As a result, Gabriel gulped it down immediately.

Generally speaking, milk and honey are added to the yam juice as appropriate, and the taste will become fragrant and sweet, similar to milk, but Jiaailu does not add milk and honey for health preservation!

The original yam juice has an indescribable taste, it is simply a dark dish, and it is super unpalatable.

It happened that Wei Nai was standing opposite Gabriel, and a mouthful of yam juice was sprayed all over Wei Nai's body, and even a few drops fell on her face.

The milky white liquid from Gabriel slid down Wei Nai's cheeks, leaving wet marks. People who don't know the truth will definitely think of bad things when they see it...


Wei Nai's hand holding the kitchen knife was trembling slightly.

No matter how good-tempered a person is, he will get angry if he is brought to the pond for no reason.

"I was wrong!" Gabriel begged decisively, and took the opportunity to pass the yam juice into Hua Ye's hand, "I'll drink it for you!"

Hua Ye squinted his eyes and reached out to take the yam juice.

"Let me drink something so bad that it spits out, you are going too far."

Seeing this scene, Jiaairu slightly moved her lower lip, but said nothing in the end.

Wei Nai closed her eyes, sucked for a long time, finally put down the kitchen knife in her hand, turned around and went to the bathroom, without letting Gabriel's blood splash on the spot.

"I'll help you." Gabriel stuck out her tongue and hurried to follow.

"Need not!"

Wei Nai walked into the bathroom and looked at the neatly arranged towels on the wall, with a look of hesitation on her face.

It would be fine if it was just Gabriel's towel, but Gaair's towel is not easy to mess with.

"Xiao Jia, which towel is yours?" Wei Nai opened the door and asked in a low voice.

Gabriel stood just outside the door, hearing the words and replied:

"The innermost pink towel, you can use it as you like, it doesn't matter."

With a pretty face, Wei Nai closed the bathroom door again, then took the towel and started to deal with it.Washing the face is very simple, but the yam juice on the clothes is very troublesome. The only way is to change the clothes and then wash them.

There was no other way, Wei Nai could only push open the door: "Xiao Jia, bring me a change of clothes."


While Gabriel was going to get the clothes, Wei Nai took off the outer shirt, revealing a slender and graceful waist, a large piece of white skin like jade, and even a few drops of milky white yam juice flowing down the chest, Very uncomfortable.

Wei Nai bit her lower lip again, her pretty face flushed, she hesitated for a moment, raised a corner of the bra with one hand, and gently wiped it with the other hand.

However, after a while, a burning pain spread from the wiped area.

"how come……?"

Wei Nai was surprised and surprised, could it be that she was allergic to yam juice?

But even if it is allergic to yam juice, it should be itching, why is it painful?

The burning pain began to spread like wildfire, especially in the sensitive part of the chest, which made Wei Nai frown in distress.

"What the hell is going on, it's not yam juice, what else could be the reason... Wait!"

A flash of lightning cut through the fog in his mind, and Wei Nai suddenly opened his eyes wide, looking at the towel in his hand in horror.

I remembered……

I cut hot peppers and millet peppers in the kitchen just now, and after being sprayed by Gabriel, I ran to the bathroom to wash my body in shame and anger, but forgot to wash my hands seriously!

In other words... the reason why the chest hurts is because of the hot pepper water? !

As we all know, spicy is a kind of pain rather than taste. In simple terms, you can only feel sour, sweet, bitter and salty with your tongue, but the feeling of spicy pain can be clearly felt on every piece of skin on your body.

Especially when the girl's delicate chest was stained with pepper water, the strange pain was magnified ten times, a hundred times, and Wei Nai almost collapsed.

She bit her lower lip tightly, hurriedly rinsed the towel with cold water, and then wiped her body again.

The cold feeling temporarily subsided the burning pain, but when the coolness passed, the pain returned again with doubled force.


The unbearable burning pain finally made Wei Nai let out a low moan full of anguish.

"Hey, Vinay?" Gabriel just took the clothes and walked back to the door, "Are you okay?"

"No, nothing..." Wei Nai shook her head in a low voice, suppressing her grievance.

"He said it's okay!" Gabriel made a 'ha', her brows raised, "It sounds like she's about to cry! Open the door quickly, let me go in and have a look!"

"You, don't call other people over..." Wei Nai opened the door with a gap, and whispered tearfully, "Come in and say..."

Chapter 780 Gabriel who betrayed the Holy Light

"Xiao Jia, don't make your voice so loud..." Wei Nai opened the door with a gap, biting her lip and said, "Anyway, let's talk when we come in..."

The two have bathed together, soaked in hot springs together, and slept together. Although the current situation is embarrassing, there is no need to hide it in front of Gabriel. Things... just thinking about it makes me want to jump off the stairs!

Gabriel walked into the bathroom and saw that Wei Nai's pretty face was flushed, as if she could bleed, she didn't know whether she was angry or ashamed, but there was still mist in her eyes, and she looked like she was about to cry, she couldn't help being frightened one jump.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" The crippled angel held his breath and became nervous, "Don't scare me."

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