"My dog ​​didn't bite your child." The middle-aged woman also became ashamed and angry. "The leash is broken. I just took the dog to the street to buy it this time, can't I?"

"Don't take the dog out without a leash!"

"I said that my dog ​​is very good and doesn't bite people. I just wanted to play with your child, and I didn't touch him at all..." The middle-aged woman looked unhappy, and pointed at the husky at her feet, "Look, It is usually so obedient, how could it bite your child?"

Be good, sister!Who doesn't know that Husky is a well-known little house demolition expert, and now he is lying on the ground obediently, because it has sensed the Longwei on Elma, okay?

"I often hear people say 'the dog is very good and won't bite'. Isn't this a reason for walking the dog without a leash?" Gabriel pouted, not agreeing with the middle-aged woman's statement.

No matter how well-behaved a dog is, there is a possibility of biting people. After all, dogs and cats are standard carnivores, and the biological instincts inherited over thousands of years will not be wiped out just because of thousands of years of domestication.

In Germany, there is a clear law that you must keep your dog on a leash when you go out for a walk, otherwise you will be severely punished. Unfortunately, there is no such law in the island country. Whether you go out for a walk with your dog or not is based on morality and accomplishment... …

Unfortunately, not everyone has this quality.

The nature of the world is chaos and disorder, and the human heart is not a beautiful existence full of truth, goodness and beauty. If you take off the mask on your face, you will probably see a lot of evil and ugliness inside.It's like a thick book of laws and regulations. None of the laws in it are foresighted, and all of them are restrictions on criminal acts that have occurred.

The young mother picked up the shopping bag on the ground, held the child with the other hand, and said coldly: "A dog not on a leash is equivalent to a stray dog ​​and should be hunted down!"

The melon-eating crowd watching the excitement suddenly yelled in dissatisfaction.

"It's really wrong to go out for a walk with the dog without a leash. You can just discuss the matter. How can you talk about stray dogs?"

"That's right, stray dogs are not life? Most of them are abandoned by their owners. It's very pitiful to be homeless. How can you have no humanity at all?"

"I have fed many stray dogs. They have never bitten people, but they are very well-behaved and sensible."

"The city is so big, can it only accommodate people, but not a stray dog?"


Hua Ye and Gabriel looked at each other, both were speechless.

It seems that in the eyes of some "dog lovers", dogs do not bite people, do not defecate anywhere, do not have any malicious intentions, and are just little angels who come to the world to spread love and warmth... Even if a real angel stands in front of you , I can't spread love and warmth either.

It's as if some cos have ruined the reputation of the cos circle, and some extreme dog lovers have also caused others to misunderstand the dog-loving group.

There is a way to make money, and the same way to love dogs.

Stopping cars to save dogs on the highway, regardless of the safety of pedestrians.

He smashed up the dog meat shop, and cursed the owner and employees of the shop to "be reincarnated as a dog in the next life and be eaten by people."

These people are probably not 'dog lovers'.

Occasionally feeding on a whim can hardly improve the situation of these stray dogs, because they still have to suffer from hunger and pain, and still have to wander the streets and alleys in search of food... It is a pity that these dogs that really need care, but no one cares about them .

The dispute didn't last long.

A patrolling policeman passed by and after asking about the situation, he first criticized the behavior of the middle-aged woman for walking her dog without a leash, and then made an apology and mediation.

After the middle-aged woman apologized, the young mother took the child and left, and the crowd eating melons also dispersed.

"Hey, sister, what's wrong with you? Your face looks so pale..."

Gabriel turned her head to look at Gail, who had been silent all this time, she couldn't help being surprised, and asked with concern.

"No, it's nothing..." Jiaailu turned pale, bit her lower lip, shook her head and smiled, but the smile was forced no matter how you looked at it.

Gabriel blinked: "My sister is so strange..."

(PS: Today is May 5th, let me confess, I love you~~(*^▽^*))

Chapter 808 Choosing the Correct Treatment for Difficult Patients

"Sure enough, I still feel that something is wrong..."

In the supermarket, Gabriel frowned her slender willow eyebrows, showing doubts, and whispered to herself.

"What's wrong?" Hua Ye lowered his head and asked.

"When I told my sister about the curse at home, my sister didn't react at all, but just now at the entrance of the supermarket, her face turned so pale..." The crippled angel hugged his chest with one arm and held the other hand. Pressing the center of his eyebrows, he posed in the classic Detective Conan pose, "It looks...it looks like he's afraid of something?"

"That's right, that expression is afraid of something!"

Gabriel's eyes lit up, she clenched her fist and said:

"After I go back, I will post what happened just now to the chat group, and ask everyone to help me out... I have a feeling that the day when I take down my sister is not far away!"


"Gabriel." Gaair's voice came from the front.

"Come, come!" Gabriel instantly switched to holy angel mode, with a friendly smile and a gentle tone, "Sister, what's the matter?"

Kael asked:

"What are you cooking for lunch?"

"Hmm... How about scrambled eggs with tomatoes?" Gabriel suggested.

Jiaairu's transformation of this useless angel is comprehensive. Apart from not being allowed to play games, not to eat snacks, and then go to bed early and get up early, she is also training Gabriel's cooking skills... In short, perfect sister, no Can't cook.

"anything else?"

Gabriel answered cautiously: "Scrambled eggs with green peppers?"

"You like eggs so much?" Jiaailu raised her eyebrows.

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