
Since then, Wuqie has officially embarked on the road of no return for women's clothing bosses.

After putting on women's clothes, Wuqie found that his waist no longer hurts, his legs no longer hurt, his skills have improved, and even his luck has gradually improved.

Therefore, the phrase "only women can become a big boss" is even more regarded as a standard by him.

"Young man, are you interested in being my subordinate?" Wu cut looked at Hua Ye with a smile on his face, his figure was enchanting, but his voice was deep and deep, the terrible contrast almost made people vomit blood.

However, Hua Ye just uttered two words coldly: "Shut up!"


The air suddenly became quiet.

A group of little monsters were stunned, almost suspecting that there was something wrong with their ears. After recovering, the faces of these little monsters turned even paler.

You must know that since Wuqie became a master of women's clothing, his personality has gradually become more feminine-sensitive, loves to play petty temper, and will lose his temper at every turn.

It's a pity that God showed him the road to success, but didn't give him a gentle and soft voice, so Wuqie usually hates people making jokes about it, and anyone who breaks the taboo usually ends up miserable.

Now that Hua Ye scolded Wuqie to shut up in front of so many people, it was obvious that he hated his voice. This was not just a matter of killing one person, maybe the anger would burn on other people.

Sure enough, Wuqie's face suddenly became gloomy, and a cold breath whizzed past, as if a huge boulder was pressing on everyone's chest, making them breathless.

"You are seeking your own death!" Wuqie snorted coldly, his voice piercingly cold.

Hua Ye's answer was also very straightforward. He stretched out his middle finger and made an internationally accepted gesture: "Stop talking nonsense and let the horse come here."

It's okay to wear women's clothes, but you dare to disgust me... so there is no excuse for the crime!

go to hell!Bitchi!

(PS: Monthly ticket plus update, I'm already a salted fish that can't turn over...)

Chapter 92

The evening wind whimpered.

The moonlight is cold.

Wuqie laughed back angrily, a cold and tyrannical aura swept out, blowing his black hair fluttering: "Very good! You are the first person who dares to talk to me like this!"

Please don't open your mouth, others are killing from behind, but you are killing meow!

You are just a semi-finished women's clothing boss!

Immediately afterwards, the expression on Wuqie's face completely disappeared, only a pair of eyes looked at Hua Ye without the slightest emotion, but anyone who knew him well knew that the more expressionless Wukiri's face, the more angry he was. The meaning is getting stronger.

Seeing this scene, some little monsters looked at Hua Ye and even became sympathetic.

"Swipe!" Sen Leng's murderous aura was released suddenly.

Wuqie raised a finger and pointed it at Huaye.

At his fingertips, there seems to be an invisible vortex, and the astonishing force is rolling and spreading. Even ordinary people can see the hazy mist whizzing from the surrounding bushes with their naked eyes, as if a stream merges into a river and finally condenses into a vortex. He fired a long fog spear.

"This... this is really a monster!"

The faces of the four members of Takeda's family and the security guards were all pale. After all, they were ordinary people. It is common sense for them to be weak-legged and weak-footed when they suddenly come into contact with such monsters that only exist in stories.

Miss Miko also frowned slightly.

There are many monsters in the human world, but most of them hide their whereabouts and act alone. The big guy in women's clothes in front of him can subdue a lot of younger brothers, obviously his own strength is extremely powerful.

Thinking of this, Miss Miko couldn't help looking at Hua Ye.

Seeing that his face was calm, even showing a lazy look, his heart was immediately relieved.

I don't know why, although Hua Ye in front of him is younger than himself, but when he is behind him, he feels inexplicably peaceful in his heart.

However, the fog cut that was fully charged did not start immediately, but slowly took out a newest mobile phone from his pocket...

"What is he going to do?" Everyone looked at each other, puzzled.

"Idiot, hurry up!" Wuqie said coldly.

"Boss, wait a moment!" A thin little demon next to him hurried to Wuqie's side, then nodded and took out from his waist...

Miss Miko's eyes were wide open, and her red lips were slightly parted, as if she had seen something unbelievable.

The expressions of the rest of them were also very similar, exactly the same, with cold sweat dripping from their foreheads.

Because what the little demon took out was a long, black... selfie stick!

I saw the women's clothing boss Wu Qie reaching out to take it, put on the selfie stick, adjusted the selfie mode, and then heard the sound of 'click' and 'click' to take pictures...

"Is he... taking a selfie?" a security guard murmured.

"No, that's right...it's a selfie." The companion next to him responded blankly.

At this moment, everyone felt that there were tens of thousands of beasts galloping past their hearts.


It was agreed to fight for [-] rounds, and the blood was spattered all over the world!

Feelings, you use such a big momentum to make a big move, just to take a selfie!

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