The maid hurried over, bowed and asked respectfully.

Being able to work in this kind of place naturally knows some onmyoji secrets, but she doesn't have that ability. She has also seen Miss Miko's cheating mode before, so naturally she won't neglect her in the slightest.

Hua Ye said, "We need to find a guest room to take a bath."

"Okay, please come with me, two adults."

Hua Ye picked up Miss Miko, followed behind the maid, and quickly came to a guest room on the second floor.

The maid took out the key, opened the door, and bowed again: "If you two adults have any needs, you can call me on the phone next to the bed."


"I wish the two adults a pleasant bath."

As the maid gently closed the door, Hua Ye suddenly discovered a problem.

You must take off your clothes in the bath. Generally speaking, taking off your clothes is not a big deal at all, but at this moment, Miko Liuli can't take off her clothes by herself because of her overloaded body!

In other words, if she wanted to take a bath, she would also be responsible for helping her undress?

Hua Ye thought for a while: "Should I call her back?"

Miss Miko pursed her lower lips, blushed slightly and shook her head and said, "No need, Hua Jun can help..."

Anyway, during those few times at the hot spring hotel, have you seen everything?

Hua Ye said, "Then I'll drain the water."


The size of the guest room is quite large, and the size of the bathroom is naturally not small. It is almost comparable to the master bedroom in other people's homes. There is no problem with the bathtub inside for two people to take a bath.

The bathtub was very clean. Hua Ye simply rinsed it and started to turn on the water. After adjusting the water temperature, he walked up to Miss Miko who was sitting on the bed: "Can you take off your clothes yourself or should I do it?"

Miss Miko moved her fingers and found that her fingers were able to move, but her arms were still sore and limp. It was a bit difficult to take off her clothes, so she blushed and said, "You should do it..."


Hua Ye didn't have the so-called sense of shame, and naturally he would not feel embarrassed or ashamed because he took off the girl's clothes, so he directly reached out to undo Miss Miko's belt.

Miko Liuli is wearing a white miko costume at the moment, which consists of white kimono underwear, white kimono coat, and red skirt. Although Hua Ye has never solved it before, the structure is very simple, and soon the miko Take off your clothes.


"Do you want to take off the bra too?"

Chapter 953 Bathroom Play

"Do you want to take off your bra?"

Hearing this sentence, Miss Miko, who was still a little nervous, pursed her lips angrily and amusedly.

Even being able to say such things in a serious manner, is it thick-skinned or thick-skinned!

If you don't say anything, you will think about it, and you will definitely not agree to such a question. As a girl, you must be elegant and reserved, so you don't have such a thick skin.


Miko Liuli shook her head: "It's fine, take me to the bathroom."

Although it is strange and uncomfortable to take a bath in underwear, it is still impossible to take off naked.


Hua Ye responded, stretched out his hand to hug Miss Miko, and walked to the bathroom.

Miko Liuli has only one bra left on her body at the moment, which is only fat. She can clearly feel the delicateness and smoothness of her skin. Holding it in her arms, it can be described by the word 'nephrite jade and warm fragrance'.

The saying of long-legged invincible witch sauce is not just for nothing, the arc from the knee to the toe is extraordinarily slender and graceful, which perfectly fits the definition of a good year with legs.

In addition, Miss Miko is wearing a white ordinary bra today. Although it is not the black sexy style, but with a high enough 'breast pull', you can still clearly see the white and delicate bra that is exposed outside. , makes people feel impulsive, wanting to unravel and find out.

Moreover, her body was so limp that she couldn't use any strength. At this moment, her whole body was leaning against Hua Ye's chest, so that Hua Ye could clearly feel the wonderful touch of two soft and plump masses squeezing her chest!

Miss Miko naturally felt strongly, even though she had a good psychological quality, she was pretty blushing and embarrassed at the moment.

Walking into the bathroom, Hua Ye put Miss Miko into the bathtub. Although the process of taking a bath is usually to take a shower first, and then slowly soak in the bathtub, but now it's not so particular.


This is a high-end bathtub. Hua Ye had turned on the built-in massage function before. As he entered the bathtub, the ripples were like pairs of small hands gently stroking various parts of the body. With a groan, the air instantly turned an ambiguous pink.


Miss Miko bit her lip and did not drive Hua Ye out of embarrassment.

She is sore and weak now, and it is easy to be in danger when taking a bath in the bathtub. After all, it is not uncommon for old people or children to have accidents when using the bathtub.

"Hua Jun, did you know the man just now?"

Miss Miko took a deep breath, and then changed the subject without a trace.

Hua Ye shook his head: "I don't know him, I just met him once in a hotel. He is a person with the fruit of face ability."

"Huh?" Miss Miko looked up, a little curious, "The fruit of face?"

"His catchphrase is 'give me face'. At that time, he said less than fifteen sentences, and the word 'face' appeared in three of them." Hua Ye stated the facts and reasoned, "It's annoying, so I don't Give him face."

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