
After half an hour, lunch was finally ready.

Xiao Hinata quietly picked up the chopsticks and was about to pick up vegetables, but just as she reached out her hand, she was slapped on the head.

"No stealing."

"Hi!" Xiao Hinata hurriedly acted like a baby, "Because the dishes cooked by my sister are so delicious! I can't help it!"

"Hurry up and wash your hands, and then serve the dishes." Miss Miko snorted softly, her lips curled up slightly.

Four dishes and one soup, no more, no less, but they all look exquisite and smell attractive.

Hua Ye tasted it, and the taste was unexpectedly good, even slightly better than Wei Nai's craftsmanship, and even more than ten blocks away from that idiot Gabriel.

"Oni-chan, is it delicious?" Xiao Hinata asked with blinking eyes.

"It's delicious." Hua Ye praised.

"I just said that the food cooked by my elder sister is the best!" The little girl was triumphant and proud.

Miss Miko didn't speak, but a nice curve was drawn on the corners of her lips.

After finishing the meal, Hinata simply cleaned up and turned on the TV to watch children's programs.

Miss Miko poured a few cups of tea and put them on the tea table.

Time passed quietly, and before you knew it, it was already afternoon.

The sky outside the house is extremely clean, like a clear lake, not stained by a speck of dust.

The sun fell quietly on the body, warm and extremely comfortable.

The cherry blossoms in the yard have faded, but there is still a faint fragrance in the air.

The kitten girl Lingna also seemed sure that Hua Ye would not spoil her, and now she was lying next to Xiao Hinata, watching TV together.

Fortunately, the sofa is big enough for four people to sit side by side.

After an unknown amount of time, when Hua Ye felt a little sleepy, his arms suddenly sank.

Hua Ye turned his head to look, and saw Xiao Hinata leaning on his arm, and had already fallen asleep quietly. At this moment, he arched like a kitten, and after finding a comfortable position, he fell asleep again.

Hey, I'm not a pillow!

Didn't you watch TV very excitedly just now, why did you suddenly fall asleep!

Hua Ye will look again.

The cat girl next to her also fell asleep, the beard on her cheek trembled, leaning against Xiao Hinata's shoulder.

It really is a cat, do you have to catch up on sleep during the day!

Hua Ye grimaced, and then turned his gaze to Miss Miko.

Miss Miko finally did not fall asleep.

However, the big eyes were already hazy, and the head began to move a little bit. On the clean and flawless face, the corners of the mouth were slightly raised, and there was a faint smile.

Hey, are you really good at being so reassuring to me!It's my first time visiting as a guest!As the saying goes, you know the face but don't know the heart. Believe it or not, I suddenly became wild and pushed you three away!

From a beautiful girl with long black hair to a cute little loli, and then to a girl with cat ears, the gold medal has achieved a triple kill!Congratulations!

Hua Ye shook his head, picked up the remote control, and turned down the volume of the TV.

Then turned to look outside.

The air is quiet.

Occasionally, when the wind blows, the leaves rustle slightly, shaking off the ground and dancing shadows.

Hua Ye suddenly realized that such a quiet afternoon was obviously a very good enjoyment.

Chapter 74 The New Transfer Student

Monday morning.

Hua Ye got up on time as usual, washed up briefly, ate a piece of bread, and then went out to the school.

When passing by the next door, I didn't hear any movement inside the door, presumably that idiot Gabriel stayed up all night to practice immortality yesterday, and he hasn't woken up yet.

Hua Ye didn't mean to call her, and walked to the school alone.

I thought I would walk to school quietly as usual today, but just as I walked to an alley, I heard a familiar whimpering sound.

Turning around, she saw a silver-haired girl squatting on the ground. The golden sun fell on her long hair, like mercury pouring down, reflecting the dazzling light.

The girl was tearing open the bread in her hand and feeding the white stray dog ​​in front of her, with a peaceful and indifferent smile on her face.

Under the bright sunshine, the girl's long hair fluttered gently in the morning breeze, half of her profile face was almost flawless.

It was Raphael.

Hearing footsteps behind him, Rafael looked back and said with a smile, "Student Hua Ye, good morning."

Why, I taught you a lesson and you haven't learned to be smart, so you want to seek revenge from me?

As a result, Raphael didn't advance the matter of the night at all, but just asked: "Where is Xiao Jia, didn't classmate Hua Ye come to school with Xiao Jia?"

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