The fat boy pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose: "You can obliterate my body, but even though there are thousands of people, I will go. Where there is righteousness, there is no hesitation. If you sacrifice your life for righteousness, it is now. In the coffin, I will also cry out with a decaying voice: loli is justice!"

Some people can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour: "Such a beautiful girlfriend, there is no reason for boys to break up, right? Maybe that boy is wearing a forgiveness hat..."

Hua Ye squinted his eyes and glanced coldly, the speaker trembled and shut his mouth quickly.

"All non-hands-on quarrels are a show of affection."

"At this time, girls just need to kiss and act like a baby, right?"


Elma's eyes lit up, she didn't know whose slander she had listened to, and suddenly came forward, ready to kiss Hua Ye on the face to solve the problem.

At the critical moment, Hua Ye stretched out his right hand and blocked it with disgust.


This dragon lady kissed Hua Ye's palm.

A group of melon-eating crowd watching the theater immediately sprayed. If these people had emotional points on their heads, they would definitely see a lot of envy, jealousy and hatred floating out.

"Are you serious about that disgusting move just now?"

"Can such a beautiful girl refuse to offer a kiss?"

"That boy..." a little girl muttered, "Could it be gay?"


Hua Ye's face darkened when he heard these words, and he turned his head to look at the girl who spoke, "Believe it or not, it made you look so black!"

Although she didn't say this, the girl seemed to understand Hua Ye's eyes, her face turned red, and she quickly raised her hand to cover her chest.


Hua Ye grabbed Elma, turned around and walked into the supermarket.

Into the supermarket.

Hua Ye didn't go to the fresh department store area, but walked towards the bathroom.

"Hey, Xiaoye?" Elma's hesitant voice sounded, "Where are you going?"

Hua Ye replied, "The bathroom."

"Wash, washroom?" Elma's voice became even more hesitant, hesitating, "Kissing on the face is barely acceptable, after all, the French also have face-to-face rituals...but going to the bathroom to kiss is not allowed!"

Your sister, who wants to go to the bathroom to kiss you!

Although there are indeed 'toilet suites' in some love hotels, they are not interested in toilet play at all!

"I just went to the bathroom to wash my hands." Hua Ye said blankly, "I got your lipstick on my hands."

Last night, that black-bellied girl in Lafite even asked Hua Ye to accompany her to try on lipsticks, but she didn't expect to be preempted by someone today!

Dragon Lady is not a human being, so she can keep her lips moist without wearing lipstick. For example, when Hua Ye was kissed by Thor before, Thor's lips were wet, but Elma is different. In the Japanese workplace, Women must make up and dress up when they go to work, so that they can show their beautiful side to customers. This is an attitude requirement. Even if this dragon girl is naturally beautiful, she is more beautiful than others without makeup, and she cannot be exempted from it.

Hua Ye came out of the bathroom and said with a straight face, "Let's go and buy ingredients."

Elma nodded, and asked cautiously, "I don't have to choose now, do I?"

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth: "That's it for now."

This dragon lady is already a terminal patient with difficulty in choosing, and if she is asked to make a choice, she still doesn't know what she will do!


Elma breathed a sigh of relief, and hugged Hua Ye's arm: "Thank you Xiaoye! (*^▽^*)"

This dragon girl has just experienced despair, and now she is 'pardoned' by Hua Ye. She is in a good mood, humming a song, pushing the shopping cart behind Hua Ye, and when passing by the fruit area, she hurriedly took Hua Ye's hand : "It's melon, where is melon!"

Huaye's poker face: "I know this is a melon, do you want to eat it?"

"Hmm." Elma nodded and said expectantly, "I recently followed a food blogger's social account, and it said that melon contains dietary fiber, pectin, vitamins and other nutrients that are beneficial to the human body, and it is also beneficial to human body." It has a good promoting effect on the human body's hematopoietic function, and it is a very good therapeutic fruit. It is strongly recommended for a lifetime...I haven't eaten melons yet, so why don't you buy two melons and taste them?"

The last sentence is the key!In fact, you are the same as the blue-eyed young dragon. When you see food you have never eaten, your first reaction is to put it in your mouth and taste it!

Hua Ye said, "Anyway, you pay the bill and you can buy whatever you want."

"Hee hee, I forgot." The dragon lady blinked her eyes, tilted her head and stuck out the tip of her tongue, acting maliciously.

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "You are enough."

The malicious and cute movements are so unfamiliar, must have learned it from TV, right?

Go back and practice in the mirror a few more times!

After walking two steps, the dragon lady fell in love with another fruit: "Hey, this is a mango? Why does it look so much like a loquat?"

Hua Ye said: "Thai loquat mango, let's find out."

Mangoes and loquats look somewhat similar, and people who don’t eat them often may confuse them, because when you peel off the peel, there is yellow flesh inside, and the appearance looks similar.

Thailand's loquat mango is a very popular new mango. It looks like loquat in appearance, but it tastes like mango.

"Xiaoye, wait a minute..." Elma took out her mobile phone, opened the social account she followed, and quickly found an article, "I found it, it said that loquat can be made into loquat cream, which can also clear away heat and reduce fire, moisten the lungs and relieve cough , there are a variety of nutrients in it..."

It seems that any fruits and vegetables on the market contain all kinds of beneficial nutrients. Eating them can strengthen your body and prolong your life. Meat is terrible. However, for carnivores who love meat, fruits and vegetables are optional, but There is absolutely no shortage of meat.

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