
Hua Ye was speechless immediately.

It's just a paper airplane, don't cry every now and then!Wouldn't it be nice to just fold one more!

It is impossible to coax a child, and it is impossible in this life.

The problem is that a camping tourist happened to pass by at this moment, and when they saw Loli who was crying so aggrieved, they immediately stopped and looked around.

Hey, what kind of eyes do you have!I didn't snatch her chocolates, nor tricked her into eating lollipops with [-] yen!

"Don't cry." Hua Ye's face darkened, "Go to that printing shop and ask for an A4 paper, and I'll make another paper airplane for you."

Little Loli wiped her eyes with her hand, she stopped her tears, sniffed and glanced at Hua Ye, then turned around and ran towards the printing shop.

After a while, he came back with an A4 paper, and said timidly, "Oni-chan, here is the paper..."

Hua Ye reached out to take it and began to origami the plane.

At this time, Alice walked over with the dog: "I want to go for a ride with Master Baiyu, please help me take care of Xiaoqiu."

Hua Ye didn't speak, just glanced at Xiaoqiu, and the dog immediately sat down obediently on the ground.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Alice looked curiously at the two loli standing beside her, but left in no hurry.

"Origami airplane."

When Hua Ye spoke, his hands moved quickly, and quickly folded a piece of A4 paper into a paper airplane: "Okay."

"Your paper airplane looks weird..." Sitting next to Hua Ye, the little bean Ding asked curiously, "And does it take so many steps to origami an airplane? Can it fly?"

"You'll know it when you see it."

Hua Ye handed the paper airplane to the little girl in a white dress: "Here you are."

"Thank you Oni-chan~~"

Loli in a white dress reached out to take the paper airplane, first thanked softly, then let out a sigh of relief at the paper airplane, and threw the paper airplane into the sky.

This strange-looking paper airplane easily flew into the sky, and then began to circle and glide for a long time under the clear sky.

"Wow! It's amazing!"

Little Lolita, who was still teary, opened her mouth with surprise on her face.

Alice also opened her eyes wide in surprise: "Hey, your paper airplane has been flying for too long, right?"

Ordinary paper airplanes will land in ten seconds, but this paper airplane not only flew a long distance, but also hovered in the air for a long time.

"This is the 'King of the Air' paper airplane." Hua Ye said casually, "The advantage is that the flight time is relatively long. I have seen the folding method on the Internet."

The 'King of the Air' paper airplane is an origami airplane invented by members of the Japanese Origami Airplane Association. It is the paper airplane with the longest flight time selected in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Of course, the reason why Hua Ye chose to fold this kind of aircraft is because the folding of the "King of the Air" does not require the use of staplers and glue, and can be folded with only a piece of paper and hands.

"Oni-chan, Oni-chan, fold a paper airplane like this for me too?"

Looking at the paper airplane that was still hovering in the sky, and then at the ordinary paper airplane in her hand, the other twintail loli made a decisive choice.

This loli took two steps forward and approached Hua Ye, her small face was full of admiration, and launched a cute attack.

It's a pity that showing cuteness is useless to Hua Ye: "No compromise."

He's not a Lolicon, so naturally he won't get whatever he wants just because Loli softly calls out "Oni Sauce".

"Eh?" The double-tailed loli had a super disappointed expression on her face, but she didn't give up, but blinked her eyes and said hesitantly, "Then...then I'll be Oni-chan's girlfriend Can you fold me a paper airplane like this?"


Chapter 869 The Hand-controlled Girl (Third Change)


Alice, who was drinking a drink, spit out the water with a sip.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Alice raised her hand to wipe her mouth, and she was shocked, "Girl, girlfriend?"

Do you know what you're talking about?

Or is it that today's kids are so powerful!

Volunteering to be someone else's girlfriend just for a paper airplane, no matter how you look at it, it's just playing tricks!

"I heard from my mother." The twin-tailed loli said solemnly, "You can't get a girlfriend in elementary school or junior high school, and the older you get, the less likely you are to get a girlfriend..."


Alice opened her mouth, and suddenly found that what she said made sense, and she was completely powerless to refute.

Little Lolita continued: "Onichan has fallen asleep sitting here by himself, surely he doesn't have a girlfriend?"

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines, he just closed his eyes and rested his mind, didn't he just fall asleep, okay?

"If I become O'Neill's girlfriend for a day, I will be able to break this curse." Little Lolita made a final conclusion.

In order to break the curse of others, and take the initiative to dedicate yourself, you will become a great weapon in the future!

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and ordered, "Go and get me a piece of paper."

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