"You are the one!"


Just as Hua Ye was about to speak, his eyes suddenly turned and fell on the bob-haired girl standing across the road delivering milk on a bicycle.

Gabriel also looked over, "Hey, the person who collects homework in our class?"

That's called a study committee member, not the one who collects homework, okay?Although she didn't do anything other than collect homework.

Looking at each other, Kitano Haruka obviously saw Hua Ye and Gabriel, and hurriedly looked back in a panic, then lowered his head, got on his bicycle, and left quickly.

"Did she see it just now?" Gabriel frowned slightly.

Hua Ye nodded: "I see."

The useless angel thought for a while, shook his head and said:

"Forget it, she looks very timid and afraid of getting into trouble, probably won't talk nonsense... Hurry up and help me with the medicine, all the medicine just now was wasted!"


After arriving at school, due to mouth ulcers, it was rare for Gabriel to not touch fish on the table. Instead, she frowned, propped her chin with one hand, and looked at the playground outside the window.

Kitano Haruka panicked immediately.

(Student Gabriel is so abnormal today, she must be thinking about how to deal with me, right?)

(Maybe even lock me up in the basement to do horrible things!)

The bob-haired girl fidgeted, and the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became. She couldn't help sending a message to Hua Ye: "Student Hua Ye, I didn't see anything this morning!"

Hua Ye was speechless: "You obviously saw it."

Talking nonsense with your eyes open, who are you trying to fool!

Kitano Haruka panicked even more: "I, I won't tell what I saw today! Please don't let Gabriel-san kill me!"

Hey, although I really don't want you to spread rumors, but killing you is too much. In your eyes, has this useless angel evolved from a bad girl to a cold-blooded killer?

However, she is just a salted fish with a combat power of 0.1 goose, you are afraid of the wrong person!

"I interrupted you guys making out in the morning, I left without apologizing because I have to deliver milk, and if I'm late, the customer will complain to me..."

Sorry your sister!If you foolishly come over and say sorry, it's not an apology, it's creating embarrassment!

"Don't worry." Hua Ye's face was dark, "She won't hurt you."

"Yeah, thank you Hua Ye..."


In a blink of an eye, it was lunch break.

in the dining hall.

"Hey, Xiaojia." Rafael stretched out a finger, and suggested with a smile, "Sister Jiaairu doesn't seem to be afraid of spicy food, why don't we try other dishes today?"


Gabriel shook her head resolutely.

When having dinner last night, my sister's eyes became brighter, obviously she was super satisfied, right?

What if you are unknowingly attacked by this facial paralysis with delicious food?

Gabriel gritted her teeth and said, "I won't eat it in the future!"

"Eh, why?"

"Because I'm super hot right now." Gabriel glared at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye said slowly, "Anyway, it's not my fault."

"Hmph, the weak Gabriel actually gets mouth ulcers." Satania raised her chin and said proudly, "I'm not afraid of spicy at all."

"Because you're a taste idiot!" Wei Nai remarked casually.

"I'm not afraid to say it." Liuhua raised her hand.

Rafael said with a smile: "Liuhuajiang, which can make tears flow when eating mustard puffs, will be spoiled by the heat."


"Let's get down to business, let's discuss how to deal with my sister?" Gabriel propped her chin with one hand, and sighed, "My sister almost made me kneel on the keyboard..."

Having said that, the useless angel glared at Hua Ye again.

Lafite stretched out a slender finger: "Would you like to let Wei Nai sauce go out and try?"

"I wouldn't do that kind of thing!"

Wei Nai firmly refused.

How could it be possible to seduce Sister Jiaelu or something, even though I am looking forward to Sister Jiaelu very much.

Of course, this kind of longing is not the kind of longing for men and women, but the worship of the elders by the younger generations.

After listening to Jia Ailu's words last night, Wei Nai suddenly found that Jia Ai Lu's three views are quite close to her own. For this senior who has excellent grades, strong strength, looks hard to talk but is actually very gentle, Wei Nai feels that the other party is what she wants The kind of person to be.

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