"The current Internet is not secure at all, are you not afraid of leaking it?"

Eavesdropping, the Uniqlo incident, killing familiarity with big data, and the various permissions that Android phones require when installing software, even more openly collect users' privacy. It can be said that in the Internet age, netizens actually have no privacy at all.

"Don't worry." Hinata sent a 'big man, cute big tits' emoji, "Did Brother Xiaoye not notice?"

"Found what?"

"I didn't take any photos of my face!" Poor Loli snorted triumphantly, "As long as I don't show my face, there will be no problem at all!"


Your sister, Li Shizhen is not as skinny as you! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻杂光 sent another voice, sounding a little disappointed: "My sister has already bought the clothes for cosplay, but brother Xiaoye suddenly ran away with other girls Camping in the wild, when my sister heard the news, although she didn't say anything, her expression was obviously a bit lonely..."

Chapter 862

"I've already secretly investigated. My sister bought a total of four cosplay clothes, including Brother Xiaoye's favorite Yixian cheongsam..."

Hey, when did I say I like Yixian's cheongsam?You were the one who encouraged your sister to buy a cheongsam from the beginning to the end!

Hua Ye asked casually, "What else?"

"There are also Heizhen and Nero's cosplay costumes." Poor Loli giggled, "Brother Xiaoye, guess what the last one is?"

Hua Ye's poker face: "No guessing."

Hei Zhen and Nero are just, when they came, they saw a real person in a certain world.

Hinata puffed up her cheeks, unhappy: "Brother Xiaoye is not cooperative at all, you will lose me like this!"

But I never wanted to get you, okay?

"Brother Xiaoye, isn't he curious?"

Hua Ye shook his head: "I can ask your sister."


After talking for a while, Hinata seemed to be sleepy, and said good afternoon to Hua Ye, and finally calmed down.

Hua Ye glanced at the time, unknowingly half an hour had passed, but unfortunately, none of the three girls who entered the bathing bath came out.

Putting away his phone, Hua Ye got up and went to a nearby vending machine to buy a bottle of green tea. He just unscrewed the bottle cap and drank a couple of sips when a hurried voice rang in his ears: "Servant, I'm out!"

Probably because she had just finished taking a bath, Satania's skin was rosy and pale, like a freshly peeled egg, which could be broken by blowing a bomb, and her hair was not completely dried, and it was scattered on her shoulders with a touch of dampness. There was a rare girly look.

Hua Ye's heart did not fluctuate: "Just you?"

"Because it's so hot inside and my mouth is very thirsty, so I came out first." Silly Meow squeezed the folds of the corner of the clothes with one hand, and stretched out the other hand to Hua Ye, "I'm thirsty, green tea Let me have a sip."

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "I've already drank this bottle of green tea."

"It doesn't matter, don't worry, I won't dislike you."

The problem is that I despise you, okay, drinking the same bottle of drink might turn you into a fool!

"As an attendant, you belong to me from body to soul." Satania pinched her waist with one hand and raised her chin. "Of course this bottle of drink also belongs to me, so bring the drink."


Hua Ye said with black lines all over his face:

"I've already drank the drink. If you drink it again, it will be an indirect kiss."

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'))" Silly meow took a step back in fright.

Although he is an idiot, he also knows that men and women are different, and he cannot kiss others casually.

Hua Ye stretched out his finger and pointed to one side: "The vending machine is right there, if you want a drink, go buy it yourself."


Silly Meow rarely blushed, and said in a low voice, "I, all the money I have on me is spent on fat times..."

As he said, he handed the shopping bag in his hand to Hua Ye, "Why don't you use this as collateral for the time being?"


Mortgage your sister, when you go in, you have empty hands, and when you come out, there is such a shopping bag in your hand. You can figure it out with your toes, it must be the underwear and fat times you changed in it!And it's still the original fat times!This kind of thing has no value at all!

Hua Ye sighed, took out a [-] yen coin and flicked it over: "Here you are, take the underwear away quickly."


Satania ran over quickly, bought two bottles of drinks and came back, then handed one of the strange drinks to Hua Ye: "Hey, this is yours."

Hua Ye raised his head: "Why did you buy two bottles?"

"I heard that this drink is delicious, so I bought a bottle for you." Satania said carelessly, "Good things need to be shared."

As long as no pineapples/buns are involved, the dunce is actually pretty generous.

Hua Ye reached out to take the bottle, which looked like a cola in appearance and color, but it was not a cola drink. He found that it said "Dr Pepper" in English, but it was a relatively rare American carbonated drink.

"Recently, I watched an interesting anime called "Steins;Gate". The hero and heroine in it like to drink this drink very much. It is said that it is 'the drink that wise people like'..."


Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, and he already understood what this idiot was going to say.

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