Hua Ye followed the prestige, and saw a woman wearing high heels who seemed to be fascinated by her hair, so that her feet staggered, causing the white plastic bag in her hand to accidentally fall, and there seemed to be something round inside. Rolling down the steps like a rubber ball.

Wei Nai has always been willing to help others, and she is called a "true little angel" in the class, so she naturally wouldn't just sit idly by. She took two steps forward and was about to grab the convenience bag.

Hua Ye had already discovered that there was a watermelon in the bag, so he didn't care.

As a result, just when Wei Nai was about to catch the watermelon, an accident happened suddenly.

The watermelon had already rolled out of the bag. It was already a ripe watermelon, and after rolling down such a long step, plus I didn’t know where it bumped into. When it rolled in front of Wei Nai, it was unexpected. It exploded with a reasonable "bang".

The red watermelon juice splashed in all directions, fortunately it was not crushed by the woman above the steps, otherwise it would have been a shocking tragedy!

Finally... Wei Nai has something to say.

Chapter 705 Luo Tang Ji

"Eh eh?"

After all, Wei Nai's reaction was half a beat too late. At the moment the watermelon exploded, although she made a dodging gesture, she still couldn't avoid the angry watermelon bomb.

As a result, she instantly turned into Luo Tang Ji—a Luo Tang Ji made of watermelon juice.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The woman hurried down, apologizing repeatedly, "This is a watermelon that my friend asked me to take home to eat, I was blinded by the sand just now, and accidentally dropped it... Really sorry!"

This woman seems to have just had a drink, with a slightly drunken blush on her face, and a faint smell of alcohol on her body, but her eyes are still clear...Of course, it is also possible that she saw Wei Nai's "tragedy" Afterwards, he was directly frightened and sobered up.

Wei Nai bit her lower lip, although her heart was extremely messy, and she even began to doubt life, she still didn't want to make things difficult for others: "It's okay, I just got wet, I just need to take a shower and change clothes when I go back..."

The woman breathed a sigh of relief just now, when she turned her head and saw the tall Hua Ye approaching, she was a little scared, and hurriedly apologized to Hua Ye: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to dirty your girlfriend's clothes!"

Wei Nai is doubting her life at the moment, but she doesn't deny it.

"Well, I'll pay you a little money..."

"No, no." Wei Nai came back to her senses and refused seriously, "My apartment is just a few steps ahead, I'll be back soon."

As he spoke, he used his eyes to stop Hua Ye from making trouble: "Let's go back quickly?"


Looking at Wei Nai who was in a state of embarrassment at the moment, even Hua Ye couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"why are you laughing?"

Wei Nai bit her lower lip, and gave Hua Ye a shy and angry look.

Now she is covered in watermelon juice, her clothes are soaked, she is almost as sick as hell.

Hua Ye coughed lightly, and suggested, "How about we go to the hotel across the road to take a shower and change?"

"do not want!"

Wei Nai resolutely refused with disgust in her eyes.

It's not like it's raining heavily. In this situation, there's no need to go to a hotel, right?

And even if I went to the hotel, I didn't have a change of clothes, okay?

"I'll be back to the apartment soon..." Wei Nai bit her lower lip and ordered, "You help me take the tissue out of the backpack first."

Now both hands are wet and sticky with watermelon juice, and I can't even hold things.

"Yes." Hua Ye responded, and took out a pack of tissues from his backpack.

Wei Nai reached out to take one, and began to wipe the watermelon juice on her hand. Hua Ye was not idle, took out another one, and helped Wei Nai wipe the few drops of liquid splashed on her face.


Wei Nai hesitated for a moment, and finally acquiesced in Hua Ye's help.

(It's not an outsider, so it's okay to help wipe your face...)

It's just that Wei Nai soon couldn't bear it anymore.

"your hands!"

Hua Ye coughed lightly: "What's wrong?"

Wei Nai half-closed her eyes, her eyes were extremely disgusted, she gritted her teeth and said, "If you help, you can help, if you pinch my face again, I will get angry!"


I simply dealt with the watermelon juice on my hands and face, but I couldn't deal with the one on the clothes, because there were too many wet places, even if I wiped it with paper, it couldn't be wiped clean. The only way was to go home and take a shower and change clothes.

"Hurry back to the apartment!"


The apartment is indeed not far away. After going up this ramp, after a short while, he walked quickly to the downstairs of the apartment. At this time, the watermelon juice on Wei Nai's body was still wet, and her clothes were still wet.

Wei Nai pursed her lips, and was about to say "Go back", when Hua Ye suddenly said, "Shall I open the door for you?"


"You're covered in watermelon juice now, don't dirty the room later."

Wei Nai hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded in agreement:

"OK then……"

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