"Don't think so much for now, set a small goal first."

"Hey, what's a small goal?" The idiot school girl humbly asked for advice.

"If you don't sweep a house, why sweep the world?" Hua Ye said, "You should correct Gabriel first, and then think about other things."


Taplist suddenly wilted like a frost-beaten eggplant.

"Senior Gabriel wasn't like this before..."

"Excellent achievements, gentle, kind, and gentle to everyone..."

"But now I've become so lazy, I feel like I can never go back..."

"No, no!" Taplis shook his head hastily, "I can't give up, maybe Senior Sister Gabriel can... save it?"


Taplis' street adventure comes to an end for a while, as the apartment looms before you know it.

Walking into the door of the apartment, Hua Ye turned his gaze, and saw in the corner under the shade of a tree, the old lady who loves cats was walking her cat, and beside her sat a very familiar girl in a brown skirt.

"It's Venet-senpai!"

Taplis's eyes lit up, and he waved his hands and shouted, "Sister Vinette!"

Compared with Gabriel, the gentle and kind-hearted Vinay, who resembles an angel, has become Taplis's new dream object.

Wei Nai followed the reputation, "Tap sauce?"

Chapter 961 Covenant Chapter Three (Third)

"Wow, what a cute cat!"

Seeing the big meow sitting on Wei Nai's lap licking a lollipop, Taplis held his face in his hands, and a pink heart floated out of his eyes.

With azure blue eyes, white hair, a chubby round face, soft ears folded down, and always a soft and weak look, easy to bully, I have to say that Big Meow is indeed one of these stray cats Responsible for your appearance.

"Tap-chan, why are you here?" Wei Nai asked curiously, "Is it on vacation again?"

"There's no holiday." Taplis shook his head, "Master Gail asked me to deliver something to Gabriel-senpai."

"Hey, why didn't Senior Gael come by himself?"

Taplis shook his head: "I don't know either, Mrs. Gaairu may have something to do..."

Nothing happened at all, but she didn't dare to come.When she put away the bracelet last time, she accidentally saw the VR immersive experience version of Kiss, and she was so frightened that she ran away!

Hua Ye walked over to Wei Nai and sat down.


Big Meow, who was licking a lollipop, looked at Hua Ye and let out a coquettish meow.

This fold-eared cat was brought back by Hua Ye and Wei Nai in the rainy night. Later, because of the Dandan incident, he ran away from home and wandered for several days. It was Hua Ye who found it, so he was very close to Hua Ye.

Wei Nai looked over and asked curiously, "Why did you come back wearing a suit?"

Hua Ye said: "Last night I went to do a commission, and the clothes didn't dry out after washing, so I wore this dress."

The cat-loving old lady's eyesight is not very good, she glanced at Hua Ye a few times just now, and now she heard Hua Ye's words, and finally realized: "Oh, it turned out to be Wei Nai's boyfriend, who suddenly dressed so formally, but I didn't recognize him... ..."

"Hey, boyfriend?"

Taplist, who was teasing the cat, opened his eyes wide: "Is Senior Wei Nai dating the senior?!"

"No, no relationship!"

Wei Nai's pretty face suddenly turned red, and she quickly shook her head to explain, but she seemed a little guilty: "It's just feeding the cat together..."

The old lady who loves cats is grooming a cat, and her ears don't seem to be very good: "What are you talking about? Are you living together?"

Now not only Wei Nai, but even Hua Ye's face was full of dark lines.

Live with your sister!They obviously mean feeding the cats together, that's not living together!If your ears are not working well, just brush the cat’s hair well and don’t talk nonsense!

"Cohabitation is a big deal, you must take safety measures." The old lady taught Wei Nai her life experience, "If you are pregnant with a child, the man may pat his ass and leave, and the girl will suffer... ..."

Hua Ye felt that this old lady had a typical 'feminine preference' mentality, and her attitude towards herself and Wei Nai was completely different.

"What?" Taplis exclaimed, with a look of shock on his face: "Senior Wei Nai, you, you are already pregnant with a baby?"

"I'm not pregnant with a baby!"

Wei Nai bit her lower lip, feeling ashamed and angry, almost wanting to die, "No relationship, no cohabitation! You can speak clearly after listening!"

Taplis tilted his head: "But Senior Wei Nai, your face is so red..."

Finally, Wei Nai couldn't hold it anymore, and shyly and anxiously put Big Meow into Hua Ye's arms: "I'm going first, I have to work in a coffee shop tonight!"


After Wei Nai fled, Hua Ye and Taplis returned to the apartment and rang the doorbell.

After a while, the door finally opened. Gabriel, with disheveled blond hair and wearing only a white shirt, stood behind the door. Probably because of the glare of the sun, the useless angel half-closed his eyes and raised his hand to block the door. Front: "Hey, Taplis? Why are you here?"

"Senior Gabriel, good afternoon." Taplis bowed and picked up the bag with both hands, "Master Gaair asked me to deliver something to you."

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