
Hua Ye looked down.

"I mean, if Oni-chan wants to play with girls, you can play with Wen Nai." Tian Zhongnai quickly tilted his head, stretched out his small fist and knocked on the head, and said maliciously, "Because Wen Nai likes Oni-chan the most." (>▽ With a body like yours, if you play with it a little bit, it will be broken!

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "Ugly refuse."

Chapter 924

After most of the melon-eating girls in the class had left, Machiko picked up her schoolbag and walked out of the classroom pretending to be nonchalant.

"Squad leader, where are you going? Didn't you agree to go to the cooking department after school?"

A short-haired girl wearing red glasses chased after her. She was one of Machiko's friends, a classmate Ueno from the cooking department... However, for some unknown reason, so far, we still don't know the true identity of Classmate Ueno. name.

"Sorry, I won't go today." Machiko's eyes wandered, a little guilty, "I have a bad cold, I want to buy some cold medicine..."

"Well, the cold is really hard to say..." Ueno-san folded his chest with one hand, rested his chin with the other hand, nodded in a serious manner, then raised his hand, and enthusiastically proposed, "It's decided, I will accompany you with Tanaka Go to the pharmacy!"

"Eh?" Machiko opened her eyes wide, "You, don't you guys go to the cooking department?"

"Squad leader, you are currently sick and weak, and it's dangerous to act alone." Another voice sounded, it was Tanaka, the second ace of the culinary department, "So we have to protect your safety personally."

"I don't need your protection!" Machiko didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and quickly shook her head and said, "The cold will infect you, so I'll go alone."

"Don't worry, we have prepared masks."

A pair of white masks quietly appeared on the faces of the two melon-eating girls.

"So why did you put the mask on in the blink of an eye!" Machiko couldn't help complaining, and then raised her hand to cover her forehead, "It's really unnecessary, I bought some cold medicine and went home, and I will go to the cooking department when the cold is better Practice."

Going to the pharmacy to buy medicine is fake, but going home with Hua Ye is real, so no matter what, you can't let two friends go with you, otherwise it will definitely become a trial meeting, right?

"Okay then..." The two melon-eating girls waved their hands in disappointment, "Squad leader, be careful on the road."

"Well, I see."

Seeing the two friends leave, Machiko finally heaved a sigh of relief, feeling not only the small guilt of lying to her friends, but also the sweetness and shame of an underground love affair.

"The squad leader looked a little weird just now..."

Two heads poked out from the corner, looking in the direction where Machiko left: "There must be something strange about this matter."

"Shall we follow and see?"

"Isn't that good?"

"Hmph, as long as you don't get caught, you'll be fine!"


Walking out of the school, Machiko quickened her pace and came near the tram stop. She saw Hua Ye's tall and straight figure at a glance, and was about to trot over, when she suddenly saw a petite girl talking next to Hua Ye, and her cheeks puffed up.

(Really, it was only a few minutes late... Why is Hua Ye always surrounded by girls.)

Machiko suddenly remembered the joke that those melon-eating girls said when they were fighting at noon: "Although Hua Ye doesn't talk much, he is actually a super potential stock."

"That's right, even though he's a bit cold, the piano sounds super nice, and he has a great figure. He has eight-pack abs. I really want to lick...touch him."

"Hey, you just said something terrible!"

"Tch, I don't believe you haven't thought about it."

"Since the class monitor has nothing to do with Hua Ye, we should take the initiative to pursue it."


"Taking the initiative or something..."

Machiko hesitated, and suddenly remembered what her unscrupulous cousin once said: "Based on my experience in drawing books for so many years, there is only one way to come from behind and gain an absolute advantage!"

"That's Flying Dragon Riding Face!"

"As the saying goes, 'Flying dragon rides on the face, you tell me how to lose'!"

"I don't know what flying dragon rides on the face?" The unscrupulous cousin let out a silly smile, "Cousin will teach you..."

"No, no, no, no!"

Just thinking about the scene of "flying dragon riding on the face" for a while, Machiko almost fainted with shame, her face was as red as lava in a volcano, and even the tip of her hair was dyed crimson, "I can't do such a shameful thing anyway Come out!"

"whats the matter?"

A very familiar voice rang in my ear.

"Hey, classmate Hua Ye?" Machiko looked up in surprise, and found that Hua Ye had appeared in front of her at some point, and then hurriedly shook her head like a rattle, "It's nothing!"


at the same time.

Not far behind Machiko.

"Hey, it's classmate Hua Ye?" Ueno's eyes widened.

The girl with the ponytail murmured, "Is the monitor dating classmate Hua Ye?"

"Probably not." The short-haired girl shook her head, "Hua Ye is accompanied by a girl."

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