don't understand human language. The Pavlov effect is not only applicable to dogs."

"Eh?" The idiot schoolgirl's expression was a little dazed, and she showed an unidentified OvO expression again.

Hua Ye gave an example: "For example, when I hand over the chopsticks, someone will subconsciously open their mouths..."

"Hundan! I'll kill you!"

Chapter 966 Maid Dress

After watching the seals doing push-ups and the sea lions pushing the ball, and wandering around in other places for a while, before I knew it, it was [-]:[-], so I set off for the Dolphinarium.

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