"By the way." Rafael asked curiously, "What did you guys do just now?"

Just as Hua Ye was about to answer, Alice pursed her lips and rushed to answer, "I accidentally spilled Coke on my clothes just now, so I went to the bathroom to dry it with a hand dryer..."

As he spoke, he blinked at Hua Ye with a guilty conscience, and signaled Hua Ye not to tell the story of meeting Xiaoqian just now, otherwise he must ask what was discussed, right?

It's too embarrassing, Lord Bai Yu must not let him know!

It's a pity that this little bean's little movements were too rusty, and it didn't avoid Raphael's eyes at all, but Raphael didn't ask much, just picked up a piece of popcorn, "Alice, do you want some popcorn?"

"Yeah." Alice nodded vigorously, very happy, "The popcorn fed by Master Baiyu is the best!"

After a while, however, Alice was unhappy.

the reason is simple.

Because there is a family of three sitting in front, or a younger sister on a date, and she is also a golden retriever loli...

Alice looked left at Rafael, then at Hua Ye, and quickly puffed up her cheeks.

(Could it be that in the eyes of others, I am also the daughter of this big pervert and Master Bai Yu?)

(No, I want to change seats!)

(Daughter or something, absolutely unacceptable!)

"Hey, come and sit with me." Alice looked at Hua Ye, "I'll sit with you."

"What's the reason?" Hua Ye turned his head to look.

"There's no reason." Alice naturally wouldn't say that she was afraid of being regarded as a daughter by others, "I just want to change seats, can't I?"

Hua Ye nodded: "No."

"You, you guy..."

"Hey, student Hua Ye and Alice should change seats?" Raphael blinked at Hua Ye, "Gentleman, gentleman."

However, the "gentleman" nowadays is pronounced as a gentleman and written as a pervert!

"Get up quickly."

Hua Ye stood up, and this little bean also stood up in a hurry, leaning on his side, ready to lean against the chair in the front row and walk past Hua Ye.

In the end, because she was too anxious, she accidentally rubbed against Hua Ye's body. The soft, delicate and elastic touch from the rubbing part was actually quite good.

Hua Ye didn't respond.

When Igarashi's legit loli ass was spanked, it was a similar smooth and tender touch, which can be said to be used to it.

It was the first time for Alice to have such intimate contact with a boy, but still in such a shameful posture and such a shameful part, so she couldn't help but let out a low cry: "Ah..."

"Alice, what's the matter?" Rafael asked puzzled.

"No, it's nothing..." Alice shook her head hurriedly, and sat down on Hua Ye's seat just now, her little face was already flushed red, and those blue eyes, which were already very big, opened even wider at this moment, feeling ashamed. He glared at Hua Ye angrily, as if he wanted to pounce on Hua Ye and bite Hua Ye with an 'ahhhh'.

It's just that the eyes are watery, even if you try to put on the posture of "I'm fierce, don't talk to me, or I will bite you", there is no deterrent effect at all, but it looks charming and cute.

"What are you doing?" Hua Ye just felt baffled.

"Hmph!" Alice lowered her voice, her eyes disgusted, "Stay away from me, I hate you the most!"

(Disgusting! Disgusting!)

(The hard thing just now must be... must be that kind of thing?)

(Even though he was watching a horror movie, he still had such an obscene reaction, he really is a pervert!)

(Boys are the nastiest and most disgusting!)

Without Hua Ye noticing, the phone sent another wave of assists.


After Hua Ye sat down, Raphael came closer, blinked his eyes, and whispered with a pleasant smile: "If classmate Hua Ye looks at Alice with eyes full of fatherly love, maybe it can trigger the hidden branch?"

What hidden branch?

For some reason, the words 'full of fatherly love' sound terrible.

Raphael pouted.

Hua Ye looked at the family of three in the front row, and suddenly realized.

No wonder Alice, who always likes to stick to Raphael, took the initiative to change seats this time. Was it because she didn't want to be misunderstood as a daughter?

Hua Ye thought for a while, then turned to look at Alice.


"What are you looking at me for?" Alice leaned back slightly, making a posture of avoiding, "The eyes are so obscene!"


Well, I really can't learn from my father's loving eyes.

Chapter 701

In the blink of an eye, most of the movie has been released.

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