"What are you doing?" Gabriel turned her head to look, puffing her cheeks, "The candied fruit is on the table, if you want to eat, take it yourself, don't grab my snacks."

Hua Ye said, "Have you noticed that you've been eating more and more sugar recently?"

"Is it normal for girls to like candy?" Gabriel disapproved, and turned to look at the school girl next to her: "Taplis, do you like candy too?"

Taplis was a little shy: "Yes, a little bit..."

Hua Ye said, "You are addicted to sugar."

"Hey, sugar addiction?" Gabriel blinked her eyes, with a cute expression on her face, "Eating sugar can also be addictive?"

Drinking and smoking are both addictive, and of course eating sugar is also addictive!

The sugar industry used to transfer the harm of sugar to fat and cholesterol for a long time, and only kept the damage of sugar to teeth. However, in fact, eating sugar can also be addictive, and sugar addiction is second only to smoking and alcohol addiction!

Sugar can bring pleasure to human beings, continuously sending signals of "continue intake" to the brain, making people addicted unconsciously, but eating too much sugar will not only affect teeth and lead to myopia, but also lead to obesity, overweight, diabetes, etc. and other hazards.

"Eating sugar is so terrible?" Taplis was startled, and the sides of his mouth turned into an inverted triangle, "Fortunately, I only ate a little..."

Hua Ye looked at Gabriel: "From today onwards, you will be restricted from eating candy."


"Because your weight has..."

"Shut up!" Gabriel covered Hua Ye's mouth with a murderous look, "I'll blow you away with another punch!"

Hua Ye held the little hand of the useless angel: "But you can eat fruit."

The sugar in fruit is not included in the list of added sugars.

"What should I do if I can't help it?"

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "You can use bitter things to fight poison with poison."

"Eh?" The idiot school girl blinked her eyes, she was very curious, "Then what is the most bitter thing in the world?"

This question is somewhat difficult to answer.

There are many bitter things in the world, but when it comes to what is the most bitter, there can only be different opinions, and there is no end to disputes.

"It's wedding candy." Illya in maid form said calmly.

"Hey, happy candy?" Gabriel turned her head to look, a little puzzled, "Why is happy candy bitter? Did you say it wrong?"

Ilya said calmly: "The invitation and wedding candy sent by the person I like is the bitterest."


Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth lightly. We haven't seen each other for two days, but you have learned to speak amazingly!

Gabriel raised her foot and kicked Hua Ye.

"What did you kick me for?" Hua Ye's face darkened slightly.

Gabriel looked eagerly: "Itchy feet."

"Itchy feet, right?" Hua Ye stretched out his hand to grab the foot of the useless angel, it was cold and soft, "I'll help you relieve the itching."

Only Taplis couldn't turn the corner: "Is wedding candy really bitter?"

Chapter 963 Wake Up Service

Silent all night.

In a blink of an eye, it was the next morning.

After Hua Ye got up, he opened the curtains, and was speechless immediately, because a dragon lady wearing a big-eyed frog shirt stood underneath like a watchman!

Seeing Hua Ye appearing on the balcony, Alma immediately looked up, with a bright smile on her face, and she waved her arms happily, so that the 3D version of the big-eyed frog on her chest became more frowning .

With a blank expression on his face, Hua Ye turned and walked into the room.

Ten seconds later, the doorbell rang.

Elma appeared outside the door, with her hands behind her back, she leaned forward and smiled, "Xiaoye, good morning!"

Hua Ye said, "What time is it?"

"seven o 'clock……"

"It was seven o'clock in the morning."

I showed up downstairs at seven o'clock in the morning, and I agreed to have lunch. Do you want to eat breakfast too!

But having said that, compared to those who want to eat delicious food but are too lazy to go out, this dragon lady can be said to be a very positive foodie.

Elma explained in a low voice with erratic eyes: "After I got up, I thought about going out for a morning run to exercise for a while, and then I didn't know what happened, so I came here after running..."

Hua Ye looked disgusted.

As a dragon, you tell me I need to run for exercise?

You don't even believe this reason.

Hua Ye said, "There is no breakfast."

"It's okay." Elma shook her head quickly, "I didn't even want to eat breakfast, I just waited for lunch to eat delicious food!"

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