"Be honest." Gabriel clenched her fist and waved it in the air, "Be lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist."

"If you confess, you will be lenient, and you will be imprisoned." Hua Ye complained, "If you resist, you will be strict, and you will go home for the New Year."

"Huh?" Gabriel pinched her fingers, looking like a bad girl, "Are you drifting away today?"

Who knows who is floating!You continue to float, anyway, the small book remembers it clearly, and I will let you return it one by one at that time!

Hua Ye snorted: "Don't forget, the reward hasn't been given to me yet."

"Tch, what's the big deal." Gabriel looked disgusted, "Didn't you like it when you took off my stockings before? I'll give you those stockings when I go back tomorrow, and you can use them however you want... Is that all right?"

Your sister, who cares about your stockings!And it's still worn, sweaty stockings, that kind of thing has no other use other than throwing it into the washing machine or trash can!

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines: "What about your integrity?"

"Ha, how much is a catty of integrity?" Gabriel looked up at the sky, "Can I eat it?"


When they were bickering, time always passed quickly. It felt like the blink of an eye, and the three of Wei Nai walked out of the convenience store with big bags and small bags.

Then came the problem.

The campsite by the lake is actually not far from here, it only takes ten minutes. The problem is that everyone is riding a bicycle at the moment, so whoever sits on the back seat of Hua Ye's bicycle becomes the focus.

Well, in fact, only Satania and Liuhua are arguing. Although Machiko is envious, but because of the previous "Love Hotel" incident, she dare not speak at all now, for fear that "Lafite holding a utility knife" will come true. Wei Nai and Gabriel naturally have no interest in participating.

Two idiots, you look at me, I look at you, Satania spoke first: "I'm sitting behind the attendant, I was sitting before!"

"You have already sat down, this time it should be my turn." Liuhua refused to budge.


The eyes collided, and fine sparks were cut in the air.

"Everyone, don't make noise. It doesn't have to be Hua Ye riding a bicycle. We can take Hua Ye for a ride on a bicycle." Rafael didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, but started to make trouble.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, and turned his head to look with black lines on his face. Not only was this black-bellied girl not afraid, but she even blinked at Hua Ye.

"very good."

Hua Ye silently made a note in his little notebook.

Provoking trouble + provoking, the crime is aggravated, and must be severely punished.

"Okay, you two don't fight." Wei Nai raised her hand to cover her forehead, "Let Kang Nachan sit on the back seat of classmate Hua Ye's bicycle, wait until the lakeside, and then let classmate Hua Ye take you for a ride... ..."

"If you go back by bicycle, what will Xiao Qiu do?" Alice asked eagerly.

Riding a dog with a dog is prone to danger, and if you walk slowly on the road with a dog, you will be left behind by everyone, and you will inevitably be lonely.

Wei Nai pursed her lower lips, turned her head to look at Hua Ye: "Student Hua Ye, is there anything you can do?"


Hua Ye looked down at the Akita dog: "Hold the leash."

Xiao Qiu obediently lowered her head and picked up the dog leash.

"After a while, you will run beside Alice."

Xiaoqiu nodded the dog's head.

Hua Ye withdrew his gaze: "It's fine."


Alice puffed up her cheeks: "So why does Xiaoqiu listen to you so much! Obviously I am its owner, okay?"

Hua Ye complained: "The person who feeds the food may not necessarily be the owner, but may also be the excrement officer."

As we all know, dogs are social animals, and any social species will differentiate into classes, ranging from the queen and worker ants in an ant colony to the president and officials at all levels of a country, and of course family members.

As a member of the family, dogs will instinctively divide their food chain levels in the family. Although most of the time they are the lowest pets, there are exceptions. The level of the food chain is lower than my own, and I finally feel that I am the head of the family!

Chapter 875 Chef Satania


Kang Na raised her small face and opened her hands to Hua Ye for a hug.

Hey, you really think of yourself as a poor, weak and helpless little girl. You can get on this kind of bicycle casually, and you don't need anyone to hug you at all!

"Student Hua Ye, hurry up and help." Wei Nai had already got on the bicycle, her hair fluttering gently in the evening wind, which was quite heroic, "We are about to set off."

Hua Ye sighed, picked up the blue-eyed baby dragon that smelled like milk, and put it on the back seat of the bicycle.

"Kangna-chan, sit still, don't fall off." Wei Nai reminded again worriedly.

You are not a kindergarten teacher, don't worry about everything!This blue-eyed young dragon can step on a seesaw to the sky, even if it does fall, it should be the ground that she hits that should be the worry!

"Well, sit still."

Kang Na nodded softly and answered, grabbing the clothes around Hua Ye's waist with her small hand, and the back seat of the bicycle with the other hand, swinging her legs lightly, obviously in a good mood.


Wei Nai took out her phone and snapped a photo.

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