For example, the shrine where Hua Ye and the others came to shelter from the rain was a shrine for marriage, but it was a pity that it enshrined a god who had never heard of it.

This shrine is not big, except for the torii, there are only two worship halls, front and back. Behind the shrine is a decades-old acacia tree. In the worship hall, someone sells marriage ropes, and uses marriage ropes to tie the words "two people" The name tag, tied to the acacia tree, is said to be able to unite forever and grow old...

Just tie things to the tree casually, have you ever thought about the feeling of the tree?

"Phew~~ here it is, this shrine."

Several people were carrying rainwater on their bodies, so it was not easy to enter the worship hall, so they walked around the corridor and came to the back of the shrine, where there were benches for people to rest under the eaves.

It was pouring rain.

The scenery a little further away disappeared, leaving only a vast expanse of whiteness.

It was the first time for Hua Ye to come here, shaking off the rain from the umbrella, and looking at the environment of this shrine.

What came into view was the huge acacia tree, which was swaying in the typhoon at the moment, and the nameplate tied with a marriage rope danced wildly with the wind, making people worry whether it would be blown away by the wind in the next moment.

On the side is a low cliff with a height of several meters. A clear spring flows out of the mountain wall, flowing in bamboo tubes. Plantains and bamboos are planted beside it, and there is even a small pond. The environment is quite quiet and elegant. .

On this kind of rainy day, the ancients enjoyed sitting alone in front of the window, holding a cup of fragrant tea, and then listening to the rain hitting plantains outside the window, and knocking on the chess pieces to drop the lanterns. Unfortunately, at this moment... of course they are playing with mobile phones.

"It looks like there's sand in the shoe..."

Silly Meow put away the Hatsune Umbrella, and this umbrella was once again disguised as a perfect green onion. He held it in his hand and began to shake the water on the umbrella. The action was very similar to the low-profile version of the Shaking Onion song, which could not help but attract the attention of others.

This idiot sat on the bench, took off his shoes, and cleaned the sand inside. The white stockings were already wet with water, sticking to his skin, revealing a touch of round flesh.

"Hey, classmate Hua Ye, help me pull up the skirt, it's going to be gone." Rafael said while arranging her hair that was blown by the wind.

Hua Ye was speechless: "Liuhua is beside you, how can you ask me to help?"

I don't want to lose face helping girls tidy their skirts in public!

"Because Liuhua can't reach it, classmate Hua Ye, hurry up." The black-bellied girl quietly blinked her eyes, stood on tiptoe, leaned close to Hua Ye's ear, and said with a breath, "If someone sees, my boyfriend Jun will have a green light on his head."

Green your sister!Don't make trouble, you guy in safety pants!

"To shut up."

With a dark face on Hua Ye's face, he stretched out his hand to tidy up Raphael's wind-blown skirt.

A few strands of hair brushed against her cheeks, and a faint fragrance lingered at the tip of her nose.

"Thank you boyfriend~~"

The delicate and soft voice rang in his ears, but Hua Ye caught the corner of the black-bellied girl's mouth, and the smug smile like a little fox flashed away.

and many more……

Why does this smile look deja vu?

Hua Ye thought for a while, and recalled a self-report post he saw last night about how boys and girls get along.

Then a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind, and I remembered the "Dog Boyfriend Tuning/Teaching Manual" that this black-bellied girl leaked in the zoo yesterday...

your sister!

Feelings have been tuned/taught without knowing it!

I escaped from being taken care of by the dragon lady, and escaped from the prostitution of legal lolita, but in the end, I was molested/educated by this black-bellied girl without knowing it!


"Hey, student Hua Ye's eyes suddenly became so obscene..." La Feier tilted his head slightly and blinked his eyes, "You must be thinking about something bad, right?"

What's a dirty look?

I'll let you know what real obscenity is in a moment!

"Wow!" Liuhua was squatting in front of the ditch beside the corridor to wash his hands, and was startled by something swimming in the water, and then excitedly shouted, "There are fish in the water!"

"Where, where?" Satania's eyes lit up, she put on her shoes, and went to fish with Liuhua.

Not far from the acacia tree is a pond. The pond is not very big. It is not surprising that there are fish running out of the water when it is raining heavily.

"Why is the pervert looking at me like this?" Raphael took a step back, feeling that something was wrong, "Is it because you want to treat me..."

Before he could finish speaking, Hua Ye took a step forward and reached out to pick up the white and delicate chin of this black-bellied girl.

"Eh eh?"

If this action was performed by ordinary friends, it would of course appear too frivolous and unpleasant, but both of them have kissed several times, spanked their buttocks, touched their thighs, and picking their chin is naturally not a big deal.

In particular, Hua Ye, who had always been passive and waited for teasing, would now take the initiative to attack, and Liuhua and Satania were by his side. In the midst of his astonishment, a different kind of excitement surged up, making his heartbeat slow down by half a beat.

"What are students Hua and Hua Ye doing?" The pretty face of this dark-bellied girl suddenly turned bright red, and shyness and sweetness were shimmering in her eyes.

"doing what?"

Of course you are punished!

It is one thing to be angry or not, but it is another thing to punish or not to be punished if you find yourself being tuned/educated without knowing it!

Hua Ye snorted, and under the unbelievable gaze of the dark-bellied girl, he directly bowed his head and kissed her.

Rafael dodged subconsciously, but finally did not choose to dodge.

The lips meet and the eyes meet.

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