The crippled angel didn't cooperate at first, but it's a pity that its lung capacity was too low, and it lost its resistance after a while, and Hua Ye easily captured the city and invaded the hinterland.

It wasn't until Taplis finished washing and opened the door to come out of the bathroom that Hua Ye let go of the crippled angel.

"You, you wait!" Gabriel blushed, panting, "I'll beat you after I get dressed!"


Facts have proved that if you can’t wake up, don’t yell. There are always other ways to wake people up. For example, Gabriel doesn’t need to be urged anymore, and she gets up and gets dressed in a murderous manner.

"Senior Gabriel, should we invite Senior Vinay and Senior Raphael to play together?" Taplis asked.

Gabriel hesitated for a moment, then shook her head and said, "Forget it, I just went to take a few photos, and I plan to come back to play games after taking pictures. If I ask them to go together, I don't know how long it will take..."

Elma heard it at the door and asked curiously, "Xiaoye, Xiaoye, where are you going?"

Hua Ye said, "Aquarium."

"I'm going too." Alma hurriedly raised her hand.

"You can wait for me to come back at noon."

Elma said pitifully, "But waiting for others is so boring, I want to play too."

Hua Ye turned to look at Gabriel, asking for advice.

"Go if you want."

Even though Gabriel is at odds with this dragon lady, she will not deliberately bully others. After all, most of the time she is an orange cat, lazy, able to sleep and eat.

Everything is ready.

Everyone locked the doors and started to set off.

This time when going to the aquarium, Hua Ye brought Ilya with him.

"Well... Senior Illya, don't you need to change a piece of clothing?" Taplis asked hesitantly.

She didn't dare to touch the computer, and was afraid of seeing the scary scenes of goblins fighting again, but she liked watching TV and reading books, and she already knew what kind of job a maid was.Think about it in another way, if she went out wearing a maid outfit, she would be too ashamed to look up, right?

Illya said calmly: "No need, maid outfit is the belief and symbol of a maid."


An unknown O v O expression appeared on Tapless's face again. (Are you right this time?)

When reaching an intersection, Taplis suddenly stood on tiptoe and pointed across the road: "Senior Gabriel, there is a blind person across the road, should we help?"

As a little angel, being helpful is one of the attributes.

"No." Gabriel glanced at her, shook her head and refused.

"Why, why?"

Hua Ye said, "Because he is a fake blind man."

"Hey, how did the senior know?"

Elma said, "That guy's eyes are obviously fine under the sunglasses."

"Then why does he wear sunglasses?" Taplis was puzzled, obviously not understanding what it meant to be 'some people pretend to be blind while others pretend not to be blind'.

Then she soon knew why.

A female clerk in a red work uniform came out of the nearby convenience store, eagerly stepped forward to help, but the guy wearing sunglasses pretending to be blind grabbed the female clerk's ass, turned around and ran away !

Obviously one moment he was cautious with every step, but the next moment he was like a wild dog running off the leash, running fast, with his right hand still making wretched movements in the air to grasp the aftertaste!

This change shocked not only the molested female clerk, but also Taplis.

"It's obviously a good intention to help, why, why did this happen?" the idiot school girl muttered to herself.

Gabriel looked contemptuously: "Because that person is a pervert."

Elma nodded: "That's right, it's indeed a pervert."

Taplis only felt that his three views had been impacted: "Won't his conscience hurt?"

If that guy had a conscience, he wouldn't be able to do such a thing at all!

"The sign of a person's maturity is not age, weight and height, nor being hurt by someone, and then growing up in an instant." Hua Ye said calmly, "It's the ability to express all kinds of impulses and evil thoughts in your mind. Under the influence, you can still restrain yourself and take responsibility."

Judging by this standard, many people live a hundred years in vain, but they are not mature at all.

"Although I don't understand, the senior looks really good..."

Chapter 964 Aquarium

While talking, the wretched middle-aged man pretending to be a blind man suddenly stopped and looked back. Seeing that the female shop assistant did not chase after him, he turned back and took two steps.

The female shop assistant covering her buttocks with a face full of shame and indignation was startled, and hurriedly turned around and ran into the shop.

"Hey, what is he doing?"

"Do you still want to run back and catch it again?"

Even Gabriel was shocked now, there is such a brazen person in the world?

As a result, the wretched middle-aged man stopped after taking two steps. Everyone was still wondering what he was doing. The red light finally turned into a green light. The wretched middle-aged man quickly ran along the zebra crossing.

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