Hua Ye put on a straight face: "You go out first."

"No." The senior sister puffed up her cheeks and kept shaking her head, "How can I not listen to such an interesting thing, at worst, I will help you with my hands..."

Shut up, you king of mouth!He said it nicely, but he would definitely turn his head and run away when things come to an end!

Hua Ye thought for a while, but he didn't throw her out with the stupid hair on the top of the senior sister's head. After all, today's affairs have to be rounded up. Hua Ye doesn't like to use force to modify other people's memories. It can completely erase everyone's memory.

It's just that whenever something happens, you modify and play with other people's memories, so what's the difference between others and a marionette?

Naturally, Senior Sister Dai is quite popular in school, so asking her to help explain it will save a lot of trouble.

Hua Ye glanced at the senior sister: "Then you are not allowed to interrupt."

"No problem!" Sister Wen Nai hurriedly patted her chest to assure, "As long as you don't interfere with me..."

"Sure enough, let's throw you out!"


"Hmm!" Senior sister Wen Nai shook hands and put her mouth near her mouth, and pretended to clear her throat, "First question, what's the girl's name?"

Hua Ye said casually, "You can call her... Ilya."

This is a syllable in the real name. Even if the full name is spoken, others will not understand it.

"Second question." The senior continued to ask, "What is the relationship between Miss Ilya and you?"


Illya, secretary of the Demon King.

There are always people who think that the devil should kill cruelty and destroy the world if he disagrees with him, but it is not... at least not in this worldview.

The times are developing, and the demons are also progressing. No one likes the primitive way of life of being ashamed and drinking blood.Although the demons are warlike as a whole, there are also voices yearning for peace. There are many internal voices, but before Hua Ye fell asleep, he didn't care about these boring trivial matters, and handed them all over to his secretary. ...

(PS: Because you are expecting too much, but you don’t know how to write it, it’s a headache...)

Chapter 735

in the community room.

Gabriel, Rafael, Alice and others sat side by side on the sofa, looking at Hua Ye and Ilya with eyes.


Gabriel raised her hand and patted the table in the posture of a county magistrate, crossing her chest with one hand and said, "Leniency is lenient for confession, strictness for resistance, tell me what is your relationship?"

Hey, what's wrong with your sitting posture in the tribunal!

Hua Ye squinted his eyes and answered concisely: "Ilya, my former maid."

In fact, her real identity is the secretary of the Demon King, but if she is a secretary, it is very troublesome to explain her duties. You can't say that her job is to formulate a plan for world domination, right?

While changing clothes in the locker room, Tianrandai confused the secretary for a maid. Hua Ye felt that the maid was easier to understand than the secretary, so he went along with the flow and downgraded Ilya to a maid.

Where did the senior sister fool her? After saying a few words, the senior sister automatically figured out that the young master of the rich family did not inherit his wealth and ran out to experience life, and now the personal maid of the Heavenly Department came over... I guess it's a plot from a novel.

Although it is bloody and routine, I have to admit that it is definitely a plot that people love to hear and see. With the gossip ability of the senior sister, it is estimated that it has spread by now.

Now is the age of information ocean, today's hot news will be swept into the garbage dump tomorrow and no one cares about it, and Igarashi can help deal with it, so it can always be fooled.

"Hey, is it a maid?" Machiko pursed her lips, always feeling that something was wrong, even if she was a maid, she didn't need such an exaggerated appearance.

Dirty Loli puffed up her cheeks: "Really, brother Xiaoye would be fine with me and Lingna, he doesn't need a maid at all."


The maid's statement can only fool Machiko and Alice, but not Vinay and Rafael.

It's just that Wei Nai and Gabriel and the others agreed tacitly and didn't ask any more questions.

After all, there are some things that don’t need to be said clearly, it’s good for everyone to know clearly

To be able to make at least a powerful being of the upper angel level kneel down respectfully and salute, and say "my king", no matter how you think about it, it can't be an ordinary onmyoji, right?

What good is there in just asking?

It seems that for so long, no one has told Alice and Machiko about their identities as angels and demons, because whether you admit it or not, the gap in identities will inevitably lead to a gap in communication. In the morning, eating fried dough sticks and Soy milk, you can chat and brag with the uncle at the same table without any scruples, but if you are at the same table with the prime minister or the chairman, you will definitely not be able to feel at ease.

"Wait a minute..." Alice suddenly asked a question, "Maids are supposed to serve their masters, right?"

Illya replied calmly: "From now on, I will serve at the side of the master."

Originally, Ilya was called "My King", but Hua Ye asked her to follow others to call Hua Ye's classmate, but Ilya refused no matter what, and finally had to let her call her master.

Rafael stretched out a slender finger, and tapped her chin lightly: "But I remember that there is only one bed in Hua Ye's apartment..."

"I will stand by and wait for the master's order at any time."

Wei Nai couldn't help complaining: "It's scary to stand by and watch other people sleep, okay?"

"Then I will kneel by the bed and wait for the master's order..."

Letting you kneel aside and stand by at any time, you are not a maid at all, but a slave girl!

"There is such a well-behaved and obedient maid..." Gabriel turned to look at Hua Ye with contempt in her eyes, "Quickly tell me, did you imitate those disgusting plots and brainwash her?"

Hua Ye said with a blank expression: "If I wanted to brainwash, I would have experimented with all the plots on you long ago."

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