Wei Nai pointed out with disgust in her eyes: "You just had a drink."

"Cough." Hua Ye changed the subject, "Don't you want to take a shower? Surely you can't get a change of clothes in this state? I'll help you."

"I don't need your help, I just go to the bathroom and wash my hands..."

"But the watermelon juice on your clothes is still wet, maybe it will spread all over the room."


Wei Nai's body trembled slightly. It was obvious that Hua Ye had hit the nail on the head. He had been at war with heaven and man for a long time, and finally bit his lip and said, "Then, help me get some clothes, it's in the closet in the bedroom... "

As soon as the words came out, Wei Nai regretted it.

and many more!

He is a boy, not Xiaojia or Lafei, how can he help with changing and washing clothes?

"Wait a minute..."

Wei Nai was about to regret it, but unfortunately Hua Ye had already opened the door and walked into the bedroom.

Compared with the elegant and clean living room, there is no doubt that the bedroom has more warm tones belonging to girls. The curtains are blue wave ripples, star stickers are pasted on the walls, and there is a desk next to the window. In addition to books, there are also cat pen holders and cat-shaped table lamps, as well as couple mugs that were won by a lottery at that time. The fluffy pillows and dolls on the bed are the most conspicuous...

Hua Ye took a glance and quickly confirmed that most of the dolls were caught by himself.

Seeing Hua Ye looking at the furnishings in the bedroom unhurriedly, Wei Nai bit her lower lip and urged, "Don't look, hurry up and help me get a change of clothes!"

Wei Nai was surprised to find that asking Hua Ye to help with underwear didn't seem so unacceptable.

(Swimsuits and underwear should be about the same... right?)

(When he was on vacation at the island, he looked at swimsuits every day, so it shouldn't be a problem for underwear to be looked at...)

Hua Ye opened the closet and asked, "What color underwear do you want?"

Even though she kept reassuring herself not to care, Wei Nai's face was still blushing, she gritted her teeth and said, "The top two pieces will be fine!"

"That's the white dress..."

Hua Ye casually took out a pair of neatly folded white panties, and quickly made sure of one thing

Girls' underwear is indeed softer and silkier than boys' underwear.

"It's these two pieces?" Hua Ye raised the fabric in his hand.

Wei Nai's lips were about to bite and bleed, "Come out quickly!"

Chapter 706 Let me wipe your back for you

Wei Nai stood at the door of the bedroom, reaching out to take the change of clothes, but she took it back halfway through, and pursed her lips, "Forget it, forget it...you can help me take it into the bathroom."

(Anyway, he has seen it and touched it, so it's nothing to help him get it to the bathroom...)

(After all, the hands haven't been washed yet, so the sticky hands will definitely stain the underwear?)

"it is good."

Hua Ye responded and walked into the bathroom.

Like the living room and bedroom, the bathroom is also clean, there are not too many cosmetics, only lipstick and sunscreen, as well as shower gel, shampoo, soap, etc., are neatly placed from big to small, as for the mess everywhere The fat times or underwear thrown... It's not the useless angel Gabriel, how could it be there!

For Wei Nai, throwing the changed clothes in the bathroom without washing is like having bugs crawling on her body, it will be extremely uncomfortable!

There are many cat-shaped adhesive hooks on the wall, which are very convenient for hanging clothes or towels.

Hua Ye hung up the shirt and Fatty separately, then turned around and walked out. Just as he was about to speak, Wei Nai was the first to say: "Okay, it's none of your business here, you can go back!"

"No." Hua Ye shook his head.

"What are you doing?" Wei Nai looked wary.

"Drink tea." Hua Ye took it for granted, "When you come out of the shower, make me a cup of tea, and I'll leave after drinking the tea."

"There are green tea and barley tea in the refrigerator, if you want to drink, you can take it yourself."

"No." Hua Ye shook his head, "I only want to make tea with you."


Facing the thick-skinned Hua Ye, Wei Nai was speechless. She couldn't drive her away, and she couldn't listen to her words. She could only bite her lower lip and said, "Turn on the TV."

"Yeah." Hua Ye turned on the TV, which happened to be an [-] o'clock TV series.

"Turn up the volume."

Hua Ye said, "I can hear you clearly."

Wei Nai gritted her silver teeth: "Just let it go."

When Hua Ye turned up the volume to about half, Wei Nai said, "Okay, let's watch TV...I'm going to take a shower!"

After quickly walking into the bathroom, closing and locking the bathroom door, Wei Nai breathed a sigh of relief and began to undress.

Hua Ye sat on the sofa, not interested in the TV series that was playing, propped his chin with one hand, and turned his head to look at the bathroom.

The door of the bathroom is made of frosted glass, and the situation inside cannot be seen clearly from the outside, only a vague figure can be seen, which seems to be... bending over to take off his clothes?

There is no need to bend over to take off the shirt, and there are fresh sandals on the feet, so that means, is Wei Nai taking off her jeans?

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