In the eyes of men, there seems to be an order of first thief, second maidservant, third concubine, fourth prostitute, and fifth wife.

The first is theft. This does not mean stealing money, but stealing other people's wives or girlfriends. It is obviously a super excessive thing, but for men, it is both a sense of accomplishment and an extra thrill.

Then there are maids, servants, then lovers, the rest are the call girls in the custom shop, and finally the wife.

Sure enough, the easier things are, the less men will cherish them, right?

"Oh, man..."

Teacher Igarashi's catchphrase seems to be a bit confusing, and the more you say it, the more addictive it becomes.


A crisp sound resounded in the bamboo forest.

Alice was still thinking wildly when she suddenly felt a pain in her buttocks.

After a daze, Alice realized that she had been spanked, and her face flushed red: "You, you actually hit me?!"

"You drifted too far just now." Hua Ye poker-faced.

Alice was ashamed and angry, she bared her teeth and claws, and swung her windmill fist: "Big/pervert, I'll fight you!"

It's a pity that without any damage, Hua Ye suppressed it with one hand.

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows: "Or do you want to try the improved version of the tortoise shell here?"

Thinking of the scene where Hua Ye was tied into a tortoise shell in the guest room that night, the little bean shuddered, and hurriedly backed away, covered his buttocks with his hands, and said sternly, "You, you dare!"

"Alice, what's wrong with you?" Wei Nai's voice came from outside the bamboo forest.

It was dark and the dusk was heavy, and Wei Nai was busy with barbecue again, so she couldn't see clearly what happened in the bamboo forest.

The girl with twin ponytails bit her lips: "No, it's nothing, I just got bitten by a mosquito..."

Being spanked and threatened with a tortoise shell, how could such a shameful thing be said!

Wei Nai had no doubts about him: "Then hurry up and spray mosquito repellant with Hua Ye."

Alice breathed a sigh of relief, and could only help Hua Ye cover up aggrievedly: "I, I know..."

This short bean ding stared at Hua Ye vigilantly: "You, you wait! Master Bai Yu will definitely help me avenge!"

I'm sorry, but your Master Bai Yu is also on the first page of the list of punished personnel. When he comes, he can only send a double kill in anger.

"Wang Wang."

Xiaoqiu, who walked around the tree for convenience, finally ran back and wagged her tail around Huaye. Alice became even angrier, but she could only take tools and do her job as a shit shoveler.

After finishing the treatment, the two walked out of the bamboo forest and walked towards the camping site.


"Clap clap clap!"

"Vina, Vinai, I hit a mosquito!"


Seeing that it was getting dark, Satania and Liuhua finally gave up their fishing business. Just as Taplis was bitten by a mosquito again, Vinai asked Satania and Liuhua to repel the mosquitoes... In short, the two of them should not be allowed to If you are free, if you run over to help make a pot of dark dishes that exude a strange atmosphere, all the previous hard work will be in vain.

"Senior Gabriel, it's so itchy." Taplis stood beside Gabriel and said aggrieved with tears in his eyes.

"Hey, mosquito repellent water." Gabriel took out a bottle of mosquito repellent water and handed it over, "Spray it yourself."

Taplis asked curiously, "Will it stop itching after spraying it?"

"It's not that bad." Sitting on the banana-shaped air cushion chair, Gabriel said weakly, "It just makes you less itchy."


Alice heard the words, and immediately recalled the fear of being ruled by mosquitoes in the bamboo forest just now. She hurriedly looked down at her arms, and found that the red and swollen bags on her arms disappeared at some point.

"If you're next to that pervert with paralyzed face, at least you don't have to worry about being bitten by mosquitoes?"

Chapter 878

"Tap sauce, here you are." Wei Nai brought a bottle of summer spray over, "This is mint toner, you tend to sweat when you run around, it will be much better if you spray it on your body."

"Thank you, Senior Wei Nai."

Tapless thanked him tearfully.

Obviously, Senior Vinay is busy preparing for the barbecue, but he still doesn't forget to care about himself. Compared to Gabriel-senpai, Senior Vinai is more like a real angel!

Rafael stretched out a finger: "I heard that peppermint toner and mint candy are more suitable. Remember to try Tapu sauce when you have time."


Kang Na who was standing quietly beside her suddenly opened her eyes wide.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Wei Nai looked down, "Does Kang Na-chan want to eat mints?"

Kang Na shook her head vigorously: "No mints."

Wei Nai was really surprised this time: "What's going on?"

You know, even if it's hermit crabs, cicadas and other things, Kang Na can eat them without changing his face, but there are still things that this blue-eyed young dragon refuses to eat, or is even afraid of?

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