What's so serious, it's obviously just a little skin cut, a fall on the playground, it's more than this injury!

"Then what do you want?" Hua Ye said with a disgusted face.

"Don't you know how to heal?" This legal loli hesitated, her face flushed slightly, "Help me heal first, and then talk about other things..."

Although the wound on the chest was not big, the wound was already super delicate, and now it was even more painful after being soaked in the water of the swimming pool.

When the wound was on this kind of part, Igarashi was naturally embarrassed to ask others to help, because whether it was cleaning the wound or applying medicine, he would definitely have to strip naked.

Even though she is the queen of the night, but she can't even compare to the volume of elementary school students, she will definitely be pitied by the time, right?

I don't need that kind of pity, Igarashi!

So after much deliberation, he finally chose to ask Hua Ye to help.

Anyway, he had already seen all of it just now, so it would be no problem to let him see it again...

"Are you sure?" Hua Ye was speechless, "Is it okay to ask others to help with this kind of thing?"

"Stop talking nonsense, it's you!" Igarashi raised his chin, gritted his teeth and snorted, "It's not like you haven't rubbed it before, why are you ashamed?"

Hua Ye's face suddenly darkened.

Who is shy!You should be the one to be ashamed of this kind of thing!

"Take off your clothes." Hua Ye said with a straight face.

"Eh?" Igarashi subconsciously leaned back, "What are you doing?"

"How do you treat it without taking off your clothes?" Hua Ye couldn't help complaining, "The wound will be infected through the clothes!"

"It's, it's true..."

Igarashi hesitated for a moment, got up and walked to the bathroom.

"what are you doing?"

"Go to the bathroom and undress."

"Can't you just take it off here? Anyway, I've seen everything just now." Hua Ye looked disgusted, and complained, "I know exactly where you have moles, so what's there to be shy about?"

"Ahhh! I'm going to kill you pervert!"


After a while, the door of the bathroom was pushed open. Igarashi covered his chest with both hands, walked out slowly and sat on the bed, looking at Hua Ye warily.

Thin shoulders, slender collarbone, and jade-white skin are all exposed to the air at this moment... He is obviously a primary school student, but he has the charm of an adult.

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Take your hands away."

"Wait, wait a minute..." Igarashi hesitated, refusing to move his hand.

You said aggressively before, but now you feel embarrassed?

And your pair are sure, and they are not as big as many boys' breasts, so why be ashamed!

That's right, don't think that boys don't have breasts, regardless of gender, as long as a person gets fat, his chest will show up, so many fat boys' chests are enough for girls to look up to.In addition, there is also a disease of gynecomastia, which will also make men have extraordinary breasts!

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "I'm sorry..."

"They all said wait!"

After saying a few words, Igarashi calmed down a little, and exposed his left chest.

The wound opened by Jin Qi was about four to five centimeters long, just across the chest. Although the wound was very shallow, it was shocking to see such a bright red wound on the delicate white and jade skin.

Hua Ye looked down.

Although I have manually enlarged the breasts of this legal loli several times on the rooftop, I am already familiar with the size, contour and shape, but this is the first time I have seen it with my own eyes.


I don't feel it at all.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a star with poor breasts, the raised arc is really weak, that is to say, the date stone nails on the chest can help distinguish the front chest and back.

"What are you looking at?" Igarashi held back his shame, trying to make himself majestic, "Hurry up and help treat him!"

It's a pity that the majesty has already been shattered along with the integrity...

Chapter 814

"Is there a medical kit?" Hua Ye asked, "Disinfect the wound first."

Although it is okay to disinfect with saliva, after all, most wild animals lick their wounds with their tongues after being injured, but it would be shameful to let yourself use your tongue to disinfect that kind of place!

"But, damn it!" Igarashi's brows stood upright, and she quickly reached out to cover her chest, "Then why did you ask me to take my hands away?"

Hua Ye thought for a while and said:

"The chest is so small, maybe it's because it's usually covered tightly...so let it come out to breathe?"

"Go to hell!"

This legal loli was furious, and she was not afraid of losing her chest, so she reached out and grabbed a pillow, and smashed it hard.

Hua Ye caught the pillow, "Don't make trouble."

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