"Little Ye is too much!" Thor raised his hand to cover his chest, puffed up his cheeks, "You actually took advantage of me..."

Whoever took advantage of you, let me remind you, otherwise you haven't noticed that you are giving benefits now!I also said that I would send Elma's nude photos as a bonus, but I didn't expect to send my own bonus first!

"I'm going to be angry!"

Being able to say this, it is obvious that Thor is not really angry. After all, the moral values ​​of dragons and humans are completely different. shame concept.


Thor puffed his cheeks, and actually learned to bargain: "Next time you treat me to a buffet, I will forgive you."

"No buffet."

With a blank expression on his face, Hua Ye handed the phone to Kang Na: "Xiao Lin is looking for you."

Holding the phone in both hands, Kang Na lay on the carpet, her two thick legs swayed slightly, and started video chatting with Xiao Lin.

Hua Ye turned to look at Wei Nai.

Fortunately, Wei Nai stood outside the tent and didn't come in, otherwise she would have to be lectured.

"I'm worried about letting Kang Na-chan come here alone."

Seeing Hua Ye looking over, Wei Nai said solemnly.


It's only a dozen or so steps away, so why not worry, or do you think I will do strange things to this blue-eyed young dragon!

Wei Nai was obviously ready to go to bed. She came out in a hurry and didn't change clothes. Instead, she was wearing a blue pajamas with starfish, shells, and nautilus printed on the surface.

Hua Ye said, "Why aren't you wearing that white cat pajamas?"

That night, when I walked home from the coffee shop, a watermelon rolled down and drenched Wei Nai's body with watermelon juice when I walked through a staircase. This was the first time Hua Ye came to visit at night.

"Eh?" Wei Nai froze for a moment, her pretty face flushed quickly, she obviously remembered the incident that night when Hua Ye cooked ginger soup and then took the opportunity to force kiss, she came over shyly and angrily: "I want you to take care of it, but Where's your pajamas, why are you still wearing your day shirt?"

Hua Ye said: "I don't have pajamas, and you never bought them for me."

"I, why should I buy it for you..." Wei Nai averted her eyes with a little confidence, "Don't you know how to buy it yourself?"

"No." Hua Ye replied, "You bought the shirt on your body."

"I don't remember." Wei Nai turned to look away.

Hua Ye waved: "Come in and talk."

"Don't go in." Wei Nai took a step back with vigilant eyes.

Hey, what's wrong with your pervert-proof eyes? There's a blue-eyed young dragon in the tent, okay? And there's a cousin and a maid dragon on the video call, how could it be possible to kiss you forcefully in front of them!

"The tent is huge."

Wei Nai looked contemptuously: "Then I won't go in either."

Hua Ye continued: "There are mosquitoes outside, and it will be very itchy if bitten by mosquitoes."

Wei Nai said with a pretty face, "Don't worry, I have mosquito repellent water."

"You've already taken a bath, and now you're still looking for mosquito repellent, will it disturb others?"


A critical strike, hitting a weak spot.

Wei Nai hesitated, and was about to speak when Hua Ye said, "If the tent is not closed, mosquitoes will fly in and bite Kang Na all over her head."

"You..." Wei Nai bit her lip and said vigilantly, "Then don't do anything excessive!"

Although she knew that Kang Na would not be bitten all over her head by mosquitoes, she was still a little worried.

"No." Hua Ye nodded his promise.

Only then did Wei Nai cover her chest with one hand, bent down and walked into the tent.

When passing by Hua Ye, there was a pleasant aroma, not only the fragrance of green apple shampoo, but also an elegant fragrance like gardenia.

A few strands of hair brushed past the tip of the nose, and it was slightly itchy, which made Hua Ye subconsciously want to rub his head. Sure enough, touching the head to kill or something is addictive.

"What are you going to do?" Wei Nai watched Hua Ye's every move from the corner of her eye.

Hua Ye said seriously, "Your hair is messed up."


Hua Ye stretched out his right hand, smoothed the hair on Wei Nai's head, and said, "Okay."

"Believe it or not?" Wei Nai's pretty face was tense, and she raised her hand as if to hit her.

Hua Ye shook his head: "I don't believe it."

Wei Nai Liu raised her eyebrows and said with a pretty face, "I will really hit you next time."

Hua Ye thought for a while, then stretched out his hand again: "Okay."

"When did you become so thick-skinned?" Wei Nai patted the back of Hua Ye's hand and pushed Hua Ye's hand away.

Hua Ye said: "In this society, thick-skinned is actually a compliment."

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