There are not many customers in the coffee shop, most of them are old customers, the light is a little dim, and the conversations between them are quite soft.

Xiaoqian bent down slightly, leaned closer to Hua Ye, and made a disgusted face: "No wonder people say 'Teach apprentices, starve masters'... Anyway, you like to hide things from me now, won't your conscience hurt?"

Who is the apprentice, who is the master, you fool with zero love experience, the "unreliable strategy method" taught has no practical countermeasures at all, okay!

Hua Ye picked up the coffee and took a sip slowly: "I have no conscience."


Xiao Qianchao detested it.

Hua Ye suddenly discovered that this short-haired girl looked a bit like the maid lady on the cover of "Show You Fat Times with Disgusted Face", especially the disgusted expression on her face, which was almost the same.

At this moment, comics and reality overlap very similarly!

It's just that Xiaoqian won't lift her skirt at the slightest disagreement, and show Hua Ye what color her fat times are...

Thinking of this, Hua Ye turned his eyes and subconsciously landed on Xiaoqian's fat place.

Girls are the most sensitive in this regard. Xiaoqian quickly noticed Hua Ye's gaze, stepped back quickly, put the tray on her lower abdomen, opened her eyes wide and said in distaste: "What are you looking at?"

Hua Ye looked away: "I didn't see anything."

Xiaoqian raised her right hand, ready to fight, "I'm your buddy, you actually want to fuck me! Isn't the taste too strong?"

Your sister has a strong taste... No, your sister is Suguha, I don't know if the taste is heavy.

If you are a sheep living in the Arabian region, you will know what the real heavy taste is!

After the coffee shop closed, Wei Nai waved goodbye to Xiao Qian, and walked back with Hua Ye.

"My reward..." Hua Ye read.

"I know!" Wei Nai bit her lower lip, blushed and gave Hua Ye a look, "You can have knee pillows, but you don't have hot pants."

"I bought hot pants."

"You, you, you..." Wei Nai almost fainted out of breath, and gritted her teeth, "I mean, I can give you a knee pillow, but no hot pants!"

Hua Ye half-closed his eyes, and his tone became dangerous: "What? Are you going to go back on your word?"

"Who, who is going to repent?" Wei Nai hurriedly raised her hand to cover her chest, and said with a little confidence, "Just let you sleep one more time... Anyway, wearing hot pants or something, it's too embarrassing!"

Chapter 791 Lianliankan in the park

One does not dare to repent, Wei Nai is very sure that if she dares to shake her head and repent, Hua Ye will catch her and bully her the next moment.

"Shall we go to the park?"

Wei Nai puffed her cheeks, and said in a low voice, knee pillow or something, it was really embarrassing.

Although there are benches for people to rest on the side of the road, it is absolutely not acceptable to provide knee pillows in public. Even if they are not seen by acquaintances, passers-by will want to find a crack in the ground to drill down.

Hua Ye agreed: "Let's go."

The two quickly walked to a nearby park.

This park is a park for the elderly. On weekdays, most of the elderly are exercising in the park. Now that it is getting late and the evening breeze is cool, there are no pedestrians to be seen.

Walking into the park, turning from the avenue to a cobbled path, under the hazy moonlight, the surrounding fields are quiet.

As the evening wind blows, a scent of flowers hits the nostrils, elegant and fresh, and smelling it makes people feel refreshed.

"It smells so good..." Wei Nai sniffed her nose, "Is it sweet-scented osmanthus?"

Hua Ye nodded and said, "It's sweet-scented osmanthus."

The time has entered October, and the cherry blossoms have naturally disappeared, and the plum blossoms have not yet bloomed. Now is the season for the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus.

The most abundant trees in the park are naturally cherry trees. In addition, there are many golden osmanthus trees. The osmanthus trees are evergreen all year round, with luxuriant branches and leaves. They bloom every autumn and are full of fragrance when they bloom. It is a very common greening in modern times. species.

In contrast, heather is also an evergreen shrub, but unfortunately it is hated by people because of its smell. Sure enough, human beings are not only visual creatures, but also olfactory creatures.

With a wave of his hand, Hua Ye swept away a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus that had fallen on the bench: "Just sit here."

Wei Nai pursed her lips, a little nervous: "I heard that sweet-scented osmanthus cake is delicious..."

"Don't change the subject."

"Who, who changed the subject?" Wei Nai blushed and bit her lower lip, and sat on the bench, "It's just a knee pillow, you, just come..."

Under the hazy moonlight, Wei Nai's waist was straight, and she didn't sit like a lazy big guy with her left leg folded on her right leg like Jing Keai, nor like Gabriel's salty fish sitting, but her legs were tight Close together, like three good primary school students waiting for the teacher to roll their names.

Hua Ye looked down at Wei Nai's legs.Of course, there are no hot pants, nor are there any summer cool jeans that can reflect the shape of the legs, because knowing that Huaye is going to exchange for knee pillow rewards today, Wei Nai obviously wore a thicker brown pleated skirt on purpose, and a pair of blue skirts on her feet. The black sneakers and white knee-high socks completely cover the absolute realm... In short, they refuse to give out any benefits.

"Did I sleep?" Hua Ye asked.

"Hurry up, forget about the pillow." Wei Nai tried her best to tighten her face, but the blush on her face not only did not dissipate, but increased even more.

Hua Ye naturally didn't follow his heart, coughed lightly and said:

"Then I start."

Wei Nai raised her eyebrows, and raised her hand as if to hit, "Besides, do you believe it?"

So Hua Ye lay down and enjoyed Wei Nai's knee pillow service with peace of mind.

It seems that girls will have a good fragrance on their bodies.

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