"You can't fold it well, just because you are stupid."

"But, damn it! How dare you say I'm stupid, believe it or not?"

"Do not believe."


(Speaking of which, the hands of this paralyzed pervert are really pretty...)

Watching Hua Ye's slender and powerful fingers fold the paper airplane deftly and gracefully, Alice couldn't help thinking wildly in her heart.

As we all know, in this world, in addition to loli control, stocking control, leg control, etc., there is also a kind of creature called "hand control". As the name suggests, it is a psychological complex that opponents have a special favorite.

Of course, face control is the most popular in the world, and hand control is only a minority, and the order is quite backward, but Alice is a very heavy hand control girl.

"It's nothing more than good-looking hands, and the fingers are still so flexible. If you practice the piano, you will definitely achieve great achievements?" Unknowingly, Alice sat next to Hua Ye again, resting her chin with one hand, Looking at Hua Ye's origami airplane, "But this pervert seems to be indifferent to anything. He plays the piano so well that the teachers all come to him to participate in the competition, but he flatly rejects him..."

"What, he doesn't think about the future at all when he does things. Others say that he should be famous as early as possible, so he just dawdles every day."

"Mom seems to have said something like asking me to get engaged to this pervert with facial paralysis. How can I agree to such a thing? She only bullies girls, a straight man of steel, a pervert with facial paralysis, and can't even smile..."

Thinking of this, Alice subconsciously thought of Hua Ye's smile that she saw in the fitting room that day, and couldn't help but move her eyes up, looking at Hua Ye.

It's already three or four o'clock in the afternoon, the sun is slanting down on Hua Ye's face, calm eyes, high nose bridge, slightly pursed lips, sharp face... Although I really don't want to admit it , but this side face under the sun's slight slant is indeed extremely attractive.

Hua Ye kept his hands on his hands, and his eyes turned suddenly: "What are you looking at?"

Looking at each other, Alice was startled, her little face flushed rapidly, like those fruits in the fruit supermarket, making people want to take a bite.

"I, I didn't see anything!"

This dwarf bean is like a little hamster that has stolen cheese, shaking its head violently like a rattle.

Hua Ye said calmly, "You are blushing."


Alice clenched her fist tightly, wishing she could punch Hua Ye's chest, her teeth were grinding, she turned her head and hummed, "Because it's too hot!"

Chatting with this facial-paralyzed pervert, it really can kill your anger!

I used to see the chat records of those straight steel men on the Internet, and I just felt that the other party's EQ was very low. I didn't understand why some people commented below 'laugh until my stomach hurts', and even exaggerated "laugh until my aunt leaks". Reply, now it's my turn to realize that I can really get angry with my aunt!

Chapter 870 Senior, you can't go to heaven like this!

"Folded." Hua Ye handed over the paper airplane.


The short bean turned its face away, its twin tails dangling behind its back.


So girls are indeed the most incomprehensible creatures in the world. They were staring intently just now, but now they suddenly turn into a disgusted look of "getting pregnant at a glance", and they don't know what they are thinking at all.

Hua Ye put on a straight face: "Don't forget it."

"Who, who doesn't want it anymore?" Alice hurriedly got up and walked to Hua Ye, stretched out her hand and said, "Hurry up and give me the paper airplane."

"Say it again."

"Don't go too far!"

"Huh?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows.

Alice froze immediately, her face flushed, she looked away, and said aggrievedly, "Please, please give me the paper airplane..."


The little bean took over the paper airplane, and although he tried his best to keep a small face, the corners of his lips couldn't help but curl up. He was obviously very surprised, but he deliberately held back his expression, which was surprisingly cute.


She blew on the nose of the plane, then raised her hand and threw the paper plane into the sky.

"By the way, why do you have to breathe in front of you when throwing a paper airplane?" Alice looked up at the sky, looking at the hovering paper airplane, and suddenly asked curiously, "Is there any special reason?" In it? Metaphysics like Sukhbaatar fishing?"

"But not." Hua Ye told the truth mercilessly.

In fact, in daily life, the action of blowing a breath is not only used on paper airplanes, but also appears before various random results, such as throwing dice, throwing darts, and so on.Take craps as an example, of course it is impossible to roll a six-six straight just because you blow your breath, and the casino does not need to open the door.

So there is only one truth, and that is

"Picture auspicious."

"What?" Alice puffed up her cheeks, unhappy, "If you say that, it will be boring in an instant!"

Playing with a paper airplane involves metaphysics, you are thinking too much!


Alice followed the paper airplane and ran away. Hua Ye thought he could be quiet for a while, but after a while, familiar footsteps quickly approached.

"Senior, senior." The idiot junior ran up to Hua Ye, her face full of anticipation, "I want a paper airplane too! (*^▽^*)"

Hua Ye shook his head: "No."

Needless to say, it must be that Alice showed off the paper airplane after returning home, and then made the idiot school girl envious. The problem is that she just showed off, why should she let herself pay the bill!

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