"Look, Xiao Ye." Thor puffed up his cheeks and handed the homework to Hua Ye, "How do you write this?"

Hua Ye looked down, and the content of the topic was very simple, that is, let the primary school students read the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland", and then write or draw the wonderful adventure in their minds.

This is a very simple topic to open up the mind. After all, children always have many fantasies, such as becoming Snow White, Superman, or even the Admiral and so on.

"Alice in Wonderland..." Thor nodded his chin with one hand and muttered to himself, "Sleepwalking, right?"

"It's not." Hua Ye's face was dark, don't think it's sleepwalking just because there is a 'sleepwalking' in it, "it's not sleepwalking, it's a separate disease in itself, called 'Alice in Wonderland Syndrome' .”

This is a rather rare neurological disorder. People with this disease will have a distorted perception of the world. Simply put, they will see large objects as small objects, and tiny objects will be seen as Huge objects.

It's a pity that for Connor and Thor, other people's fantasies are facts that they have personally experienced, and it was difficult to write for a while.

"I'll draw it."

With a flick of his thumb, Hua Ye twirled the pencil around in his hand, and quickly drew a sketch.

Kang Na squatted on the ground in the posture of a big devil, with a group of anthropomorphic fruits under her feet, such as bananas, apples, pineapples, etc., running away in all directions, and then this blue-eyed young dragon was holding a strange creature in its hand , sending it to my mouth...

"Hey, what kind of fish is this? It looks so strange." Standing behind Hua Ye, Thor looked down curiously, his chin almost resting on Hua Ye's shoulder.

Kang Na was also lying on Hua Ye's lap, looking over with her eyes wide open without blinking.

"This is the very famous Dao Jingkun recently." Hua Ye complained, "It is said that it takes three years to make no mistakes, and there must be enough opportunities to cultivate one...the taste should be very good."

"Maggie, Bakune." Conna's eyes sparkled, and she held her small face in her hands, "I want to eat."

Anyway, when encountering any novelty, this blue-eyed young dragon wants to put it in his mouth to taste how it tastes. Dao Jingkun or something, if it can't be stewed in one pot, then two pots will be used.

Hua Ye returned the homework to Kang Na: "Draw the rest by yourself."

"Xiao Ye, I want it too!" Thor quickly raised his right hand.

"What do you want?"

"I want a comic like this." Thor propped his elbows on the sofa, and then held his face in his hands, his face full of anticipation, "The protagonist is me and Xiaolin, and the scene is a wedding ceremony, hehehe..."

Hey, what kind of trouble is such an excessive slut laughing!Sure enough, this is your nature!

"Draw it yourself." Hua Ye looked disgusted.

"No." Thor puffed up his cheeks, showing an expression of "how can you be so excessive?"

"Sure enough, I should slap you!"

Chapter 787 Moral Kidnapping

"Actually, lolicon is nothing to do with it." Thor was quite open-minded, and instead comforted Hua Ye, "Human beings are always full of all kinds of desires, such as wife control, sister control, maid control, and shota control. What, in comparison, Lolicon is very ordinary."

The ordinary lolicon is really sorry!

Thor continued: "When I was watching TV yesterday, I happened to see a variety show. It said that according to the survey, more than 25% of elementary school students have had love experience, so there is no problem in falling in love with elementary school students... "

There are so many problems!

Two elementary school students falling in love, and an adult falling in love with a loli are completely different things!The former parent would probably laugh it off, and the other parent would have his leg broken, okay?

"Let me tell you, since going to school, Connor has received dozens of love letters." Thor put his chin on one hand and blinked, "There are also a lot of chocolates and biscuits, which are the most popular in school. Oh people."


Hua Ye turned to look at Kang Na who was lying on the sofa drawing. He had only received three love letters in total. Has this blue-eyed young dragon received dozens of them?

She is so dazed and can eat at the same time, why do so many people write love letters to her!

The girlfriend you got in exchange for snacks, when you run out of snacks one day, you will definitely be abandoned, right?

"Oh, it's already so late." Unknowingly, at five o'clock in the afternoon, Thor raised his hand and patted his forehead, took out his mobile phone to call Xiao Lin, and then said to Hua Ye, "Xiao Lin said not to work overtime today, We will be home at about [-]:[-]...we can go shopping."

"Master Thor, I'll go too." Kang Na stood up, put the homework she had written into her schoolbag, and then threw the schoolbag into the second bedroom with her short legs.

Put on your shoes and get ready to go.

Xiaolin's home is located on the top floor of the apartment building, but there is no elevator, and he can only rely on two legs to go up and down the stairs.

When going downstairs, Thor was bouncing ahead, and the sound of "puyo puyo" on his chest made an old man who was going up the stairs open his eyes wide. The waist is no longer sore, the legs are no longer painful, and the person is no longer panting. He turned his head and followed behind. If it wasn't for the fact that the apartment only has six floors, it is estimated that he could follow Thor straight down a hundred floors.

Before reaching the supermarket, Hua Ye suddenly saw the entrance of an animation peripheral store, where tables were being set up for a discount sale. A group of people gathered around to watch the excitement, and in the center of the crowd was a small, red-faced, Bewildered bob-haired teenage girl.

"Grandma, I want that! I want that!"

A chubby man hugged his grandma's arm, pointed at the Optimus Prime toy on the table, and rolled on the ground when there was a disagreement.

There is no doubt that this is a typical bear child.

"Little girl, I only have so much money with me, and I'm still short of a thousand yen. Can you do me a favor?" the old woman with half-gray and half-white hair whispered.

Kitano Haruka pursed her lips and explained nervously: "I, I just came here to work. These prices are set by the boss, and I can't accommodate... When the boss comes back, you can tell the boss?"

There has never been a shortage of melon-eating people in this world who watch the excitement and don't think it's a big deal.

A middle-aged woman croaked there and said, "Oh, isn't it just [-] yen? You sold the toy, and it's the same when you come back and say no to the boss?"

"That's right, it's not easy for the elderly to take care of their children."

"Just take it as a good deed. After all, everyone has difficulties, right?"


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